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Posts posted by rjlee1

  1. Well, it is a 'double-edged sword'.  In my opinion, the property laws should allow expats married to Thais, or who have permanent residence, to have legal ownership of at least the family's primary residence.  Expats being able to own land beyond the primary residence, I can see as eventually causing what happened in Vancouver, BC, as previously pointed out in this discussion. 


    And yes, the Thai real estate market (and legal system) needs some serious reforming.  The house next to us in BKK was abandoned for over a decade by the owner; what a frelling eyesore and mess.  Our community manager tried, but could do little to get the owner to cut the yard and clean the place up.  We inquired about buying it, but the price was way out there (we are sure she figured that since she had a 'rich' farang living next door....)  Finally, finally, the bank managed to get a court to agree that she had been in default on the loan for years and allowed them to repossess and sell it. 

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  2. Yea, doesn't sound too bright to me turning away the US Navy.

    My biggest worry is for disease. I hope I am wrong, but with all the raw sewage being spread around, and the waste water treatment plants being flooded and likely inoperable, I can't help but wonder how long before cholera and other water-born diseases start spreading. Later on, the mosquito population should explode and with it malaria and other diseases the mosquitos carry. You only have to see the news from parts of Africa to get a good idea of what is likely to happen.

    Any country would be in need of help when about 1/3 of it is flooded. The Thai Gov't needs to get a grip on reality and accept whatever resources are offered to deal with this.

    I can't help but wonder about how international companies are thinking about their investments. If any government can't provide basic infrastructure up to a standard that is expected, then companies are likely to leave. It is a simple matter of risk management.

    I agree with prior comments about the flood control work needed; should have been done long ago. If they don't going with such work once this current disaster abates, well... Certainly I will have to think seriously about moving somewhere else.

    Glad my family and I are not there now. What a mess.


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