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Posts posted by BiteMe

  1. Oops sorry people, my bad again. It's only work place and back to my apartment to sleep for my everyday routine :D , so i dont really get to travel much in Bangkok or other province. The one i went to was company outing was at BaanPran Resort which was like half day journey by coach,pretty ok except for someone or something keep scratching at the door in the middle of the night :)

    I heard Hua Hin is a nice place to visit but maybe someone here could recommend me a nice resort there or anywhere would be great.

    ps: still prefer to have a private pool for some kinky stuffs :D

  2. Wow thanks guys..anyone know if there's a private pool :)

    edit: sorry my bad, i was actually looking for near the sea side resort :D

  3. Seldom travel in Bangkok unless with friend driving. Anyone have any idea if there's a nice and romantic resort in BKK area for sweet honeymoon? Help pls :)

    ps:not traveling with friend atm but probably by cab.

  4. Apisit should be executed with the military who killed people.

    There are no reason at all to use real gun, real tanks and real bullets shot over to innocent people and children. Where is the human rights and have all medias lying to make them look good and made some bad stories to Red shirts which they are tons of people.

    shouldnt we execute Mr Thaksin too when he order to use REAL GUN to kill drug dealer and innnocent bystander?? Where is the human right then...

  5. Hey mate, sorry to hear about your problem. Not sure if it's too late for my solution to help you or not or even if it work.

    Back in my country, the victim(yourself) sue back the person(family) for causing mental breakdown due to this accident, lack of concentration in work, sleep, family...etc. This way you might end up paying lesser due to the problem u receive.

    Apologize if this is a stupid solution but it does work in my country(settle out of court).

  6. Hi, not sure if i should ask this here. I'm a Singaporean working here and my work permit will be renew next Feb. But the mention min salary a singaporean should get doesnt really match what i'm suppose to get which is below 45K baht.

    What should i do to inform this news to my small boss as he's rather stingly on salary wise then my Big boss. Will i be able to get a back pay when i renew my permit with min salary met?

  7. Thanks for the great info people, especially kkk, your info is great.

    bina: I'm thinking guinea pig or hamster would be a good idea for now, maybe when i move to a bigger condo, Labrador would be a good choice. My gf will be able to bring them for a walk downstair once a while.

    Well my apartment actually dont allow pet but i think maybe a chihuahua might do the trick cos i once saw some foreigner with chihuahua and putting them in a animal cage(bag) before going back to their house. Also do chuhuahua and labrador/golden make good friends?

    OK the only place i saw shop selling hamster and rabbit is at seacon square but where can i get a guinea pig??

  8. Thanks for the reply guys, i believe there's alot of soi puppies around my office but most of them look quite sick and always make me sad and wonder why ppl "discard" then when they wanted them so much.

    Maybe chihuahua might suit the place i live as my studio appartment is not that very big, maybe a night walk at the garden shouldnt be a problem for my 9-5 job.

    Btw anywhere i can find a pet shop near any BTS station..?

  9. Hi everybody, i'm still pretty new to the forum but i've read quite alot about pets problem. I'm quite new to Bangkok and still looking around..

    1)What kind of dog was suitable living in Bangkok, i've 2 choices, either getting a retriever or a chihuahua.As for the retriever, i believe the "hairless" one might suit the weather here but no sure of the long hair type.

    2)Where can i find a pet shop in Bangkok where i can see pet for sale, like hamster, rabbit...etc.

    I live quite near to Onnut station and i only know the way from Home-Office-Home.Maybe central world is not a problem for me too.. :o

    Hope to hear more from veterans here...

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