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Everything posted by OKF

  1. What is so difficult to understand the Bra-thingy? Does it really need a lot of IQ to understand? If the posters here really live in TH and understand the country I also have to question IQ on some of the postings I read here…unbelievable some of it…
  2. Do you really think they are stupid? They are not, they did avoid all traps that can be avoided!
  3. cannot be said often enough here, for everybody to understand. Pita can sit back and wait
  4. the senators will be gone in about 9 months, then this rule does not apply. Interesting enough there was no comment of the King so far which usually was the case in the past. When I read all this here it sounds like Pita is stupid, but he is one of the brightest politician in Thailand now. You can all assume he has a Plan A, B and C. Tonight he was interviewed by CNN, cannot rmbr Prayut ever caught their interest. Pita is bright and starts to talk to world media to carefully explain how rigged the system is. The upper elite lost the grounds so they as this headline stipulates come under pressure. I believe that everybody thinks twice this time if they play dirty tricks as the situation has turned somehow against them. There ard more possibilities then ever to get a maybe slow and not such instant change. Patience is a virtue, I assume Pita knows how to play this.
  5. I agree with the Thai Enqirer, be patient bcs things will somehow work in favour for MF if they just lean back and watch. The senators publicly say they will not support, disqualified them in the eyes of everybody, Many here may think that it all does not matter and business as usual. But I believe that this ‚business‘ now changed. Just that Thailand cannot change that quick. The downturn of the system and ppl that hold it started at the latest now. MF with ‚radical‘ ideas could jump to number one with a non-populist agenda is really something in TH. I assume ist take another 6-10 years to transform if forces like MF stay on an bite the Dinosaurs asses. I would like to ask the ppl here to more analyse the election rather then to predict coups. To all those here saying everything is and stays same I have to say that a change already happened. First time ever a non populist party was there as an alternative to vote. A party with educated leaders and supporters with in the background. From now on all politicians on all parties move on a minefield. All of them. So I am sure at some point all there will realize. However I am hoping that some important figures in that game do not play it dirty and see a chance that they could not be a looser in the long run by getting brain in gear now. By analysis I like to start looking at the BKK votes. MF got all except one constituencies. What does this tell you? Think hard about it. The support of the elites for the more elites has vanished. The votes show that clearly. Just read what I just wrote again, to understand what I am talking about. I my opinion that is an important point looking into the next few years. IMHO if Anutin walks with the Dinosaurs it will be his political end, as someone here explained in a post before (compare Abisyt who actually was a capable intellectual fully capable to be good prime minister in theory). That is where the circle closes and why I agree with the Thai Enquirer. MF need to wait as all others will dismantle themselfs slowly but surely as they have no values. But if it helps and would be possible to get rid of the senators, meaning rewrite the constitution by coalition with Anutin, it should be considered. That is politics, all a bargainig. MF can win in the long term, yes, certainly in the long term,
  6. they are there at opening hours To try is not an option, as I will not buy if unsure, that why I seek advice/opinion/experience here.
  7. Hi@all, I would like to claim some higher sum of VAT back but I read “Vat refund for tourist” website that customs stamp need to be same day then departure. My flight will depart at 1 am, so naturally the customs stamp cannot be same day. Has anyone ever had that experience? Sounds so ridiculous for me (I know this is Thailand). However, is the customs stamp really dated and does someone really pay attention to it? Some swift answers would be appreciated. THX Olli
  8. Who says this? R u a Pommy?
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