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Posts posted by chopsticks

  1. I'm wondering if there are any good fishing locations without the need of a boat.

    If you know where, why, and how and would be willing to share please contact me via Private Message (PM).

    I have a vehicle and small moped as transportation.

    I'm generous but not foolish; if you're into fishing and would like to kill some fishies please let me know.

    NOTE: I do NOT have any fishing equipment / tackle.

  2. 1) Only Thaivisa members with 10 or more posts prior to today, Thursday, 12 June 2008 will be permitted to attend. Anyone with less than 10 posts or those joining after today cannot be accomodated.

    Too bad this policy rewards those who make ten 1-liner posts rather than those who prefer to have a substantial amount of something to say before they chime in.

    Guess I won't be attending (even though I enjoyed the BBQ in Chiang Mai and have a condo in Phuket).

    Hopefully I'll get a PM with an invite/waiver of the 10 post policy (but I won't bother the original poster with a PM about the issue or hold my breath. Maybe they'll read this response and contact me... but I think not; they must have thought about the 10 post rule being the defining issue... since it was the #1 rule.)

    Active membership shouldn't be solely measured by Forum posts (in my opinion). I've taken part in a wide variety of projects relative to Thai Visa (evaluated web projects as varied as the Streaming Radio Content, Food Delivery, etc.). I regularly get notified by email of posts in threads & then visit to follow the ongoing discussions.

    As of today (including this post) my total posts are: 7.

    Group: Members

    Posts: 7

    Joined: 2003-02-26

    From: Bangkok & Phuket (50/50)

    Member No.: 546

  3. Alright! Count me in for myself +1 (It's amazingly simple for those of us who can read! Not sure why the peanut gallery insists on advertising their ignorance by stating they'll be arriving with more than the +1 amount. *sheesh*)

    Already in Chiang Mai and counting the days 'til the 18th!

  4. Again, the ELITE card is for ELITE people.

    People who REALLY have money.

    Not someone who has a net worth of $500,000 US... but someone who has a net worth into the MILLIONS.

    Those people live in a different world. Heck, $25,000 US could be written off as a tax deduction for them.

    Keep in mind how "face" oriented Thailand is. If there are only 200 members in the world then it IS rather elite now isn't it?

    Selling more cards doesn't make it MORE elite now does it?

  5. *sheesh*

    Yes, there are some legitimate questions (and fears). However, anyone wanting/needing a GUARANTEE before they slap $25k on the table IS NOT ELITE.

    Sad to say that 99.99998% of this forum is NOT rich. They're NOT elite. They're far from it.

    Drive a top of the line BMW, Mercedes, Lexxus, Range Rover? No? (Do you have driver? No? ######, many don't even tip the taxi driver more than a few baht.)

    ELITE people don't FINANCE cars. And they don't "nickle & dime" negotiate over the price of their new BMW either.


    It's not that I haven't been poor. I have. I've worked at McDonalds. I've taken student loans and lived off of them. I've gone for weeks eating on noodles or macaroni & cheese. And I've ridden the public bus back and forth to the university.

    But those days are over.


    If you don't pay more that $25k a a year in TAXES then you're not elite.

    Shut up before you humiliate yourselves more.

    You might think you're asking intelligent questions, but, in my opinion, you're just advertising that you're NOT elite. Elite = very special. Elite = not common. Elite = priviledged.

    Yes, I know, everyone has questions. But seriously, MOST LIKELY YOU'RE NOT ELITE! Don't lie to yourself and think that you're in that category of superstars/"moveers & shakers". 99.999999999% of people in the world aren't elite... and 99.9998% of the farrang who live or frequent Thailand aren't.

    If you go to Nana then you're not elite. ELITE people go to much more (OUTRAGEOUSLY) expensive establishments. It's just that simple. (Sorry to burst your bubble. But we're talking ELITE here, the upper-crust of society! Do you expect to see people who were knighted by the Queen of England in Nana? Or bitching about Thakskin's lack of guarantee for the $25k?

    Compare and contrast yourself and others to Hollywood superstars, WallStreet Stock brokers, etc. worrying that there might not be a "guarantee" of the future? *gag!* Come on! Truly "ELITE" people wouldn't allow ANYTHING, including the entire Kingdom of Thailand flushing itself down the toilet, to suck them down too. Elite people have alternatives; they have exit strategies; they have investments; they have wealth; they have connections; they have VIP status without the stupid "elite card" itself.

    [ / soapbox mode: OFF ]

  6. get a condo in Phuket. it's definitely more of a hassle to get a house due to the current laws. it's not impossible, just a hassle.

    getting a condo is a slam dunk.  the main difference is owning LAND vs. owning AIRSPACE. if you want to get a condo you can find a wide variety (from $15,000 US to a million plus).

    standard leases are 30 years. and 30 x 3 leases are very common as well; thus you'd get 90 years. the lease is transferrable, so you could use it as collateral, leave it to your heirs in your will, etc.

    in 90 years perhaps the Thai laws for foreign ownership will have relaxed a bit. (one would think they would)  then you could have your 'estate' transferred into full ownership (but you'd be long dead so 'tisn't too important).

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