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Posts posted by lungmi

  1. Every thing o.k.

    But no attachment to technical procedure. Let it be. I know the teaching of wat rompoeng. I have been ordained monk in wat umong beside wat rompoeng twenty years ago. I had no meditation teaching, I was free to exercice in my way. When I had problems I could ask a German monk , now in Australia, what to do.Check out yourself with wisdom, and you will see what happens. Anapanasati from Bhikkhu Buddhadasa is the best help.


    The way to awakening has a lot of roads. Don't believe technics, systems, teachers, methods, have faith to the Buddha in yourself.

  2. What an irresponsible article, even if April 1.

    First there is a claim attributed to Dr Kusol Prawitpaiboon that the blood was tainted and that the "diseases also can live outside the human body in normal condition for about six hours". No evidence was cited how the blood was collected or if anyone was exposed. Just a horrible cheap article that will spread fear.

    This doctor has just made medical history with his claims on the longevity of the various viruses since HIV starts to degrade once it is deprived of oxygen and away from human ambient core temperature. The time is measured in minutes not hours.

    6 hours only? Not for HCB, it can go for 10 days and the klongs of bangkok are swimming with it. :D HCV is good for 4-5 days and is concurrent with HIV because it is associated with IV drug users. (Nice insinuation) If this guy was serious he would have raised the issue of TB, but that would have necessitated pointing out that on any given day the trains and subway of Bangkok are filled with carriers and that might expose a secret no one wants to discuss openly.

    I am not going to bash this fellow because I think his statements were taken out of context and distorted. I know he is no friend of the Thaksin camp, but I can't see him making statements that would incite panic. Not that it isn't possible he could be given to rhetoric if this is the same fellow that was one of the communist sympathizers that participated in the Oct. 6, 1976 student protests at Thammasat University back when he was in medical school. He hounded former PM Samak Sundaravej for the deaths of the students saying the student deaths were his doing. In health research a person with such views that would undertake such research is considered biased and any data provided by a biased researcher is deemed tainted. A neutral party should have overseen this exercise.

    However, the same doctor admitted that tests found that the blood used in the symbolic blood-pouring protests included pig and cattle fluids. Ya think? It wasn't any big secret. :) The human blood gathered was small and for the cameras. Several people in TV picked up on the sham that the blood event was going to be when they wrote that they expected animal byproducts to be used. The redshirts did what all other theaterical producers do, they went out and got the props for the show.

    Thankfully the record is set straight by Permanent Secretary for Public Health Paichit Varachit with his statement that the chance of contracting the virus was slim. And there is the comment from Dr Somsak Lolekha, president of the Medical Council of Thailand, who said it is not easy to be infected unless these persons have injuries and were soaked by the disease-concentrated blood.

    For what it's worth, the typical visitor to a Thai tattoo parlour or some dentist offices is at greater risk of contracting hepatitis than were bystanders at the blood splatter party. But shhh, we can't mention that and the absence of health surveillance. :D

    This comment clears the scientific medical side. We don't speak about. It's a fact.

    The blood ceremony has another, more dangerous impact. It's one part of the traditional Black Magic of Cambodia. In the history of Siam (Thailand) the Khmer had for a long time territories in Thailand. Taksin (not Thaksin) united Thailand, but the Black Magic survived in the regions, where Thaksin has his followers (Easarn etc).

    In my Wat (Tan Buddhadasa) where I had been ordained as babymonk 20 years ago the Chiang Mai Reds made a voodoo ceremony, (Sponsor Thaksin), they killed an animal (in a wat!!!), burnt pictures of Abhisit and Prem. The abbot, my ordination master, helpless, tired, only could answer that Tkaksin sponsored a school in the Wat for International Buddhist Teaching.

  3. What an irresponsible article, even if April 1.

    First there is a claim attributed to Dr Kusol Prawitpaiboon that the blood was tainted and that the "diseases also can live outside the human body in normal condition for about six hours". No evidence was cited how the blood was collected or if anyone was exposed. Just a horrible cheap article that will spread fear.

    This doctor has just made medical history with his claims on the longevity of the various viruses since HIV starts to degrade once it is deprived of oxygen and away from human ambient core temperature. The time is measured in minutes not hours.

    6 hours only? Not for HCB, it can go for 10 days and the klongs of bangkok are swimming with it. :D HCV is good for 4-5 days and is concurrent with HIV because it is associated with IV drug users. (Nice insinuation) If this guy was serious he would have raised the issue of TB, but that would have necessitated pointing out that on any given day the trains and subway of Bangkok are filled with carriers and that might expose a secret no one wants to discuss openly.

    I am not going to bash this fellow because I think his statements were taken out of context and distorted. I know he is no friend of the Thaksin camp, but I can't see him making statements that would incite panic. Not that it isn't possible he could be given to rhetoric if this is the same fellow that was one of the communist sympathizers that participated in the Oct. 6, 1976 student protests at Thammasat University back when he was in medical school. He hounded former PM Samak Sundaravej for the deaths of the students saying the student deaths were his doing. In health research a person with such views that would undertake such research is considered biased and any data provided by a biased researcher is deemed tainted. A neutral party should have overseen this exercise.

    However, the same doctor admitted that tests found that the blood used in the symbolic blood-pouring protests included pig and cattle fluids. Ya think? It wasn't any big secret. :) The human blood gathered was small and for the cameras. Several people in TV picked up on the sham that the blood event was going to be when they wrote that they expected animal byproducts to be used. The redshirts did what all other theaterical producers do, they went out and got the props for the show.

    Thankfully the record is set straight by Permanent Secretary for Public Health Paichit Varachit with his statement that the chance of contracting the virus was slim. And there is the comment from Dr Somsak Lolekha, president of the Medical Council of Thailand, who said it is not easy to be infected unless these persons have injuries and were soaked by the disease-concentrated blood.

    For what it's worth, the typical visitor to a Thai tattoo parlour or some dentist offices is at greater risk of contracting hepatitis than were bystanders at the blood splatter party. But shhh, we can't mention that and the absence of health surveillance. :D

    This comment clears the scientific medical side. We don't speak about. It's a fact.

    The blood ceremony has another, more dangerous impact. It's one part of the traditional Black Magic of Cambodia. In the history of Siam (Thailand) the Khmer had for a long time territories in Thailand. Taksin (not Thaksin) united Thailand, but the Black Magic survived in the regions, where Thaksin has his followers (Easarn etc).

    In my Wat (Tan Buddhadasa) where I had been ordained as babymonk 20 years ago the Chiang Mai Reds made a voodoo ceremony, (Sponsor Thaksin), they killed an animal (in a wat!!!), burnt pictures of Abhisit and Prem. The abbot, my ordination master, helpless, tired, only could answer that Tkaksin sponsored a school in the Wat for International Buddhist Teaching.

  4. The Dhammakaya group is a peseudo-Buddhist sect well known as a very successful money-making machine. They use the authentic Teaching of the Buddha to decoy the people and to suck their money by promising things the Buddha antagonized 2500 ago: The hel_l is inside yourself when you believe that there is a hel_l outside. ---- You cannot ransome yourself (with money) from the hel_l you

    creat(ed) by yourself. The only way for liberation is the eightfolded path.

    The practice of the Catholic Church in the middle-age had the same aim: make money.

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