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Posts posted by madamtingtong

  1. Right on wolfman, I would make it my sole reason for remaining alive - in fact I'd make a point of keeping fit healthy for as long as it took to track the scumbag down and do him down in the harshest, the slowest, way imaginable.

    Theorising is for the glibly aloof, who cannot imagine themselves in another's shoes, those for whom the word 'humanity' has no meaning.

    The obfuscaters -- guns and knives and swords don't kill people eh? Sophistic claptrap, meaningless rubbish, and not your original thought - you merely heard or read it somewhere. It's playing with words and meanings. You are mental lightweights and your hearts are just not with the program. you like to sit on the edge of the crowd and enjoy the suffering of others, like the knitters at the hangings.

    A kerb can kill a person, a sharp table edge can kill a person, gobbling down a large piece of steak can kill a person. The blame lies where? I daresay a gun can too, especially if you look at the wrong end at the wrong time. If I die because someone in the vicinity, with a lethal weapon, is careless - or ill-intentioned - who or what kills me. <deleted>, does it matter? A criminally negligent person can't kill me by the power of thought or the evil eye, something has to be done. If he sticks the sharp end of a pencil or a feather up my nose, he can kill me, if he shoots me he can kill me, but what actually caused my death was the pencil....or the gun, or the fevver. The man 'killed' me - I do not punish the pencil, though it caused my death, but one does pursue the man. Tricky ain't it, theorists. Best you don't prognosticate. Leave this stuff to action man, go and do girly-boy somewhere else. Onya Damian, wolfman, and one or two others....

    You boys are soo macho, you remind me of Tom Cruise in mission impossible but I expect you are taller and not gay, though you do seem to like each other a lot. If you get together do you think you might enjoy handling each others equipment? Seeing who has the biggest gun. Perhaps you handle each others at the same time, ph what a thought, I expect you both work out a lot. Do you ever rub each other down? sorry I have to go now you two boys make me feel sooo hot.

  2. Thou shalt not kill...

    Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth.... fair and square. The Thai guy was measured and found wanting. End of the game.

    I doubt he drug the fellow out to a klong to drown him. Seriously I know if I were in that circumstance, I would be in such a rage, I would not take the time. I would just beat the man to death, and it can be done. Head trauma etc... it can be done and has been done (not by me). But if you put me in that situation, pound for pound I could deliver a storm that fellow has never seen before.

    So my point is, the klong had to of been very close by. I would not doubt they ended up together fighting in the klong, and like I said, he was measured, and found wanting.

    Too bad so sad, and thems the breaks. You pull a gun on anyone, you best know you may end up the looser, with no mercy shown. You shoot a man's wife, in the head 2 times, killing her, and the man's un-born child... you best know there will be no mercy given. offered or even considered.

    If I were the French man, my regret would be I didn't have the chance to pulp the guy, breaking every essential bone in the body!

    BTW, bible thumper, you don't know for sure if those rules apply.... but we know this for sure, a man came in, shot a pregnant woman 2 times in the head, and then attempted to kill her husband. This we know....

    Regarding 22 velocity, power etc. I laid a Great Dane down once with a 22, point blank to the skull. It took two rounds to do it. I have no doubt a 22 can drop a human. But if she was hit in the jaw, odds are better for her. But the damage... and the pain.... tremendous.

    No, drowning was was the easy way out for this guy.

    When it come to dogs you da man! wad the dog armed at the time? Wad it da robbery

  3. One day I asked the chef if I could watch him prepare pad thai. I was surprised to see him use paprika. Paprika was not a spice I expected and I never thought much of it.

    Paprika! Aha!!! I do suggest if cooking your own pad thai and you want to make it red, use a cheap paprika (no need for a fancy Hungarian one). I also think adding tamarind paste does amazing things.

    I saw a thai chef give a pad thai demonstration and it looked nothing like the one you ate or had some of the ingredients you mention. Never had a greasy pad thai in thailand and don't think its a street food. At least not a common one. Many dishes are different from country of origin, neither better or worse just different. If you like US one then its because its tailored to US tastes and that aint Thai. If Thais eat there then you can bet they are getting something more original than the native americans. Same is true all over the world...order in thai and the food is different than if ordered in english or french or italian. Try ordering som tum baep lao, chances are they wont even serve it to a falang.

  4. Hello everyone my name is Andy can anyone please help me i need to know as much information about this place as possible !

    how far is ban pong away from bangkok ?

    how far away is ban pong away from kanchanaburi ?

    is it an easy town to get to ?

    do many tourists visit ban pong ?

    do many english people live here ?

    what is the name of the local bank there ?

    do they have an hsbc bank there ?

    how much are house prices there roughly for say a standard 3 bedroom house ?

    or what is the monthly rent for one of these houses ?

    the reason i need to know all this information is because i live in england and i am half thai and half english i have relatives that live in this town that need my help financially my uncle who is 60 is very poorly and my cousin who is looking after my uncle and her 2 children recently had a bad accident at work and cannot walk anymore and to top this off they are getting evicted from there house as they are behind on there rent so i need to act fast to help them out i have never met them before so i dont know nothing about this town can anyone please help me out thanks alot andy.

    one and half hours

    45 k




    lots of banks


    1 million up

    10k baht up

    Banpong is a big prosperous town with every facility

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