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  1. Of course, just a few days ago he did not know if he was in Columbia or Cambodia.
  2. My life was much better under the Trump administration than the current regime. Retirement savings have been cut in half.
  3. We do not need people like her back in the US, keep her longer if you want. She already voiced her dislike for the US so maybe she will enjoy some R&R in a Russian prison.
  4. Someday this series of kangaroo courts has to wind things up. The allowance of hearsay testimony is sad to no end. There is a faction that just hates the arrogance of Donald Trump, and they just keep up the stabbing at him with charges that are never backed up with facts. The Russia connection they accused him of ended up being with Obama/Hillary and really backfired. All of the impeachment proceedings failed to return a conviction simply because they found no proof of wrongdoing except for the opposing party. Looking back, I would much preferred DJT to the catastrophe we are in now. My retirement savings, which are invested mainly in core domestic industries, have lost over 45% of their value since February 2021. During the four years that DJT was leader of the USA my investments had appreciated 38%. I am no admirer of DJT personally, but he was a much better leader than Biden or Obama.
  5. My retirement savings says Trump was a far superior president than groping Joe. The economy, our border security and more than all our health as a democratic republic was much better under Trump.
  6. I thought that Khao San already was the weed center of BKK. k
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