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Posts posted by Jeepz

  1. KevinN~

    Ah, the sweet single shot Ruger rifle. Wonderful piece of work that. Remington 700 is a pretty good rifle too, but a bolt action, so not quite as interesting to me as a good single shot.

    Generally, I always recommend a revolver for self defense work. A well made revolver is reliable, easy to check, doesn't require jacking a round like a semi-auto (unless you carry the semi-auto with one chambered), no safety to remember, magazine catch to hit under stress and drop your ammo on the floor. You would be amazed what can go wrong when the adrenaline starts pumping.

    If you don't shoot regularly and practice with your weapon, don't bother with a semi-auto. I don't care how "kewl" they look, how many rounds they hold, or what movie you saw someone waving it around in. Semi-auto's need attention, have magazine feed problems, need to have the magazines swapped out occasionally (due to spring fatigue), and are subject to a long list of various woes.


    Of course you shouldn't own a gun. Don't think about it. Don't consider if anyone else owns one either. I think idiots and felons shouldn't own firearms. 'Nuff said.


  2. KevinN~

    Do you think I'd get in trouble for using one of those little stun gun/cattle prods on nosy white guys and mouthy white girls? Oops, did I say that? Uhmm, never mind, obviously I'm typing without enabling the pc filter on my pc.

    [Note: Nosy White Guys, no I wouldn't actually shock you. Mouthy White Girls, no I wouldn't shock you either, but I do so love it when your get your knickers in a knot.]


    p.s. If for a little bit, it says I'm a mod here, I'm not. It was a case of mistaken identity. It will be corrected in the near future and you can slag me all you want with impunity. At least from me.

  3. You mean I'll have to do my own laundry when I move to Thailand? Dagnabit! That was one of the reasons I wanted out of the States. Housekeeper, laundress, maybe a cook (maybe not, I like to cook). I can tell whites from colored laundry even at the age of fifty something.

    I would have thought they were having it done for them, but maybe they just lump the whole thing in a bag and so it gets washed that way by their laundry service. I really don't want to do my laundry, so I hope that sorting it will solve the problem.


  4. Kurgen~

    Personally, probably not. I'm almost their age and won't even consider the proposition these days. Now, bit different if I'd been married to her for the last twenty or thirty years, I suppose.

    But if I was young and hungry, if I had people to feed, if I needed some money badly. If I had very few options, well, who knows.


  5. Woof Woof!

    I suppose she (MsNina) mentioned on the theory that you wouldn't point her toward some cheap place to live in the middle of a sexpat or sex tourist playground. Pure supposition on my part. Probably a bit of being forward about who you are. Nothing particularly wrong in that.

    If I said I'm looking for info about where to look for digs in BKK and I liked being around young people you might respond one thing. If I said the same but qualified it with wanting peace and quiet instead of youthful companions, you might change your recommendations.

    Also, being less than entranced with feminism is not the same thing as being a misogynist, stroll.


  6. It is nowhere like ######in the mother of your own children. Which as sleazy as I am,I would not do. :o


    Okay, I've stared at this line for awhile now trying to parce its meaning out. But I keep finding myself in a veritable quandry. If you don't eff the mother of your children, you don't get to have any children. But if you do eff the mother of your children, you get children and a certain sleaze attachement?

    You are just trying to give me a headache, aren't ya? :D


  7. Old farts don't really care too much what you think about them. They have a few years left and they usually know that. So whatever fun they are going to have had better start getting done.

    And even with Viagra/Cialis/*whatever* they are not really raging stud muffins. What they are really after is just the company of something that is easy on their eyes. Oh not to say they don't give it a poke now and again, but I doubt they are keeping the girls from losing any real amount of sleep.

    It may tick some folks off to see it, and that's okay. I do feel a bit sorry for the girls that find this the best option in their life to get by. But not like I was personally consulted about the rules of existance.

    And most of us want something from Thailand, me I'm looking for a good cheap (read affordable) maid. No washing dishes, scrubbing floors, etc etc for me when I hang it up the workworld. I want one good reliable house keeper and I'm a happy camper. And no poking the help either! Bad habit and sure as heck a good way to lose help.

    However, please note that I am not taking a vow of celibacy on arrival in the LOS.


  8. Cathyy~

    Good for you! I don't particularly agree with everything you said but I am happy to see that you've found a partnership that works for the both of you. I think that really is the important thing in a marriage.

    I am a bit curious why you are moving to Thailand when he retires. Is it due to cost of living or are there other factors?


  9. Dutchy~

    I suppose the capability of actually producing the amount would figure into it. Some guy offers you fifty bucks for something and another guy walks up and says hey, I'll give you seventy five. Now all things being equal, seventy five takes it. But if you don't think the guy actually can produce seventy five, or say he'll give you twenty five now and fifty down the road, then you might just take the fifty bucks and go on.


    Maybe Steinbrenner will sell the Yankees. That would get Thailand some attention.

  10. Sorry, most of what I read is fiction, primarily mysteries with a historical bent. Been on that jag for about two years now and it is still running strong.

    Berlin Noir by Philip Kerr. Good stuff, a bit too much schtick going on in the first one (still an okay read), but he gets a handle on it in the second novel and the third is just nigh on perfect. Oh, right, Berlin Noir is a single book made up of three independant novels. First one set in Berlin prior to WWII as the Nazi's are gearing up. Second novel is during the war. Third novel is after the war, with the allies squabbling and Berlin in ruins.

    And in the vein of wise cracking detectives, The Silver Pigs, first in a series set in Rome circa first century anno domini is a pretty good tale. Author is Lindsey Davis and a whole series of novels are out featuring Marcus Didius Falco. Be warned that there is a love story that runs through the series. If you can't stand the taint of mush in you mystery, it may be a problem, but it isn't over done and adds a pleasant touch to the whole thing, imho.

    Non fiction, hmmm, not much. I just read Alexander Ross version of the first white settlement in Oregon. Not something most people will find compelling. But I am amazed that someone hasn't written a novel or made a movie about the ship Tonquin. It carried the fur traders to Oregon for John Jacob Astor. The captain was a bit of a nut case, though a very competent sailor. Ended up taking off to do some trading with tribes to the north. Was over run by natives and all hands killed. But before the last one died, he made it to the ship's magazine (black powder storage) and set it off, blowing the whole ship up and killing the natives that were ransacking the ship. Estimated 175 dead. Gotta be a movie script in there someplace. This is about 1810 or 1811 I believe.


  11. Yohan~

    I have to agree with you about Samran's advice. "Keep head down" and "bite your tongue" along with "defer always (to) someone older" are concepts that don't sit well with youth, radicals, or feminists. Combining all three doesn't make those pearls of advice more palatable.

    But to be honest, it's not like you (and I) don't do our fair share of whining about perceived inequities. We both know that life is less than fair. That sometimes marriage is occasionally rigged game of craps. And that both sides (male or female) have come out the loser in it.

    I will salute the various women that are moving to Thailand in that they are going to live there and experience it first hand. That in and of itself will be a learning opportunity. We all begin journeys with ideas and agendas that will be changed by experience. But whether one is a radical feminist, a sex tourist, or even a backpacker, a certain amount of baggage (emotional/mental carry ons) comes along and some of it will get lost or swapped along the way.

    The sex trade will continue at some level regardless of anything anyone here does. It has been around for longer than all of us, even if we added our ages together. It will, in some form or another, be around just as long afterwards. One may visably suppress it, but it is pretty darn nigh impossible to eradicate. Regardless of what you bring to bear. It wouldn't make a bit of difference if society was matriarchal, radical, socialist, or whatever in nature or not. Zero diff. Not an <deleted> iota of a smidgeon of diff. Sex trade would still be around.

    Interestingly, for all the sex tourists travelling to Thailand, any one of them can likely get similar services right where they come from. Costs more maybe, but by the time you figure in plane ticket and so on, maybe not. I personally wouldn't mind seeing the overt aspects of prostitution go away, it does take its toll on everyone involved. Hookers and Johns. But I do enjoy listening to the young guys whine about having to watch some old geezer in a walker with his twenty-something girl friend parade down the street. Just makes me cackle until my dentures come loose.


  12. It all circles around the fact that life ain't fair. Should we make it fair? Sure! So what's fair? Can of Worms! Big Fat Nightcrawlers. On meth, I think.

    Older guys don't take advice from young woman. Okay, I can easily believe that. They don't take advice from young guys much either. Ain't particularly chauvanistic, it age-ism. Bright eyed, Know It All, Young Noize Makers. Well, until they turn out to be right. And talented. And capable. So on and so on.

    Some people simply expect respect. Occasionally they demand respect. But usually, in the end, they have to actually earn it.


  13. Amyji~

    Equity feminist? Interesting term. I thought it was simply being a person. I have zero problem with equal pay for equal work. Most of my worklife has been spent in exactly those conditions. Your choice if you had 5 kids or No kids, got married once or every other year or not at all. Your pay check was based on the job you did and had nothing to do with your gender.

    As a heterosexual, I find it more visually interesting when the opposite sex is slim and not too fuzzy (I do hate the sight of long leg hair in hose). But I don't use those criteria for judging them as people, just as what I find pleasant to look at.

    I shy away from long pointless conversations with fundamentalist christians about creationism, from UFO devotees about alien abductions, and angry females about the misogyny of Western/Eastern/*Whatever* culture.

    I admire couples of any age/sex/ethnic combo that take care of each, provide comfort and support, acknowledge and accept the other's weaknesses and strengths, and basically make life work better together. It sounds like that is just what you are doing.


  14. MsNina~

    I refrain from the pedestrian reply, "Yes, I met some such individuals on Walking St some time ago. Save the high heels, I believe they met all the other qualifications."

    Radical feminism may be your solution to the jostling of reality. It isn't mine. For me, it fits in the spectrum around the area of UFO cults, Holocaust Revisionism, and most Christian missionaries.

    If it meets your needs and you are satisfied with it, I cast no stones at you for being a member of the wymyn's movement. In the words of a fair to middling crooner, "Whatever gets you through the night." It is simply a tad tart for my taste.


  15. I have nothing against capable women, even those with forceful personalities. I do own that I find Feminism rather repugnant. If it was simply a "girls network" of reliance and support, then not much to complain about, since we all need friends along the way.

    But feminism has developed a gender facist streak that may appeal to some women and perhaps to a few masochistic guys as well. MsNina's comment about Sweden's non-criminal view of prostitutes while arresting their patrons is an example of that.

    The feminist view of women as victims, blameless for their actions, compelled by a male dominated society, is the same sort of thinking that would exempt criminals due to the circumstances of their childhood, lack of opportunity, and so on. It ignores the fact that every individual makes choices and that they must then live with the result.

    As I said in the opening paragraph, I think that capable women, including ones with a strong sense of identity and purpose are just fine. I grew up around some and came to appreciate them as unique individuals. But that is a far cry from the garbage plate feminists serve up.


  16. Oh heck yes they are serious. I'm stuck for 8 hours a day with one in a little office, just the two of us. This is akin to "chinese water torture" for me (actually Korean ... see below). Bad science, predisposed conclusions, and any topic from making brownies to mowing the yard somehow leads to a discussion of the bible. Geology, paleontology, archeology are all a pseudo-intellecutal humanist crock, according to my .. cough cough .. learned colleague. At least anything that goes back past 6,000 years or so.

    On the other hand, being of Korean extraction, he likes to point out that, according to experts, asians have larger brain capacity. Also that middle eastern societies are really asian so Jesus was really an asian. Which I'm fine with, he can be asian, middle eastern, african, I'm pretty open there.

    An interesting side note, he claims that Chinese are not truly asian. Which baffles me, but not to the point of asking why, since I've learned from experience that it is bad for my blood pressure.


  17. I should also emphasise that I am a feminist woman and have no interest in mingling with the men who sustain the exploitation of women and children in Thailand's sex industries.

    Interesting perspective. Of course, if I recall Dworkin, any sexual overture initiated by a male is rape. So that leaves most of us y-chromosone enabled individuals outside your circle.

    Of course, no longer being a devotee of CGWC, that leaves you outside mine, at least in terms of affiable intimate intercourse. I do try to remember that regardless of sex, age, or physical attributes, many people have interesting ideas, beliefs and experiences. They can occasionally be worth the time to talk to.

    I do hope you find a pleasant abode and find Thailand an interesting place to live.


  18. I agree that people have the right to make their own mistakes. The two bozo's looking to get high while in Thailand are just heading for the brick wall (aka school of very hard knocks). It is good to warn them of their foolishness, but ultimately they have to make the decision.

    Yes, in an ideal world everyone visiting as a touist would be on supernice conduct and obey all the rules. But since they don't do it at home, it is unlikely they will do it while on vacation. If all the nice tourists did that, many bar girls would soon be the poorer for it.


  19. p1p~

    Not to dwell on old troubles, but I'm a tad curious how that worked as well. Were you "married" for a considerable period of time? Or did you happen to make a fair chunk of your change while you were with her (or she with you)?

    In the states they can go after your retirement, but I think they need to have been with you for a certain amount of time. A year or two dalliance won't unlock the piggy bank. But five or more will, though that may vary from state to state. Same goes with "palimony" which is aimed at non-married, long term relationships. But I'm not sure about how it affects pension payouts. I thought that was more after income earned during the relationship.


  20. Getting out of jail is normally a good thing, but while McDaniels sits in jail his incarceration is an actual embarressment to the Thai government. Once he leaves, he becomes just another person on the black list for re-entry. At least to them.

    Since he is from Oregon, I sent emails concerning his situation to local news stations in the area. Probably won't do much good, but you never know. There is a local angle for them, so it might get some mention.


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