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Posts posted by Mikenmod

  1. A bit off subject, but does anyone know of any laws in the US or Thailand that restrict how much money one can bring in, or wire to a Thai bank account? The money is mine, but a greedy ex wants to dip some more. I's rather spend it myself in the LOS....

  2. Hello all,

    I am moving to Chiang Mai in May and I have a few questions regarding pharmacies, prescriptions, etc. The first one being: are there pharmacies in Thailand (Chiang Mai) that accept American prescriptions? If I have a prescription from an American doctor (an ongoing prescription) will I be able to fill it at a Thai pharmacy and will the prescription be of the same quality as here in the States?

    Please let me know if you have any experience with this!

    Thanks! I really appreciate it. :o

    Most prescription drugs are available otc in Thailand, except for any narcotic type, like pain killers, etc.

    My advice would be to visit a doctor in Chiang Mai, especially if you are moving there. Many are US trained and most speak good English.

    The visit is certainly quite affordable and farangs will go to the front of the line... no waiting.

    I'd suggest using a hospital pharmacy. You can be sure that you're getting legit pills.

    But bring your scripts to show the doctor anyway.

    When you get settled, there are fantastic traditional Thai and Chinese medicine shops in the big market. But English may be a problem, so find a practioner first. You may be very happy. I switched from Toprol and Linisopril to herbs, and my BP is fine.

  3. am heading back to the states after 8 months of living in thailand and after suffering several ailments here,discovered a lot of drugs that are prescription only in the us are available otc here.so have bought several boxes of anadol for pain relief,several tubes of clobet ,a clobex/clobetasol ointment,for my scalp psoriasis/excema,and a few boxes of cialis for fun.

    what other useful/essential drugs would one buy here to take back home i.e. flu pills like tamiflu,antibiotics,sedatives,etc.?

    also had a foreign object fall into my eye last week and my eye and that side of the face became all red and swollen.after a hospital visit and antibiotics it is better but the skin is all red with dried blood callouses/patches.couldn't find neosporin here and googled for alternatives and would fucidin be an alternative or are there other creams available for speeding up healing of skin infections?

    I bought some Viagra 100 in a pharmacy in bkk, and the pills are larger than my script from US. They may be bogus, but I really haven't put them to the test. I stay with one gf, soon to be wife.

    I found Retin A for my face, $5 in bkk, $40 in US. Toprol for blood pressure is not too much cheaper in Bkk.

    What is Anadol? Is it controlled pain releiver? If so, could be trouble bringing them back to the US, if caught.

    Sorry about your eye.. I have no advice there. Was the foreign object maybe the fist of an Aussie when you dissed his beloved rugby?

    I'm very allergic to knuckles myself. :o:D:D

  4. You are right. I was born in California (The San Fernando Valley) and spent the first 30 years of my life there.

    I knew it. :D

    In California, I'd expect all documents to be in English (not Spanish), in Thailand I'd expect all documents to be in Thai, and on Mars I'd expect all documents to be in Martian.

    The trouble is with your logic is the documents are produced by the US government and are used at every Embassy all over the world for immigration to US. If they were in Thai, the US employees at consulate would not be able to read them. :D

    Thanks for all your help. These forums are great for exchanging information and ideas.

    Unfortunately, irony is often lost on Americans :o


    I disagree. Irony is a staple of the American spirit. Why would we vote for B Clinton 2 times, then consider his larcenous spouse for the job???? :D d'oh

  5. This is a touchy subject among many.

    My take is that many farangs (me included) don't mind paying a fair price for anything, ever if its "farang" price. But I just hate being screwed and lied to by market vendors and other service providers. But on this subject of sin sod, we are not buying something. Marriage is a big step regardless of the culture. Here in Thailand, paying the sin sod and having a village wedding is accepting the Thai tradition and respecting their customs. We farangs will never become Thai, but if we plan on spending time in Thailand, especially you wife's home town, being seen as a cheap bastard by the villagers is not a good way to make yourself welcome.

    If you really can't afford it, I think that the family would accept you if you are sincere and will work to give your wife a good life. But if you don't do sin sod, wedding and gold baht, and then build a big house, have a new pick up truck, etc, I think they will always remember. Thai people are extremely polite and will never mention this to you, but they also may never want to speak with you.

    My take, using your phrase, is that you are new to Thailand. Nothing wrong with that.

    But you will be screwed if you think that the sinsot at the wedding is the be all and the end all of a relationship

    I'm new to Thailand, but that doesn't make me a rube. I met many Thai people and seen a lot of the country in a couple years. My first marriage was to a Filipina, and that lasted 22 years.

    I don't think I said the sin sod was in any way relevant to the relationship. Maybe it was taken that way.

    I found a nice lady, a fine woman. Thailand is full of very nice and conservative women. I want to marry her, so I'm marrying her in her country according to her country's traditions. It's my choice, I think our relationship will live or die if we work to love and respect each other.

    No offense to anyone, but many of the stories of the fleeced farang come from relationships started with the guy wearing his beer goggles

  6. This is a touchy subject among many.

    My take is that many farangs (me included) don't mind paying a fair price for anything, ever if its "farang" price. But I just hate being screwed and lied to by market vendors and other service providers. But on this subject of sin sod, we are not buying something. Marriage is a big step regardless of the culture. Here in Thailand, paying the sin sod and having a village wedding is accepting the Thai tradition and respecting their customs. We farangs will never become Thai, but if we plan on spending time in Thailand, especially you wife's home town, being seen as a cheap bastard by the villagers is not a good way to make yourself welcome.

    If you really can't afford it, I think that the family would accept you if you are sincere and will work to give your wife a good life. But if you don't do sin sod, wedding and gold baht, and then build a big house, have a new pick up truck, etc, I think they will always remember. Thai people are extremely polite and will never mention this to you, but they also may never want to speak with you.

  7. This has been a great string for me. Thanks for all the imput. But I already agreed with the family and my wife about the dowry and bhat, and the date is soon upon us. My first reaction when I learned this from my girl friend was " walk away fast. hold on to your wallet." But learning Thai tradition made me see the Thai point of view. The family are farmers with a modest house and some land. They paid for my gf to go to Ubon Ratchithani U and get a degree. She's paying back their sacrifices with her salary going to help her family. So if it's "buying" a wife, it's a bargain. I pay about 10-12K USD for a sweet and pretty woman, educated, has an ambition to better herself with education, and hopefully (??!!??!!) she'll love me, let me love her. I get a family in Thailand, and a place to build a modest house to spend the winters.

    OK, I'm 50 something, she's 30, my experience in Thailand is not extensive. We want to live in both places. But like I said, she wants to earn a Masters degree, so we'd have to live in the US or the EU for some years.(I'm an Irish citizen).

    For you, my new friends who want to tell me about the sad stories of Farangs having their hearts broken and wallets emptied, thank you: I hear you. But I think and hope(?!?!) that I found a good Thai lady. I promise to report in next year for an update, (if I can still afford a computer. 5555)

  8. For the Superbowl, if enough people are interested, we could get a large room at the Emporium Suites Hotel. Have a door charge to cover the room and alchohol (or just make it a BYO setup), and order from room service. They could even ask for a catered setup and have a buffet going. Perhaps friendly poker games and other such activities before the big game starts, make a whole night of it! Let me know what you all think.

    If there's enough interest here, I'll make a new post in the Bangkok forum and ask everyone to let me know how many people there will be in there group so we can get the right size, and possibly number of rooms. If we get too much interest we could always get some conference rooms with cattering, but I don't know if they'd allowing smoking in there, and we wouldn't have as much privacy for stuff like poker, ladies(?), etc.

    You can count me in. And along with the poker, buffet and cigars, we can even talk some trash about soccer. d'oh!

    If you are in Bkk, try to check out a new place called The Sports Authority. I saw it walking down the stairs from the skytrain at Asok. It's on the even number soi side, on the second floor, so it's not so easy to find. I stopped in and met the manager. Don't know if he wants (or is able) to stay open all night, but worth a try. It would be an outstanding place to have an all night Super Bowl party. It's classy, upscale.

    Just my 2 cents worth. Sorry, I'm in Khorat and won't be in Bkk till 1 Feb, so can't do the legwork.

  9. I want to thank everyone who posted an answer. I think that everyone has different stories, and different opinions.

    And I'll tell any one on this forum, I think I'm doing it the right way.

    We've known each other over a year and I've been in the Kingdom a lot the past years.

    Thailand is a place I'd like to spend a lot of time in. And I think a good wife is better than all the cuties in the cities.

    Hey, I hope that in a year or two I can pass on some good stories.

  10. hi there fellow issaners....

    I want to treat my girl and install her a thai sattelite,where we live in nongki the tv reception is rubbish plus only 3 channels to watch,ive already got dynasat which ive had for 4 years,for a one off payment of 14.000baht,this is all english speaking and mainly for myself,i heard there was a thai one for around 4 to 5000 baht installed and no monthly payments,but i cant find that info,and my girl will not walk in the shop and ask shes the shy type,any info would be greatly appreciated..

    many thanks jay.

    Jay If you hear loud music on 27 Jan in your town, please join us for our wedding. 300+ expected, so a few more don't matter.



    Yeah...gotta love that Isaan hospitality

    Congrats Mike

    Thanks guys.

  11. In the past 2 years, I've heard many stories about Issan weddings. I've been warned by many who've left broken hearted and broke.

    But I will tie the knot with a fine lady of 30, a graduate of Ubon Ratchisima University, who worked as a quality control specialist at cpk, earning 18K bhat per month, a decent salary. She's a virgin. Is that really possible? Are women like this real?

    Knowing that many a farang has settled in Issan with their love, I'd appreciate your stories and advise. Especially about dowry, gold Bhat, and wedding costs. If Dad gets a dowry, is that it? Or am I expected to help the family with each "emergency"?

    Maybe this issue has been discussed many times before, but I'm new to the Forum, and hope to hear some good stories. Mike

  12. hi there fellow issaners....

    I want to treat my girl and install her a thai sattelite,where we live in nongki the tv reception is rubbish plus only 3 channels to watch,ive already got dynasat which ive had for 4 years,for a one off payment of 14.000baht,this is all english speaking and mainly for myself,i heard there was a thai one for around 4 to 5000 baht installed and no monthly payments,but i cant find that info,and my girl will not walk in the shop and ask shes the shy type,any info would be greatly appreciated..

    many thanks jay.

    Jay If you hear loud music on 27 Jan in your town, please join us for our wedding. 300+ expected, so a few more don't matter.



    I expect a tough defensive effort, and a frustrating (for me) offensive performance from the Jags on Saturday night. The condition of Jags DT, Henderson could be a major key for them. Their defensive strength is definitely up the middle, which is the best way to limit Brady, who's ability to step up into the pocket is one of the major factors in his success. As has been the case all season, if Brady has time, it will be a very long night for the Jags DBs.

    It will almost certainly be up to Brady and his receivers to provide the majority of the offensive success in this one. I'd be very surprised to see any degree of consistent success for our OL in opening holes for Maroney between the tackles. They haven't shown that ability this season against lesser middle defenses than the Jags will present. There could be more opportunity outside; but the Jags also have better than average speed to get out there. That speed will also limit the success of screens, and, to some degree, swing passes to the RBs. So, it all comes back to the WRs and TEs. I think that is the way we have to attack this defense; and that begins with a solid pocket for Brady. The running game, IMO, will only be a "keep them honest" contribution to this game.

    The entire world knows that our defense will be focused on limiting the Jags' running game. The most effective way for us to do this is for Brady & company to get out in front by more than 1 score very early in the game. If we have limited offensive success, the Jags will likely have decent success, particulary early in the game, in chewing up yardage, and time, in big chunks on the ground (the "frustration" I mentioned). The Jags WR corps of Roydell Williams, Wilford, and Northcutt, is average, at best. Marcedes Lewis is a better than average, but not great, TE. Combine that with Garrard's conservative passing style, and I think the Patriots have an excellent chance to greatly limit the scoring, if not the yardage, of this offense. The key to this game may well be the most fundamental element of the defensive game - tackling. The Patriots players must execute well on the first hits on Taylor, Jones-Drew, and Garrard, when opportunities present themselves. Both RBs are extremely dangerous in the open field. They have to be stopped early in the play, or they may not be stopped at all. Garrard is a very dangerous runner out of the pocket, and I'm concerned over the less than stellar performance of our pass rush group in "wrapping up" against scrambling QBs this year. Let him escape, and he will hurt us. Tackle, boys. No shoulder bumps, or body rolls. Wrap 'em up and tackle!

    I believe that BB and McDaniels will have the game plan ready for that fast start. The early weather forecast I see calls for partly cloudy, with temps in the low 30's, down to high 20's. If that lack of precipition holds up, the passing attack should be fine. I read last week that Belichick's first practices focused on "fundamentals". Hopefully, that included tackling. I'm going with the assumption that his will be his defensive point of emphasis this week. Given a fast start offensively, consistently solid "first hit" tackling, and successful containment of Garrard in the pocket, I see a few more errors by Garrard than usual, as the game progresses. At least a couple of picks by our guys, and possibly even a fumble or two by Garrard, as he tries to escape when his receivers are covered. The net result of all that could be a serious blowout in this one in the second half. (Oh, and with all those kickoffs by the Patriots, watch that coverage of Jones-Drew!)

    I see it as 21 - 10 Patriots, at the half; with a final of Patriots 45 - Jaguars 17.


    "I don't have a whole lot of what-ifs. We won three Super Bowls," (Tom Brady)

    Hey George. Your analysis is right on. The talk here is that the Jags put a big hurt on you. But they played this weekend and the Pats were relaxing and healing. I think the pats will be laying on the hurt. And here's my take on the Evil One (BB). I think that the last four games, he played like it was exhibition seasn, know that it was good enough to win, and even if they lost one, not a big deal when holding the Lombardi Trophy high next month. He didn't show anything. Just watch what he comes out with for the next 3 games. In Bill, I trust.

  14. Weather for the Pats game, as forecast today, appears to be a non-factor. Thirties, no precip. Gotta love New England weather, I was there last week, low temps 4 F (actual, -15 C) with 20 mph winds, following heavy wet snow so everything was a frozen mess, and it will be 60 F tomorrow!

    I got to see Patriots All Access, filmed after the Giants game, and it was great to see behind the scenes of this historic game. Great segments with Belichick, using film to illustrate 3rd down conversions and detailed explanations of defense/coverage/offense, Tom Izzo (best films of 2007?; he picked most of my favs including the hometown "Gone Baby Gone") and an interview Adalius Thomas. Great to see some old favorites: Mike Lynch, Mike Dowling, Steve Nelson.

    Loma, you feel confident about a forecast this far in advance? I don't, but I'll hope it's dry, that's all. Cold and snow even won't hurt Brady's game, just wind mostly and maybe sleet/slippery stuff. As I mentioned, from what I saw, unless there's a huge turnover discrepancy, it's gonna be the Pats, big. But I'm paranoid about the following week, till it's over.

    Tom Terrific is something like 32-1 when the weather is below 32 degrees F. But I have to agree that I'm not as confident as 6 weeks ago. But with the bye week, Evil Bill will have something special for the Jags. And pray for snow, cold, sleet, frozen rain, north-easter, you name it. The wind is called Myra (Bob Kraft's wife)

    I think the Pats will live to host the Colts.

  15. It has been a wasteland as far as college football goes. ESPN usually shows some bowl games at the end of the year, but they are typically second or third tier. Forget about the big games... :o

    But I'm wondering... Now that UBC has pay per view (I think they've shown or are showing Cricket) maybe, just maybe, they'll show some college football. I for one would be willing to pay for some games, depending of course on the price.

    (No reason to believe that they actually will do this. Just a wild fantasy on my part.) :D

    College Football, especailly the Bowl games, are pure pleasure. Maybe there are enough Americans who appreciate the greatest sport on earth to band together and watch the games. I talked to the manager in a new club in Bkk, the Sports Authority, you can see it on the second floor on Sukhumvit walking down the Asok skytrain station. He has a number of rooms that have Tv and could be rented for a reasonable fee. These are classy rooms, very sofisticated decor, as is the whole club. There's a pool table in each room and some comfy chairs. And of course the friendly and beautiful waitresses.

    I'll be there looking for a Super bowl live showing.

    If you haven't heard, LSU beat up on Ohio for the BCS Championship.

    LSU Q's names is Flynn. MVP of the NFL's name is Brady. Tis a fine time ter be Irish.

  16. I know this forum is for discussing Manchester and Liverpool,


    Come on on Boston Barry, which is your "Team"?

    The Red Sox :D

    Or do they play "Rounders" :D

    But can someone explain what "Rounders" are?

    Rounders is a more complex and entertaining form of baseball.

    Normally played by Girlies ;)

    Thanks Jackn,

    So this is an example of anti American humor? Or are you a youngster who should be doing his homework.

    Firstly get the name right :D Its JacknDanny :o

    Secondly I gave you your information as to where the games are shown. No its ok, you dont have to thank me :D

    Thirdly I have many American friends so please dont accuse me of being anti American.

    The only homework I am doing right now is studying form on English football, in the hope that I can overtake a fellow Brit in our football competition.!!!

    So wind your neck in and stop being so touchy :o

    Wow. OK... I'm sorry. Just a bit of paranoia on my part.

    I appreciate the advice given. I was too serious, and misunderstood the banter.

    I'll leave this forum to you guys, and go watch my favorite sports, or read a good book.

    What if we were born in Khazikstan where the favorite sport is riding your horse around playing keep away with a dead cow?

    Again, apologies. But let me tell my new friends a quick story.

    I was an exchange student in Austria during the Vietnam war before I got drafted. I took much grief from Europeans.

    Last month in Chiang Mai, I was lucky to meet 2 Brit Paras. They were kids on leave from Afghanistan, and they did a tour in Basra.

    I bought them some rounds, and they told me of their bad experiences back home because of their patriotism and sense of duty. Deja Vu all over again.

    That's enough for me to say here. So again, please forgive my "touchiness".

    Go Liverpool!!

  17. I know this forum is for discussing Manchester and Liverpool,


    Come on on Boston Barry, which is your "Team"?

    The Red Sox :o

    Or do they play "Rounders" :D

    But can someone explain what "Rounders" are?

    Rounders is a more complex and entertaining form of baseball.

    Normally played by Girlies :D

    Thanks Jackn,

    So this is an example of anti American humor? Or are you a youngster who should be doing his homework.

  18. post-56115-1199344718_thumb.jpgpost-56115-1199344718_thumb.jpg

    There's an American Football Forum on this site? Where can I find this?

    Thanks. I need all the help I can get...

    Its in the Community Forums under Sports, Hobbies and Activities. I suggest you do your posting on that "thread". You'll get better results.

    P.S. I'll take Heineken!

    Shaken, or stirred?

  19. I'll buy a pitcher of beer for anybody who can help this Yank. I know this forum is for discussing Manchester and Liverpool, but my first love is the Patriots, Cowboys, Steelers, Green Bay and Da Gints.

    I'll be in Khorat and Bkk for the playoffs/Superbowl, and would give anything (even free beer) to find a place to see the games live, or even with a short time delay. Channel 64 will probably have the games, so there has to be some place that will show them.

    Help, please! And I'll never complain about Beckham again.

    I have all the games at my place I LOVE SLINGBOX! and HEY I live in Khorat!

    Serious? I'll be in Khorat that week to be MARRIED!!!! I'm sweating bullets. Want to go to our party? It's in Don Ki, outside of Burirum. I'm serious. What the hel_l? Let me know if I can watch at your place. I will bring refreshments.

  20. According to the TrueVisions tv schedule, there are two games scheduled early Monday morning on channel ts4(TrueSports4) at 1 am and 4:15 am. There should be re-telecasts at 7 pm and 9:30 pm. In short, keep that sex kitten at home for yourself and hit the bars at night to catch a re-telecast at a reasonable hour.

    Nothing on the schedule for Saturday games although TrueVisions has been upgrading their schedule of American Football. Last weekend, for example, they showed the Pats-Giants game even though it was not on the formal schedule. Check the American Football thread for updates...

    Hey Guy

    Can you please point me toward the "American Football" thread? I'll be in Khorat for the first round (after wildcard weekend) and the conference championship games, and Bkk for the Super Bowl.

    If you listen to the Super Bowl hype, 1 billion people watch the game. So there must be some interest in the LOS.

  21. Ill book an expensive hotel room (Would rather not), I jsut direly want to catch the nfl playofs this weekend... what channel? what time? where will they be showing? what hotel carries that channel?

    ANy help would be hugely appreciated!!

    I have all the games at my place, just grab a sexy girl from BKK and bring her, she will be your admission ticket.

    Hey Lou,

    I put a post on the Football (soccer) forum looking for the NFL. I offered a pitcher of beer to anyone who could get me the info. So I'll buy you all the beer, pizza, and tom yum that you want for a seat in front of your TV. I'll bring a sexy lady if that's part of the price of admission. But can you explain "false start" in phassa Thai?

  22. I know this forum is for discussing Manchester and Liverpool,


    Come on on Boston Barry, which is your "Team"?

    The Red Sox :o

    Or do they play "Rounders" :D

    Patriots. I've been a fan for 35 years. And I've gone through the scorn and ridicule of Miami and San Francisco fans, but I won't stoop so low as to say "in yo face, m....f.....!" I'm enjoying the good times, and like everything else in life, all things must pass.

    Yes, and I'm a Red Sox fan. One who never thought things could ever change. So again, enjoying the ride.

    But can someone explain what "Rounders" are?

  23. I'll buy a pitcher of beer for anybody who can help this Yank. I know this forum is for discussing Manchester and Liverpool, but my first love is the Patriots, Cowboys, Steelers, Green Bay and Da Gints.

    I'll be in Khorat and Bkk for the playoffs/Superbowl, and would give anything (even free beer) to find a place to see the games live, or even with a short time delay. Channel 64 will probably have the games, so there has to be some place that will show them.

    Help, please! And I'll never complain about Beckham again.

    This weekend's games are on Channel 64 Monday morning probably as follows:

    1 am NY Giants-Tampa Bay Bucs

    4:30 am Tenn Titans-SD Chargers

    There are scheduled re-telecasts at 7 pm and 9:30 pm. Looks like the Saturday playoff games are not scheduled for telecast at this point. Check the American Football forum for any updates.

    There's an American Football Forum on this site? Where can I find this?

    Thanks. I need all the help I can get...

  24. I'll buy a pitcher of beer for anybody who can help this Yank. I know this forum is for discussing Manchester and Liverpool, but my first love is the Patriots, Cowboys, Steelers, Green Bay and Da Gints.

    I'll be in Khorat and Bkk for the playoffs/Superbowl, and would give anything (even free beer) to find a place to see the games live, or even with a short time delay. Channel 64 will probably have the games, so there has to be some place that will show them.

    Help, please! And I'll never complain about Beckham again.

  25. Hello posters, lurkers and moderators........

    This is my first post!!!

    That's because I couldn't figure out how to do it. I can't help it, I'm American. You see, my horse kept looking over my shoulder every time I stopped at the internet saloon.

    Seriously, I'm in need of help from someone in LOS. I'll be in Khorat and Bkk during the NFL playoffs and need to locate a pub, bar, saloon, or other location that televises real football. Not the "beautiful game", but the smash mouth, dirty, smelly, trash talking game with the ball with pointy ends.

    I know it exists in Thailand, somewhere. My first visit to Chiang Mai, I went into a restaurant with a Pats shirt on, and got into a pretty intense discussion of the upcoming season with the lady owner. She picked the Chargers... But I was in heaven arguing over who is the real 81. T.O. or Randy Moss.

    Sorry, I'm rambling.

    Can anyone help me find a place to watch??


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