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Posts posted by moldy

  1. Well there's nothing wrong with being young and in love, and I hope the relationship works out as it seems genuine enough. A telling factor is that there is no great age difference. That bodes well, even more so if she has a steady job, or is a student. Even better if she relates to children and her family well.

    The cold reality is that 90-95% (I think I'm not sure) of relationships between Farang men and Thai ladies hit the rocks and sooner rather than later, but you are in the group that stands some chance. Sadly, I suffered this fate myself and have also watched my friend's relationships come apart in bizarre and often emotionally damaging circumstances. And I mean it's often emotionally damaging just for the guys as they seem to have a bigger emotional investment.

    Your girl sounds cool and decent. Often the rejoinder is "and she wasn't even a bargirl". So a word of caution. Quite often it's the girls who are naive that go out of control the most as they have the highest expectations of what a relationship to a farang will bring. Moreover, marriage to a farang is often an attempt to run counter to what their destiny may require of them (I'm being coy here). I am talking from experience here. I AM STATING THIS AS A GENERALITY IN MY OPINION SO PLEASE TAKE IT THAT WAY.

    My advice is stay single but together. If you are still together in a couple of years, sure get married and love each other till the day you die.

    I hope it works and believe it may.

  2. Like many I've been ducking and diving with visas for a few years. Sometimes a non b, sometimes a tourist and sometimes a 30 day. Anyway, a surprise result of launching a court case in Thailand (another ripping yarn) granted me the 'privelege' of a 90 day extension to my visa, although thinking about it I didn't have a visa at that time as I was on a 30 day (This is Thailand TIT). And it gets better, because the court case was delayed on a triviality (TIT) I got the opportunity of another one. All my solicitor had to do was obtain another letter from the court and bingo another 90 days. Only problem is that for some inexplicable reason this normally clever, competent guy and friend hasn't obtained it yet, stating that the court has been neglectfully slow to issue it (TIT). As I'd upped the ante I believe him, and as from Tuesday I'm on overstay.

    What a pain! so back on the train for a 30 day, after all I don't want to overstay and honestly part of this is a genuine respect for law and order- a rule is a rule, a deadline is a deadline. But I thought I'd give Suan Plu a try first. Sorry can't issue another 90 day till the required paperwork is furnished. No problem. I've got a genuine medical prob. and supplied the doctor's report. Surely worth a 7 day at least. No can do too. The extension is for purposes of court proceedings and can't be issued for any other purpose, ie, medical. The irony here is that this is a genuine medical problem I have although it is non urgent.

    Ok no problem. I asked him to check my rather full passport to ascertain if there was enough space for a tourist visa to be squeezed in, and whether I was eligible for another 30 day. No can do. What no space or eligibilty ?. No, the terms of the 90 day extension are not just that you are granted a 90 day extension but that it is a requirement that you must stay, until the case is decided, or I choose to drop the case. So yours truly aint going nowhere. Oh my Gawd! a prisoner of fortress Thailand; still there's worse things in life

    Bit of a catch 22 then: I want to renew but can't but I am legally required to do so, but currently unable to do so (TIT) by dint of the law and it's workings. The same law that requires me to do so- if you get my drift.

    So This is Thailand, after exchanging a few wry smiles, and a bit of amused animated chit chat with colleagues, he advised me that if the paper failed to show up then I could go along to the court myself and get a report of the court proceedings which would suffice, as he believed me, and the computer showed the court case hadn't been closed :D . Not just a VDU then!!!!

    The good news was that as I was compelled to stay I couldn't overstay :D . The bad news I was in breach of the terms and so would be fined on a daily basis accordingly (TIT) :D . But I have been given a grace period to sort it out.

    I think this will be resolved relatively easily, no doubt at some loss to the overall weight of my wallet. I'm not complaining either. I must say they were very helpful at Suan Plu, saved me a lot of time and bother, and seemed to do all they could to give me what I wanted within the framework of the law. They could just as equally have been quite obstructive and probably my record gave them good grounds. I think it's time I got sorted.

    Anyway, it's a ripping visa yarn and I swear it's true. I hope the posting won't attract the naysayers who seem to want to criminalise visa runners. No law is being broken, and it's often necessary to wend your way through systems as best you can, just as they most surely weave their sinuous arms in to our own lives like it or not. Further this is not a beat down on Thailand even though it has a distinctly Thai flavour. Let's be honest, the law already bends over backwards to help us stay. Could anybody do the same in UK, AUS, USA for instance? No this is about lunocrocies worldwide and what happens when you think you can get a free ride. :o Still, I'm only 46 (or 47 is it?) so I cam claim youthful naivety if all else fails.

  3. Thanks Sheryl. I'm aware that I am working you overtime and apoligise for my unintended indiscretion on another thread. Yes I have been sporty, walk a lot and am usually on the treadmill 3 times a week. The pain was excruciating at the time, but I'm pain free, and I don't have irregular beats as far as I'm aware. I had been feeling quite hot, headachy and a bit nauseaus on and off for some time. I'd just put this down to a middle aged body being in a hot environment, and the effects of nasal problems, but I think this recurring cyst had a lot to do with it. And I think it will do so again if I don't do something relatively soon.

    I can see the funny side and the lesson of not resting on your laurels. This has provided a kick up the backside figuritively too, as I have been unnecessarily shy of life as of late and avoided doing anything difficult.

    The visa? well what an interesting "Only in Thailand story", best posted on another thread for general interest and amusement.

  4. Thanks to you all. You are helping me so much.

    Doesn't it all happen at once, my solicitor just fouled up in that he forgot to get a vital piece of paper from the court (I've launched court proceedings against someone), this was providing me with 3 month extensions. I'm not on overstay yet and don't want to be, but can't get the paperwork sorted out in time. I can't do another 30 day, and there is not enough space in my passport for a tourist, so I may have to bail out to UK. So I might go to the hospital there.

    I'll throw myself on the mercy of Suan Plu tomorrow and try to get someting sorted, I'm sure I can wangle some deal at St Louis if I can get the visa sorted. I am particularly noting a deal at what price though !, as of course ultimately my health and well being is at stake so I won't cut corners. My primary concern with epidural is being without movement in my legs. As long as I can wiggle my toes I'm sure I'd be happy. I'm a bit puzzled, when I broke my nose and had it reset, I was just knocked out for an hour with an injection, and woke up on a wonderful buzz without side effects - pethidone springs to mind, anybody know anything. Once again so grateful.

    Can anybody comment on a blood pressure test of 120/60 with pulse at 47. I'm an otherwise fit 46 year old who is sporty.

  5. St Louis is a good bet. Other possibilities would be the Chao Phya Hospital near Siriraj, I know someone who had surgery under general and 2 nights stay for about 35,000 baht, altho that was a few years back, or Phayathai 2 near Victory Mionument

    Wherever you go, ask specifically about the possibility of same day surgery..coming in early morning and discharge the same day, come back as outpatient for follow up. It saves a bundle and is often possible.

    If all you have is an abscess ("boil") then only local injection of lidocaine should be needed. But since yuou also mention fistula and the doctor was talking about an epidural my guess is that there is more involved.

    You might get by with self-treating just an abscess but if you have a fistula you're going to end up with some serious and far more costly problems if you don't get competeent medical care.

    Try St Louis or one of the other places mentioned, tell them up front that cost is a factor and ask about "day surgery", offering to stay at a guest house nearby and come in the next day for follow up. In many cases this is feasible and cuts the cost by half or more.

    Good luck.

    Thanks so much for your posting. I'm in a bit of a crisis here. I understand I must have the surgical procedure done. It's the thought of the epidural that is frightening me. Am I right in thinking that I will be temporarily paralysed from the waist down? or do I just lose sensation but can still move my limbs? It may sound silly but I am just plain scared at the thought of paralysis. I really would prefer just to be put under (on pethadin is it? ) as happened when I had my nose reset following a break. The doctors info. and procedure was follows:

    Simple short anal fistula as a result of cyst, diagnosed by sight of the outside area and insertion of a probe. He did not recommend any other form of investigation, save an xray which he explained was standard procedure and purely precautionary. He said he could not just use a local pain killing injection as even the pain of introducing a needle might be painful in such a sensitive area. Also an incision has to be made beyond just removing the boil.

    He seemed a highly competent specialist and I may go back to him, it was also the cost that concerned me- it started at 60k, then 50, then 45 as we walked.

  6. This point will be particulalry enforced when such misrepresentation -- be it honestly misinformed or otehrwise -- presents a potential danger to the welfare of this forum's readers.

    Well I certainly don't want to lead anybody in to a false sense of security, and let me reiterate, condom use in Thailand is strictly mandatory. I accept that as I am not a leading scientist I do not have the right to state this as fact as I can not prove it. So I'll leave it at that.

  7. Chula Hospital might be cheaper than Saint Louis?

    Dunno for sure... :o

    Thanks also. I'll put it on the check list too. Most grateful for the responses. I feel cheered already.

    I've also discovered that there may be alternatives such as general self care and common antibiotic treatment. God, I miss the NHS in the UK. The thing is with a national health service they have an interest in conserving resources, out here they'll just come out with the most expensive option. I understand though that St Louis is non profit, so I may well take their word as reliable.

  8. Sorry, but you are pushing crackpot theories. And what is your motivation?

    Recently it was proven that circumcising African males greatly reduces their HIV transmission rates.

    No female to male transmission indeed.

    Was it? who says so? You see there are so many dubious studies flying around and so much misinformation taken as gospel truth.

    My motivation. Well when I see that something clearly does not add up then I feel the need to speak. Also I don't like to see people in pain and honestly think the subject discussion needs to be widened. It's the only area of medical science I take issue to. If I go to a doctor I invariably take his/her advice, and take medicines as needed.

    Specific to HIV:

    1. There has never been isolation of the HIV virus.

    2. Retro viruses are easy to to identify on a gradient measure, as they conform to a specific size, shape and weight. HIV has not been identified in this manner.

    3. Retro virus do not kill their cell host.

    4. Even at it's supposed most virulent stage, there is no evidence of viremia?????????????

    5. Haemophelics could not have acquired it from Factor 8. In it's inchoate form -factor 8 is a dry substance. Scientists state HIV can not live in dry conditions. Thus the factor 8 was just simply impure.

    6. The HIV test may register a significant number of false positives as it is non specific, eg. people with malaria antibodies (just about the whole of north Thailand) could register false positive. The HIV test is not a pure test you see. It requires signifiant dilution whereas most viral test use a pure solution.

    7. An antibody test confirms that the body has beaten a virus anyway???????

    8. There is no evidence in my own life, despite being in a pretty racy scene. And how many times have we heard that?

    9. Leading AIDS physicians and prominent scientists are now urging for deep reappraisal, including Duesberg, and Muller, and Lang. There is now a list of over 2000 leading academics calling for such a reappraisal.

    10. As stated the WHO has now rejigged it's figures. I believe the estimate went down 30%, which represented much of the hetero population previously thought to be infected. The article specifically stated that it was very much related to the gay population, drug users, and perhaps prostitutes (who frequently use drugs anyway.) This is am assive reduction and doubtless it will go down more.

    11. Diagnose in Africa doesn't even need a test to be used. My contention is that most of these poor people are suffering from things like military TB.

    I agree there are some marvellous, and this may be the saving as they promise to be a cure all for most ailments. At this stage they are rather toxic though.

    I honestly believe a reappraisal is needed. No syndrome has ever had a single viral cause. By concentrating solely on a viral issue, a real effective program that saves lives is being sadly missed.

    Hardly crackpot I would have thought.

    I would like to post a superb link to a reliable, conventional website, that examines the issue fairly, but I don't know if I am allowed to do this on this forum. That would allow you to refer to a few nobel prize winners as crackpots if you chose to do so.

  9. Aids in my view is a toxic syndrome, caused partly by receiving large amounts of semen

    And that explains how the males pick it up from the females.

    This is what happens with this subject, didn't I write partly and didn't I write drugs are also implicated? There are lots of other toxic issues in our lives too. And anyway female to male transmission is a supposition. Just because a lot of websites and people say it, doesn't make it absolute fact. Even the WHO now recognise they got it wrong.

    In the Padian study no female to male transmission occurrred. Look, I don't know for sure, but it seems the scientists don't know either, otherwise there just wouldn't be any controversy.

    And let me reiterate, there is obviously a very real syndrome here, and I don't want anyone to suffer from it regardless of what they do or don't do with their bodies. I just think there is a need for reappraisal here.

  10. Saint Louis Hospital is usually recommend as a reasonable price alternative.

    Thanks for that lopburi3. I'll go there I think. If anyone knows of any other non surgical procedure I'd be eternally grateful. Feeling a bit squeamish. Don't like the thought of being frozen from the waist down.

  11. This is a really common problem out here. At best it's painful at worst downright awful. Most likely the root of the problem is irritated nasal linings. The irritation is most often caused by traffic pollution and big atmospheric pressure changes. The problem is exacerbated by dry air, air conditioning and of course smoking (although second hand smoke is probably even worse). Unfortunately, when the nose swells, it provides a wonderful breeding ground for bacteria, some of which are naturally present in the body all the time (Staph A /Steph aureus). Your sinuses may be infected but you could just be suffering from blocked sinuses which is actually just as painful. This is because the swelling in the nose covers over the drainage outlets that lead in to the nasal cavity. You may also be prone to more colds, adeno virus, and all manner of URTI. The same bacteria may also cause boils and minor stomach upsets. The condition is also cyclical such that you may feel that you keep catching a cold. You are likely to have a hot body and maybe feel a bit puky, and havea low grade headache. All in all not very nice.

    You should do the following: not necessarily in sequential order.

    1. Get allergy tested - skin prick test at any hospital, as you may be a hay fever sufferer or be prone to dust mites.

    2. Start nasal rinsing. It's easy and actually quite pleasant. I'm a head back one shot man. I buy normal saline solution from a pharmacy which comes in a squeezy bottle.

    3. Ditch the anti histamines. They really don't work with this type of swelling, which is basically direct corrosion.

    4. Nasal decongestants are great at the first sign of excessive mucous use them b4 bed. Don't, I repeat don't use them for more than a few days.

    5. Consider consulting a doctor- for a dose of oral antibiotics to heal up your sinuses. Speak to a doctor first though. Amoxycillin Claveat is a good safe all round bet. No point using pain killers as they won't work for the level of pain you are likely to be suffering.

    6. Reduce the time you spend outside, even if the air seems clean, believe me it's not (in Bangkok anyway). Totally avoid busy junctions and thoroughfares. If you must go out buy a surgeon's mask.

    7. Long steamy showers are great for easing the nasal passages. Train the water on the back of your head and your nose should free up too. Likewise try a small steam tent- fill a small cereal bowl full of hot water (not boiling- repeat not boiling). Drape a towel over your head and stay there for 5 mins even if watching paint dry suddenly seems more appealing.

    8. At home, humidify your room by placing a wet towel or sheet in front of a fan, not too close obviously. Or buy a fish tank, or a few pot plants. Try to minimise air conditioning as this makes the nasal membranes even more irritated.

    9. Still no use- you need a topical nasal steroid used judiciously.

    10. Still no use- get the hel_l out of Bangkok, the air here is lethal. There's nothing wrong with you, it's just that the human body was not designed to live in a toxic environment.

  12. The most reliable study on HIV transmission was the Padian study. It got neatly binned and the author stopped talking about it. It showed that HIV transmission through sex was near to zero. Even if you do follow the official line I think we're talking abut a 2000/1 shot and this is not high enough to cause the supposed pandemic.

    Regarding this latest Thai study, well it's just an old story rehashed. It's just another attempt to shore up a rather poor mathematical model. Scientists with the help of a rather dodgy test, and an ever growing number of aids defining illnesses have come up with a completely over the top figure of HIV infection numbers. As the mathematical models do not support the figures, they look for other reasons, this can vary from a super mutated virus, to lack of circumsicion, etc, etc.

    It's pure poppycock really. But when billions are being made, who cares where the truth lies?

    Still reco. condoms though, lots of other nasties around.

  13. I, and many others, have grave doubts concerning the whole HIV/AIDS theory. It just does not add up. I think the example here is just another way of trying to explain the inexplicable. It's inexplicable probably because AIDS science is just plain wrong about heterosexual transmission at least. Even the WHO has recently revised the actual figures down by a third and it won't stop here. The viral explanation of AIDS is wholly unacceptable in my view, the virus hasn't even been isolated in the human body for heaven's sake. Some dissidents devoutly maintain there is no virus whatsoever, while other disbelievers like myself think that it's just one of thousands of obscure viruses that inhabit the human body. It is if you like a looter not the cause of the riot. Now, don't get me wrong there is a terrible syndrome here, and I for one don't want to see anybody in pain regardless of sexual pref. or habit. I just think doctors would be better off treating what's in front of them rather than throwing billions at a useless theory. The drugs incidentally appear to work because they are a mild form of chemotherapy. Aids in my view is a toxic syndrome, caused partly by receiving large amounts of semen, and probably impure drugs too.

  14. :D I got a simple boil/fistular just right where the sun never shined nor never will. Went to Rama 9 hospital, great doctor, but went on to discover that the price for 1 night stay, xray, epidural, short operation, etc would be 50k baht plus :o . My insurance trhough Thai life will cover me to 30000 only. I would have thought this is more than enough really, but may be naive on these matters. CAN ANYBODY RECO. A CHEAPER BUT OK HOSPITAL IN BANGKOK? In the meantime I'll scour the forum. I went to the hospital to be cured no get shafted :D What a pain in the bXXX.
  15. Seems to me that farangs lose thousands, sometimes their life savings when divorcing Thais either in Thailand or the UK (I guess US, AUS, etc). I think this is fuelled by some common misconceptions:

    When you divorce in the UK it's a straight 50/50. Not so. Although this might apply to assets accrued during the marriage. Divorce settlements range from 0% to 65%, and may or may not include maintenance payments. Calculation is not set, and is subjective, but is definitely based on the following: 1. length of marriage 2. Input of the Thai woman both financial and in terms of home caring, and rearing any child. 3. Number of children if any 4. Special needs, eg, if Thai woman is sick or deemed mentally insecure, etc. 5. The person's situation following divorce as regards earning power. 6. Age of the people involved for future earnings potential. Where a house was bought before the marriage, there is unlikely to be a claim in a short term marriage. All these things are governed by 1973 Act of Parliament.

    Thus, typically, a Thai woman who marries a farang and goes to live with him in UK, separates a year or 2 later without kids, is able bodied and relatively young is likely to receive little or nothing if the case goes before a court. All that is required is to stand your ground.

    She gets half the house and lives there. Not necessarily so. Probably, if it is a lengthy marriage with kids. definitely not if short duration and the house was purchased before the marriage (as is usually the case). There may be some notional value placed on equity gain if any during the marriage but where the wife's input is minimal this may not be the case.

    Well I got the divorce - that's that. Not so, the divorce is sep. from the financial side. Beware. However where a couple have divorced, made new lives, it's very unlikely that gains made after the divorce could be subject to a claim.

    I married in Thailand, my wife can't divorce me in UK. Yes she can if the marriage was registered at the Amphur, which is nearly always the case. The fact it was not registered in Blighty is neither here nor there.UK law accepts the situation as if you were legally married in UK. Of course if you happened to absent yourself she could only do this after 5 years, plenty of time to file your own divorce in Thailand. Doesn't protect you from UK financial implications but usually the motive is short term gain for little effort, and in any case she would not get much in a short term marriage.

    We were married in Thailand and divorced in the UK. So I'm divorced in Thailand. No. Thai Law is Thai law. No other country can interfere with that. You need to get divorced in thailand if you intend to have a life there.

    I don't stand a chance in a Thai divorce. Utterly wrong. The courts are generally interested in upholding the rules as laid down in Thai law, the fact you are a farang is irrelevant. In fact the law heavily favours the man. Generally, the same rules apply as in any other country. This means you may have a claim of 50% or more. Since the guy generally pays for everything anyway you may even get more with a crafty lawyer. Moreover the grounds for divorce are much less stringent in Thailand. abandonment, and adultery do not require the consent of the other partner to divorce. If you have not lived with your partner for a year then it is likely you will be granted a divorce on the ground of abandonment and can file a claim on any assets. Note though if you did sign anything revoking any monetary interests in a property purchased in Thailand you may well have lost those rights (not necessarily though). Note2. If you bought the property with your money you may well stand a chance of getting the whole lot back if you have a clever lawyer and she doesn't.

    Anybody wish to contest any of these points please feel free. Also be interested in hearing some more misconceptions.

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