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Everything posted by john11k

  1. Tattoo looks grand. ! influencers. I just don’t get it.
  2. Lock them up , never to get a visa again. must have ran outa holiday money. !
  3. The tuk tuk owner was getting a few extra quid. For keeping the forigners happy snappy for social media And another tuk tuk owner must have gotten red eyes.
  4. Relocates to Dubai then back to Thailand ! something more to this than just ten days overstay.
  5. What a bunch of moaners ! should be glad to have such a service in garages / restraunts / shops , in the sun retired relaxing , don’t have this in Europe. ! quiet the opposite, trying to find someone to serve you
  6. Isn't that what 90% of holiday guys and girls do. ! work there donkeys off for ten months of the year to spend there little nest egg on cheap beer etc etc in Thailand
  7. Wonder what would happen if it was a foreigner in Russia did this. ! Its very simple any foreigners in somebody else’s country , put them on a plane , actually a ship , very slow ship home and never give them a visa again.
  8. My dog has more sense than these ideots, people like this ruin it for everyone else. ! it’s very simple in my book , a good hefty fine for endangering the public or send them home same day so mummy and daddy can look after there 8 to 12 year old’s. ( netcitizen)
  9. Seems a lot of Skeptics out there same people who love the sun and cheap booze. !! Thailand host some of the best motorbike racing in the world. I for one can’t wait for F1 in Thailand it will be the FIA who run the event with highly trained marshals from all over the world Roll on Thai F1.
  10. Seems a lot of Skeptics out there same people who love the sun and cheap booze. !! Thailand host some of the best motorbike racing in the world. I for one can’t wait for F1 in Thailand it will be the FIA who run the event with highly trained marshals from all over the world Roll on Thai F1.
  11. Think that smoke was my Mazda ! Oops
  12. The slower they turn , the more money the boys make. !
  13. All our prisons. Should be like that. ! if you offend , You should pay the price of loosing your freedom not treat prisoners better than the people they have robbed , etc maybe then we would get more coming out of prison wanting to change there lives. ! For the better
  14. I always gone through the thai line/gate with my wife and daughter Never any trouble, actually always very welcoming and smile Technology passed me by years ago, I like things the old way, where you have somebody to talk with and sort it there and then if there is a problem Twenty years of coming through suvarnabhumi airport. I’ve never had one second of trouble, they are always very helpful and welcoming
  15. Social media ideot Take away his visa and send him home. Simples. 😉
  16. Always noticed it’s forigners / farangs that’s always knocking down Thailand ! same forigners that is living here , for there good life. ! And cheaper living than where they come from I know all over Europe it’s impossible to get a toilet open in a garage or any towns. Usually a sign that says out of order. In other words, we’ve cleaned them , and don’t want to clean them again. !!! ive never had a problem finding a toilet in Thailand !
  17. Somebody ( Casper) dose a good deed , and gets knocked down ! just goes to show how society think now. Casper, you get my No’1 vote. hopefully some of the jealous knockers, learn from you and might do the same.
  18. Brilliant. ! get everyone hooked. Then make it illegal,
  19. Never heard such a pack of moaners. ! As for “ cattle class “ typical snooty expression. ! sit down , watch a film , read a book , Get on with it princesses. !!
  20. I drive for a living. ! Have done for fourthy odd years. I really don’t understand this thing of blaming speed on all accidents ! it’s the ideots who don’t use indicator’s change lanes without warning, pulling out of junctions without looking on the phones. Or all the new technology in cars now. Or just not thinking ahead. or just didn’t learn to drive probably etc etc
  21. A lot of the loss of these crimes could be solved if. ! ideots didn’t walk around with three years wages around there necks they are just asking for trouble
  22. Why is the name Kim always mentioned. ! I’m not taking up for the guy but he hasent done anything, except maybe tryed to make peace , at least him and mr donald tried. as for this thinking of what he’s doing to his people, We’ll as if it’s not happening in the rest of the world. !! besides all that I think the threat to the world is like what’s happening in Israel/Gaza and the world stands by watching it on the news. ! and another big threat is social media. !! that’s my penny’s worth
  23. We claim to be the highest form of intelligence. ! is it intelligent what we are doing to the planet. ! or is the animals more intelligent. !!
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