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Posts posted by jamesthefirst

  1. The Dubliner?

    Check out the history of this place and how it came to be! Was financed by a boiler room in Bangkok, long since closed by the Thai cops, owned by John Kealy who is in there every day very drunk. Also his Siamese twin brother, (because he never leaves his side, due to being extremely untalented at everything and henceforth would starve and would not be able to pay his rent without handouts from Kealy) Ronan Murray also in there 24/7.

    Next time you decide to frequent this establishment and put money into these fraudsters' pockets, please think again.

    • Like 2
  2. Hi,

    I have a friend who was deported and blacklisted from Thailand exactly nine years ago for working illegally. He changed his name by deedpoll in the UK, changed his passport and has been living in Thailand since, having entered and exited the country with no problems to this day.

    However, his friend who was deported along with him who also changed his name has now recently been found out by Immigration when he went to renew his work visa. Somehow they were able to link his old and new name together. His old and new name were actually very similar but now naturally my (and his) other friend is paranoid as hel_l that he'll be rumbled the next time he leaves the country on a visa run.

    Is anyone aware of Thai Immigration having new technology that is able to make this connection with changed names? Would it have something to do with perhaps the chip in the passport that UK passports now have, or indeed would it be related to the new photgrahic id technology, where when our pictures are taken when we enter and exit the country and they could have linked him up by that way?

    Any feedback that I could pass onto him would be appreciated.

    Cheers in advance.

  3. Great post...well done...I personally don't see what the big fuss is with foreigners getting pissed off with other foreigners for overstaying. It's not as if these 'criminals' are a burdon on Thai taxpayers or anything. Don't get me wrong, laws should be obeyed, but I think foreigners lambasting these people, is quite pathetic.

    Oh finally a good news! i was so concerned about going out at night time (but even during the day for that matter), knowing that i might eventually came across one of the very feared "overstayers" , i can cope with almost any sort of issues or dangers, but having to deal with a man/woman which is not a "quality tourist" is already bad enough, leave alone someone which break this vital law! is just too much, nevermind the killers, scammers, abusers,cheaters,thiefs around us, the constant chronic break of safety standards and human rights, etc.., go and get the overstayers that's the real crime in this country, the main priority for the resolution of all major problems affecting the country for sure, thank you amazing Thailand! :D

  4. You: I informed her that I could not pay it and neither could my friend.

    Me: So, you guys just disclaimed all responsibility, and made no attempt whatsoever to settle the debt? Is it any wonder that many Thais dislike farangs?

    You: Pardon me, but it was not my responsibility.

    Well, OP, your original post included the lesson learned "wear a helmet".

    Since you did not learn anything else, such as:

    - do not drive and drive

    - seek help for alcohol addiction

    - buy insurance for any future untoward situation

    - be responsible for your actions

    - pay back debts

    - be financially secure

    ...my original post is valid.

    Pardon me but how the heck do you know I did not learn any of the above?

    Actually I always wear a helmet, never drink and drive,have insurance and am financially secure thank you very much.

  5. "I informed her that I could not pay it and neither could my friend..."

    So, you guys just disclaimed all responsibility, and made no attempt whatsoever to settle the debt? Is it any wonder that many Thais dislike farangs?

    Pardon me, but it was not my responsibility.

  6. Very recently a British friend of mine had a motorcycle accident here in Thailand. He was drunk at the time and was not wearing a helmet.

    An ambulance was called to the scene and he was taken to a local government hospital. After being checked by a doctor it was found that he had a broken femur and a blood clot to his brain.

    The blood clot was removed, after which the brain started to swell. As a result of this, two plates had to be removed from his skull to allow the brain to swell and then afterward, to recede. His leg was also taken care of.

    When, after two weeks the doctor gave him clearance for discharge from the hospital, I went to pick him up. One of the nurses presented me with a bill exceeding two hundred thousand baht. When I informed her that I could not pay it and neither could my friend, they released him with no charge whatsoever.

    It just goes to show that Thailand is not such a bad place after all. But the moral of this story is, do not drink and drive. Also, always wear a crash helmet when riding a motorcycle.

  7. Just arrived home from the Thai Consulate in Birmingham, UK. Received a one year multiple entry Non O visa. All I had to produce on top of the completed application form, two photographs, my passport and the fee of one-hundred-and-five pounds, was a copy of my marriage cerificate. Was in and out in five minutes.

    Sorted now for one year. Of course the normal rules apply, I need to leave every ninety days, but at least I don't have to worry about the hassle and expense of spending a couple of days in Laos, nor the travel to and from, every ninety days. Just a one hour border hop every three months.

  8. neg heads?

    get a life?

    reading through this thread it is obvious that people are trying to help you- they weren't rude to you - simply pointing out the obvious- that your question was vague and they can offer far more advice and be more helpful if you provided more detail

    maybe you want to consider improving your personal skills before embarking on work which involves close team interpersonal skills, such as out on a rig

    just an unbiased thought

    b u g g e r o f f

  9. what did they do

    What did they do???

    Ever heard of Boiler Rooms - selling shares that don't exist? Ever hear of mums and dad's who lose their life savings? Thailand is rife with these operations. Usual scam is to tout a top known share that has a market price of $100 at a one only price of $35 but minimum quantity is USD100,000 investment. Story is owner is in deep kuk and needs cash fast - don't miss the opportunity. So the greed factor kicks in, sucker's funds are transferred and boom - no money is ever seen and shares certificates never arrive (of course).

    And it is not just Taiwanese - mainly Brits/Irish (about 80%), Aussies and Yanks. :)

    You appear to be extremely knowledgable about boiler rooms. Sounds like you've worked in one yourself.

  10. Hi,

    I am looking to find work on an oil rig in Thai waters. Does anyone know how easy or difficult it is for farangs to do this?

    Thanks in advance.

    People might need a little more information than you have provided...




    Work experience,


    Safety Certification for working offshore (offshore survival and emergency training, helicopter underwater escape training),

    Intended work / position,

    In most cases if not all, I imagine the work carried out by westerners anywhere in Thailand encompasses specific skills or education. I imagine that Laboring or welding etc is a no goer for a non-national.

    Seeing as this is not an employment application, this is the reason why I did not include specifics, I was talking in general terms for foreigners getting into this type of work in Thailand, Mr. Smith.

  11. Hi,

    I'm a Brit, have been in Thailand for the past twelve years, have always worked here to support my Thai wife and our kids.

    Now that our youngest daughter has recently started school, she has insisted that she would like to work, fed up with waiting around for just my salary, reliant only on me. Being with her for as long as I have, I know that she would be extremely happy if she could become more financially independent. Her English is of course very good, I suppose her reading and writing in it could be improved on, she has an outgoing personality and everyone, Thais and foreigners alike, warm to her very quickly. She is industrious, definitely does not mind hard work, 35 years old.

    So, if anyone knows of something which may suit her, please pm me.

    Thanks in advance,


  12. Give Amazing Sandwich a try, opposite Central (Sorry, don't know what name of Central because relatively new to CM).

    Delicious food, friendly, fast and efficient service. Very good prices. Recommended by Lonely Planet, free WIFI also.

    Credit due where credit due.

  13. hhper.

    100 % agree with you on the managements attitude to obvious newcomers.

    ive been there twice in three years and will go back again in 5 years to see if things / attitudes have improved ?

    NOT holding my breath for any improvement from these arrogant ar#oles who think they are above EVERYONE

    .... dave2

    Brilliant. Think the vast majority of us are in agreement. Wonder when this post gets back to them, as I'm sure it already has, it will make them change their ways?

  14. Was at 'The Pub' the other day, sat at the bar with a couple of friends, our phones went off simultaneously and the chef who was sat at the other side of the bar told us very rudely to turn them down, this is after we all had a bill for over 1000baht.

    Is it me or has anyone else felt the frost on entering this establishment? :o

    The chef is likely to be either the host or his brother.

    I don't know about the frost but the management could certainly do with a kick up the a$$$. Many people have been through the doors to the Pub and only a very small number feel the need to return. If even a small percentage did return to the place it would be a very good business, they somehow manage to piss people off. The whole set up makes it difficult to really like the place or the owners.

    65craig is right its full of oldies and very few young people, thats been the way for a long time and slowly but surely that will kill the place off. The only trade will be tourists and the way things are that too could soon dry up.............being rude to customers is not a smart move at any time especially just now.

    The food is nothing special apart from being over priced. So sadly I agree with Globeliner why give a place your business if its not appreciated, plenty of other pubs/bars who can do it better.............and be friendly.

    I agree wholeheartedly.

  15. I have been to this establishment twice and both times got a very frosty reception from mainly the regulars who gave me the impression I was invading their territory by being there in the first place.

    I also know who the fat chef is to who you are referring. Fair enough, some patrons might not want to listen to mobiles ringing, but if the bar wanted to become a mobile free zone, it should advertise this fact on the front door, after which I am sure they would get a lot less customers.

    The chef could have asked you politely to turn down your phone as well. I will not go there ever again.

  16. [
    I went on to inform them that I did not like him one little bit, and when asked why not, I told them that since he had come to power, life in Thailand for the average foreigner had become much more difficult (I am speaking on behalf of ALL of the many foreigners I know who live and work in Thailand , although I am sure that I will get at least a couple of replies to this post by foreigners living here who will attempt to contradict this)
    Thank you for your wonderful story James.

    Was your conversation with the 8 men in English or Thai? Or did they speak English with you but Thai with each other?

    :o lol .... yeah, I'd like to know the answers to those questions too

    The conversation was entirely in Thai. Me to them, them to me, they to each other.

    Wow, your Thai must put you into the very short list of fluent Farangs in Chiang Mai. How did you learn it?

    :D lol .... you beat me to it (again), yeah that's impressive. wonder how long it took him to master the nuances and subtleties of complex political discourse, with 8 Thai men concurrently. Great stuff!

    Sounds to me like you're just jealous that I can speak it fluently and you cannot.

    Or perhaps the concept of any farang being able to speak anything more than 'Thai lady bar' vocabulary is something new to you.

  17. [
    I went on to inform them that I did not like him one little bit, and when asked why not, I told them that since he had come to power, life in Thailand for the average foreigner had become much more difficult (I am speaking on behalf of ALL of the many foreigners I know who live and work in Thailand , although I am sure that I will get at least a couple of replies to this post by foreigners living here who will attempt to contradict this)
    Thank you for your wonderful story James.

    Was your conversation with the 8 men in English or Thai? Or did they speak English with you but Thai with each other?

    :o lol .... yeah, I'd like to know the answers to those questions too

    The conversation was entirely in Thai. Me to them, them to me, they to each other.

    Wow, your Thai must put you into the very short list of fluent Farangs in Chiang Mai. How did you learn it?

    Hi, Yes I'm quite fluent thanks. I learned by living the past more than a decade in an area of Bangkok where there are next to no farangs, also surrounded by my Thai wife's family who cannot speak English. Dropping someone into a situation like this is much better than lots of hours of a Thai language course if you ask me. I can also read and write Thai.

    Moved to Chiang Mai recently.

  18. [
    I went on to inform them that I did not like him one little bit, and when asked why not, I told them that since he had come to power, life in Thailand for the average foreigner had become much more difficult (I am speaking on behalf of ALL of the many foreigners I know who live and work in Thailand , although I am sure that I will get at least a couple of replies to this post by foreigners living here who will attempt to contradict this)
    Thank you for your wonderful story James.

    Was your conversation with the 8 men in English or Thai? Or did they speak English with you but Thai with each other?

    :o lol .... yeah, I'd like to know the answers to those questions too

    The conversation was entirely in Thai. Me to them, them to me, they to each other.

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