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Posts posted by isabelle17

  1. Hi all,

    Sorry if this question has been asked before...but I am leaving for Thailand next month and will be looking for a teaching job over there. If I get a tourist visa, can I still look for a job on that visa, since I wouldn't actually be working, just looking. Are employers going to be hesitant to hire me because of this? I would get a different visa, but I don't know if I will be able to since I am not going to Thailand for business or anything like that. Are there any other options for me besides the tourist visa? I am assuming that I would just go to a nearby country to get a proper work visa if they hired me anyway. Oh, and I am from the US if that is any help.

    Thanks so much! :)

  2. Yep-happens to me and my boyfriend all the time....

    My boyfriend has very dark skin and I am well, very pale. They ask me "Why is such a beautiful woman with such an ugly man?"

    I think my boyfriend is used to the prejudice...but it makes me irritated when people treat him differently just because he had darker skin and speaks southern Thai. I never knew there was so much prejudice and racism in Asia until I got there...it amazes me and makes me realize how open minded the west really is in comparison to some places in Asia, especially Thailand.

    I try to ignore it because I know that I won't change anyones mind or the way they think....I love him not matter what.

  3. Have you found an instructor yet? I couldn't be an instructor...but I would love to participate in the dancing! Took salsa dancing all through out college...I'd be interested to find out more about this...

  4. For the record-I have never met a farang women who has payed for sex any where in the world. But I am sure in someplaces, it happens. Probably hear about it less than men paying for sex I am sure. But the fact is, that this is not what the topic is about.

    I know..people are shocked when they here I went to Thailand, especially "all by myself." One man said to me "But there's terrorists there! It's too dangerous!"

    I am pretty sure...he was thinking more about Indonesia...though there are the muslims in the deep south of Thailand...but I have not gone to that area of Thailand yet and really..it's amazing how people mix up other countries.

    For awhile my friend thought I was going to Taiwan :o But I guess the general reaction I get is shock about how I am going there on my own, etc. My friends wish they could go with me though and my family...well...lets just say that they are okay with me going, but wish that I would stay the the states with them! Seems no matter how hard I try to explain to them that it just feels right living in Thailand, it still won't make much sense to them.

  5. I also get the same responses from friends or people I meet back in the US. "Oh, it's so cool that you lived in Thailand for such a long time!" (I'm back in the US at the moment though.) And I'm going back within a month and so they say "Oh, I wish I could go with you!"

    My friends generally think of cocunuts, tropics, and thai food when they talk about Thailand. Some people think that Thailand is all about the sex trade, etc and I have had to explain to them that even though Thailand does have a sex trade, there is so much more to Thailand than just that....

    I don't know if I get different responses as men...I suppose I might.

  6. I totally agree with Onzestan, I am from England but don't speak 'the queens english' and don't know many people that do, most people use slang and local dialects. Why embarass someone who's english isn't all that great by speaking in a way that they can't understand?

    Surely being fluent is about being able to get your meaning across even if you don't know all the correct words.

    But my biggest gripe by far is westerners ignoring other westerners, what harm does a friendly smile do? I smile at most other expats i see, people in the supermarket (etc) who are clearly living here and rarely get a response it is just plain rude to ignore someone who acknowledges you.

    Yep, gotta agree with you on both points! Oh wait...that wasn't correct English...oops. Oh...neither was that... :o

    The ignoring thing gets to me big time...when I first came to Thailand I was shocked at how unfriendly some expats were to other expats (or just foreigners in general). Granted, tourists can be a bit annoying...especially if they walk around without shirts on in a place where its obviously innappropriate to do so...

    However, if somones smiles at you, you should smile back, whether they are an expat, thai person, etc. I have encountered way too many grumpy and unfriendly westerners! But I also have met many friendly ones as well...sadly, I think the grumpy ones are more common to encounter (well, at least for me....) I actually encounter more friendliness in the States than I do in Thailand from westerners...most Thai people are very friendly to me though (thank goodness!)

  7. (To put my comment into context, let me preface by saying I'm a farang woman)

    The only thing that used to bother me about expats was that I'd be out in an area of Thailand where there were few farangs, or way out in the outskirts where westerners were a rare sight. When I'd see a westerner, I was completely ignored. I could be way off base, but isn't it polite for a nod of acknowledgement or eye contact? Any and all western women I encountered in such situations eye contact was made and we, at the very least, acknowledged one another. Sometimes we even smiled and said hello.

    Yes, for some reason the westerners who treat each other as invisible bothered me, and part of it could be that the very sight of a western female was a cloud in their sunny day and preferred not to let it wreck their fantasy bubble.

    amyji, I know exactly what you mean. I was sitting down with this french man and his thai wife and adorable daughter with some of my other thai friends, having dinner, etc. He didnt give me any eye contact and avoided talking to me completely (he spoke very good English, so the language wasnt an issue.) I don't like it when people are rude to each other in general, and I think it's odd that expats (or non expats who are just tourists, etc,) go out of the way to avoid/not talk to anyone who is the same race, ethnicity as themselves. Are you talking about the western men specifically though? I've had some western women not acknowledge me as well...but I do find that western men go even more out of their way not to talk to western women...but that may just be because there are more expat western men in Thailand in general. The only time I ignore someone is when they act arrogant and just do everything for the attention, or when they are rude, etc.

    isabelle17 said,

    but I think it's ridiculous that pidgeon English a huge complaint....

    My boyfriend doesn't speak excellent English...and sometimes its easier if I say things to him in a less complicated way.

    In my view speaking to your boyfriend in broken/baby English only reinforces poor language performance. Once this poor means of communication is established it is hard to break.

    Interestingly the development of pidgin English, and other pidgins, came about mostly through colonialism. The new masters refused to speak the local dialect and the natives were forced to do the best they could. With poor education it was usually far from perfect.

    I didn't say I spoke to him in broken baby English...and his English has actually improved since we met. I just I try to make my sentences less complicated sometimes. After awhile I gradually speak to using more complicated sentences. But it's a gradual process. Some things I have to say in somewhat bad english because he just wont understand what I am trying to say otherwise. But I don't have to do that much anymore, as his english is much better now.

    But I agree...it is important to try to speak to someone in good English...but if someone really doesn't understand what you are saying, and you cant say it in Thai, sometimes the only thing you can do is speak english that is not necessarily grammatically correct. Like with taxi drivers for example...I find they speak not very good English...so speaking pidgeon English to them is sometimes the only way they will understand me (But now since I am a little better at speaking Thai than I used to be, I can just use the thai language to talk to them instead.)

  8. Great... The modern worlds answer to everything. "Make it into a TV show" Your vacuous statements epitimise the problem we're discussing.

    The whole point is that the arrogance and ego of a selected few dominate the actions and intercourse of the many through manipulation and propogation of blame and guilt.

    I'm intrigues to know where you're from and what you mean by "I'm not an expat yet"

    I'm assuming you're a student, in Europe, eastern europe, who has a plan to move out. More details please.

    Can't take a joke...I see....it's not like I meant the "start a tv show" thing to be serious...everybody would get tired of watching it after awhile anyway with all the bickering expats :D

    I meant just what I said. I am not an expat yet. I would like to be in the future (probably far future)...which is why I decided to graduate school with a southeast asian studies major....and what makes you think I am from eastern europe.... :o I am from the America, by the way. But anyway, you really don't need to know anything about me...

    Anyway, back on topic! I also find arrogance a really annoying trait in anyone-expat or not. I do kind of understand what some of the people talk about when they say that some expats think they are better than everyone else. I encountered that as well. I just ignored them though-not worth trying to get to know them anyway.

  9. I'm not an expat (well...not yet anyway...) but I think it's ridiculous that pidgeon English a huge complaint....

    My boyfriend doesn't speak excellent English...and sometimes its easier if I say things to him in a less complicated way. Also, I think its great if any person is trying to learn Thai, and I find it funny that some expats think that the foreigners who don't speak Thai well shouldn't speak it at all...speaking a language helps you learn it better...

    I think a lot of this is jealousy. Everyone does annoying things that you don't like...that's life. I have a roommate right now for example, and sometimes she drives me crazy. But do I let it get to me and start being all jealous and take my frusteration out on her? No....I think they should make expats live with one another :o That'd made a lot of you go crazy! But personally, I think it'd be amusing to watch.... :D maybe make a tv show....

  10. Well, it is the rainy season in Phuket. Do not swim past the marked flags!!!! (I dont know what else to call them..) Too many people have not been very smart and have swam past them only to get themselves in danger. So yes, you can swim but not too far. The upside on going during the low season though, is that there are less tourists. This is one reason why I like visiting Thailand in the low season...not so many crowds! :o

  11. And me...being American, I am a little bit more hot tempered...and my family and I would just argue with each other until we are tired of arguing! That is the way we solved problems in my family back home! :o

    That's not solving problems...

    ...as you said yourself, it's arguing until everyone is tired. The problem is still there but hidden behind a wall of arguments from all sides.

    You and your family just accept such situations from each other, but solving problems is something completely different.

    Solving and talking about problems is listening to each other and accepting that you could be wrong... and apologize to the other. :D


    Oh, I know that my familys way of dealing with issues is not good...I'm not saying that I want it to be like that! I was just saying what used to happen in my family. And I am accepting of his attitude, etc. He's just SUCH an easy going person, and I get stressed out easier than he does. I guess it's nice...because in a way we balance each other out. I have had to learn to relax more and he has had to learn that sometimes you have to talk to your partner instead of ignoring that there is a problem (which he used to do a lot more...now not so much.)

  12. No, I haven't tried using my sim card while in the US. My friend mentioned I should use 1-2 call...is that just another company like happy, true move, etc? I used true move the last time I was in Thailand. I am pretty sure that I will need a new sim card...as I haven't been in Thailand for at least 12 months.

  13. So I wasn't sure where I should put this topic, but by no means is it limited to just the ladies! :D

    So..I am in a relationship with a thai man (as many of these women on this forum are as well) and I was wondering how you deal with the cross cultural issues that pop up every now and then...

    My main issue with my boyfriend is that he is very "Thai" in the sense that when a problem occurs...he always goes "mai pen lai." If we have an argument, we usually talk it over...but he still has a very typical thai attitude of mai pen lai. And me...being American, I am a little bit more hot tempered...and my family and I would just argue with each other until we are tired of arguing! That is the way we solved problems in my family back home! :o

    I don't know if this topic has been posted or not...but I thought it would be interesting to discuss the cultural difference that we have with our thai/foreign partner and how we deal with it!

  14. ...I would say that thai parents are in many ways more overprotective of their kids...at least the rich families were...

    My parents...let me do what I please for the most part. When I was an exchange student here...I was not allowed to go outside past 4 or 5 pm....at least not by myself. It might have been partly because I am a farang, but my host sister had the same restrictions that I did.

    Little kids...might be a little different, but I find Thai parents are overprotective of their kids a lot more than in the west (at least, like i said, the rich families. The poor families..maybe not so much?) Personally...I am glad I had my childhood in America!

  15. Grumpy? And if I can see a rear end in public, why can't I photograph it? (though I never have). So how about this, "Just cause I can wear a really tight short skirt doesn't mean I should or must?" (though if I did that I'd be the ugliest person in a skirt you've ever seen!)

    Just because one is old or young doesn't mean that you should secretly photographs someones rear end....Just because you can does not mean you should.

    Don't be so grumpy about it. You can see plenty of pictures on the internet of these women, including on this forum...

  16. My 2 cents....

    Being a 23 year old young woman just out of university...I find it...creepy that men (some who are...quite old also) are taking photos of womens rear ends and chests and then posting them on the internet....

    If I found out that someone did that to ME.....I would NOT be happy. It's not the end of the world guys :o You can still see the pictures of women in revealing clothing on the internet, and there are plenty of women who wear short enough skirts in Thailand (and elsewhere) anyway! I also find the short skirts and really tight blouses a bit disrespectful....especially in a place like Thailand. I make sure to cover up in Thailand and even if I did wear uniforms like the ones pictured here...I would NOT want people taking pictures of me when I am out eating or something! I swear, men never grow up. I don't blame the university for making the ban...I think the uniforms that are not revealing look just as decent (of course, I am not a man so....) They can where whatever they want in their free time.

    Don't worry love, I doubt anyone will be taking photos of you.

    Oh, I am so crushed :D I was just so looking forward to having secret photos me takenand posted on the internet by immature men. Darn. Like I said, some men never do grow up, do they? :D How old are you? 12?

  17. My 2 cents....

    Being a 23 year old young woman just out of university...I find it...creepy that men (some who are...quite old also) are taking photos of womens rear ends and chests and then posting them on the internet....

    If I found out that someone did that to ME.....I would NOT be happy. It's not the end of the world guys :o You can still see the pictures of women in revealing clothing on the internet, and there are plenty of women who wear short enough skirts in Thailand (and elsewhere) anyway! I also find the short skirts and really tight blouses a bit disrespectful....especially in a place like Thailand. I make sure to cover up in Thailand and even if I did wear uniforms like the ones pictured here...I would NOT want people taking pictures of me when I am out eating or something! I swear, men never grow up. I don't blame the university for making the ban...I think the uniforms that are not revealing look just as decent (of course, I am not a man so....) They can where whatever they want in their free time.

  18. I may be wrong...but doesn't chemical hair straightening supposedly cause cancer.....? Maybe I am thinking about something else...

    I feel your pain, I really do. I also have that "in between hair," in other words, it's not straight, and it's not curly. After awhile...I just gave up on trying to do anything for my hair....I just use anti-frizz shampoo. I do wonder how many Thai women manage to keep there hair so...perfect. Maybe you can ask a Thai woman...I am sure they would have some ideas for you. :o

  19. Hi,

    I was wondering if there are any shops in the airport that sell thai phone cards (you know like, true move, happy, etc.) I am sure that there are some...but I just want to make sure there are places in the airport that sell them because I need to call someone as soon as I can when I arrive! Also, this might be a bit off topic, but I haven't used my thai phone for a few months since I have been back in the states. So...I assume that I just need to get a new phone card and it should work again, right? I know...these questions are really simple, but I just want to make sure that my phone will work. Thanks!

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