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Posts posted by WeeGB

  1. I disagree that a world war would follow if a true democracy was introduced in the UN, I also suspect that no one would really win, that's the nature of war, everyone loses. Perhaps if a large number of countries were to disassociate themselves from the UN, until full democracy was introduced, and the power to veto be abolished, many of the world's problems would then be solved.

    The world has changed, and if the UN does not change with it, then it will become even more irrelevant than it is already.

    Surely the Palestinian issue is a humanitarian one, so the problem would remain the same, no matter where the UN was situated, though I do agree, it should not be in the USA.

    Certainly, if we take Israel and Palestine as an example, the same old arguments have being going on for sixty or more years without resolution, both within and outside of the UN, chiefly due to the USA's support for Israel seemingly no matter what they do.

    The Palestinians are no different to any other nation, they should be able to have their own homeland, have the areas that Israel has stolen from them returned, and follow their own destiny. America simply does not help the situation, by turning a blind eye, when Israel builds more and more houses on occupied territory, while making seemingly endless conditions upon the Palestinians. The world needs change, and if the UN does not allow that change to happen, democratically, then it is a pointless entity.

  2. Perhaps the UN should put it's own house in order, before discussing democracy. How can an organisation, where 5 countries have the power to veto motions put to it, claim to be democratic ?

    An example is the forthcoming application for the recognition of Palestine as a state. The USA, apparently, is going to veto this motion, thus depriving the Palestinians of becoming recognised as a state, even if every other country were to vote in their favour.

    Surely a more democratic method would be for each member state, to vote, and if the majority are in favour, then the motion is passed. That is democracy, each one having a vote, and the majority of votes wins the motion.

  3. I found the form ok.Started to fill it in ok.

    But when it came to writing text in the pop-up box there was no response.

    Maybe because I do not have MS Word and use Open Office? :blink:

    So I gave up.

    But at least they're trying :rolleyes:

    FCO-BE log on to Thai Forum you will get a wealth of info about the feelings of US in Thailand. OR is it personal data info on record.

    In their capacity they should have a fair Idea what the main wants of US -------------Start again to issue passports if you can find the time!! Put pressure on Thai Immigration to make retired ex pats-easier times on cat-0 visas/retirement visas. No reporting or 6 month reporting without leaving the kingdom. and essential 1000,sq mt plots of land similar to condo ( to own) stopping greedy foreign land grabbers. SIMPLE uncomplicated requests-and fair.

    Well said Ginjag, only thing I would add is give us the same pension rights that UK pensioners retiring in the EEC get, with an annual increase every year, instead of it being frozen. Personally I can't see this being more than a paper exercise.

  4. I personally would like to see Palestine achieve statehood.......as far as I'm concerned anything the Americans and jews are against,, I'm in favour of.

    Israel is an ally?? America gives them billions every year, while it's own people can't get decent healthcare or education, then jumps every time the jews click their fingers. Israel is nobodys friend, as they have recently proved to both Turkey and Egypt.

    America is never going to realise that, but given their recent history of allies/friends, (The Shah of Iran, Saddam Hussein, Al Quieda, and according to recent news General Ghadaffi), perhaps that's not surprising. Oh, and of course there was South Vietnam.

    Yay for American democracy ? That's the kind of democracy where having more money counts more than having more votes, as Bush proved.

  5. Well I watched the Janet and John get a new passport video clip, am I the only one that finds it patronising?

    No date for moving he entire operation back to the UK, but when they do they will find it very difficult to justify any higher costs for applicants from overseas, save for courier costs, but no doubt they will somehow do so.

    Janet & John ?? I remember them, I must be an old git too.:D:D

  6. So once again, the US breaks international law. But, hey that's OK, because they're the good guys.

    Whatever heinous crimes Mr Garcia was convicted of, the law is the law.

    International law takes precedence over any countries own laws. No exceptions, especially when the US is forever telling the rest of the world how to live. Imagine the outcry if a US citizen was found guilty of a serious crime and then executed in Iran, or North Korea.

  7. Everybody seems to forget why there is a massive use of resources. Overpopulation.

    That is the central problem and no one mentions it.

    You want to improve the situation of the poor? Reduce population.

    The largest increase in population is among the poor.

    But no one want to say that...

    There are too many humans on the planet. In the developed countries, there is very little population growth, but in poor developing countries, ie. China and India, it is out of control.

    This must be the number one priority. Reduce Earth's population.

    I'll do that for you matey !:D Simply put me in charge of the world, then everybody I don't like DIES !! :blink:

    Seriously, I never understood why the west didn't follow China's example of lower taxes for families who have only 1 child, eminently sensible, in my view.

    For years my oz govt has been giving people $5000 to have a child, for each child. I think the amount has just risen as well. Absolutely amazing a govt will pay someone to have children. grrrrr.

    I agree mate, ridiculous. Certainly in the UK, the only people having large families, are the kind that shouldn't be allowed to breed in the first place. Thankfully the government is now clamping down on those who have kids in order to get more benefits. I personally know of one guy, who has at least 14 kids, with 6 women, and is unable to work due to heart problems (yeah right). These kids then grow up (some have already), and follow a lifestyle of me, me, me, (actions with no regard to the consequences for others). This greed based lifestyle, is what is causing a lot of the ecological problems in the world. Too many ill educated, immoral, selfish, greedy people for a planet to support. All joking aside, I'd be happy to see a few million undesirables culled from the UK population, they certainly don't contribute anything worthwhile, while at the same time making decent people's lives a misery. Would certainly do more good for the planet than recycling shopping bags.

  8. Walen is not affected by this or? Do those Skype students need to attend the classrooms now too?

    The issue seems to be that the guy was with the guy not being able to speak Thai at a very basic level. Pla yay geen pla lek. So super easy. If you learn online you do actually attend a class, and many students do not learn online because they need visa, this is one of the way we teach. If there is a problem with this kind of visa it will be because people like this.

    The moral of the story is learn some Thai, at least at a basic level. It needs to be evident that you go to school and learn. He did not ask him to translate passages from Shakespeare into Thai, did he?

    Alas, poor Somkid, I knew him well. :D:D

    Do I need an education visa to study online, or can I use a retirement visa ?

  9. If anyone can supply information on a REPUTABLE Thai language school, that doesa a distance learning course, I'd be grateful. As for the topic, som nam na, no excuses, if the visa is to enable someone to learn Thai, then they should make every effort to learn. If a retiree turns up with 100 baht less in the bank than they're supposed to have, he'd be refused a visa, so why should other visa holders be exempt from what are, after all, clearly written rules.

  10. Everybody seems to forget why there is a massive use of resources. Overpopulation.

    That is the central problem and no one mentions it.

    You want to improve the situation of the poor? Reduce population.

    The largest increase in population is among the poor.

    But no one want to say that...

    There are too many humans on the planet. In the developed countries, there is very little population growth, but in poor developing countries, ie. China and India, it is out of control.

    This must be the number one priority. Reduce Earth's population.

    I'll do that for you matey !:D Simply put me in charge of the world, then everybody I don't like DIES !! :blink:

    Seriously, I never understood why the west didn't follow China's example of lower taxes for families who have only 1 child, eminently sensible, in my view.

  11. While it seems more than a little ridiculous to try the US officials in absentia in Iran, (because the alleged crimes did not happen there), I have no complaints with charges being filed internationally by Iran. It's common knowledge that some US forces (and UK forces too), have tortured prisoners, and committed other excesses. If war criminals from other countries can be tried at the Hague, why not US officials ? A war crime is a war crime, regardless of the citizenship of the person committing the crime. I hope they also find some evidence on Blair, Bush's pet warmongering lap-dog. It also seems eminently sensible to cut ties with companies associated with the alleged perpetrators of these crimes. After all, if it's acceptable for the US, EEC, and other countries to use sanctions, or refuse to trade with "rogue" countries and companies, it must be acceptable for Iran to take the same stance.

    Because Iran is NOT Hague, nor is it even a member of UN , nor it is even a democratic state, nor it is human rights protector.

    Iran is ONLY a terror supporter and human rights abuser, which gives them no right or position to even open their mouth let alone judge others.

    It's always advisable to check FACTS, before posting drivel. According to the United Nations website, http://www.un.org/en/members/ Iran IS indeed a member of the UN, and in fact, is a FOUNDING MEMBER. A country does NOT have to be a democratic state, in order to recognise war crimes committed by other states. Iran has every right, to raise this matter, and file lawsuits internationally. I tend to agree with philw's comment regarding the irony concerned, but perhaps the Iranians have a better sense of humour than some of the right-wing posters on here. Nevertheless, a war crime is against international law, and americans should NOT be exempt from either being accused or tried at the Hague.

  12. While it seems more than a little ridiculous to try the US officials in absentia in Iran, (because the alleged crimes did not happen there), I have no complaints with charges being filed internationally by Iran. It's common knowledge that some US forces (and UK forces too), have tortured prisoners, and committed other excesses. If war criminals from other countries can be tried at the Hague, why not US officials ? A war crime is a war crime, regardless of the citizenship of the person committing the crime. I hope they also find some evidence on Blair, Bush's pet warmongering lap-dog. It also seems eminently sensible to cut ties with companies associated with the alleged perpetrators of these crimes. After all, if it's acceptable for the US, EEC, and other countries to use sanctions, or refuse to trade with "rogue" countries and companies, it must be acceptable for Iran to take the same stance.

  13. Go reds! :D

    And I just gotta say, all the crying in this thread is giving me many good laughs.

    Thailand has spoken. Live with it or move elsewhere.

    Well said ! No doubt all the yellow shirt / PAD / Democrat / right wing loonies on here will be complaining about vote buying, but I'm happy to report in our village, that there seems to be no such thing. We've talked to lots of folks today, and while it MAY be true elsewhere, it didn't happen here. Perhaps all those who make anti-red posts in their thousands, will finally realise that they are completely wasting their time - most people on here DON'T have a vote. :D:D

  14. Watched an interesting programme a couple of days ago, on BBC World News, featuring a discussion with 4 young Egyptian activists. The general view was that little has really changed since the january uprising, and that further demonstrations would be necessary, to prevent Egypt turning into another Islamic Republic, where sharia law was in force. Maybe this is what's happening now, seems the younger generation want real freedom, and are wary of the older generation taking over what they started. Interesting viewing, not sure if it's repeated or not.

  15. It looks like we need a miracle here - hang a minute, what about calling Super Bono and Sir Bob Geldoff...?! - Super Bono would get even more praise heaped upon him by an adoring fan-base, and Sir Bob could buy another multi million pound home to add to his already-expansive property portfolio..! And everyones a winner..!!

    A nasty, cheap shot. You think this is humourous ?

    This topic is about people, human beings, being mal-nourished and starving. Let's hope, that IF, at some point in the very distant future, you develop into a human being, that you will be able to feed your self. It's not the fault of these poor people that they were born into an area, that is prone to all kinds of natural disasters. GROW UP.

  16. Obviously a ploy by the jews to justify them not releasing prisoners, to get their soldier back. They can claim any release of prisoners, (and there are thousands, not just one), will lead them to likely re-offend in future. Given that israel IS a US backed apartheid state, that is not surprising. And there is NO mention in the OP, of any of the arrested, alleged terrorists being mass murderers, or indeed murderers of anyone at all.

    But of course, if you are pro-zionist, the truth doesn't matter.

  17. Scorecard wrote, in several posts on this topic :

    Several lecturers (pt members) regularly hand out red shirt materials and CDs to the students and they have told the students that if they didn't support the red shirts they will fail

    In one promotion cycle one of his army family members jumped 5 ranks. Nothing said anything, because nobody dared to challenge him, hardly democracy.

    He threatened to sack the entire police force...... Greatest laugh ever.

    Can you also share some links or other details on these claims. I'm particularly interested in which University these lecturers work. Thanks.

    1. "He threatened to sack the entire police force" was posted by another member, I just quoted it in a reply.

    2. You seriously think I'm going to publically reveal the name of my son's university?

    I will say that it's not of the high profile 'famous' institutes. It is highly recognized for the subject which my son studies, which doesn't attract a high volume of students, but for many subjects: Economics, Accounting, Engineering and more it's way down the Thai rankings. I'll also mention that the students have gathered many petitions to complain about teachers, the administration, the president, etc., but nothing ever results. And my understanding is that all of this is common in many Thai universities.

    So, in plain English, you have NO evidence whatsoever, to support your wild accusations and assertions. ( I note you conveniently forgot about the promotion cycle statement). Yet you request that other posters supply links, when they make points you don't agree with. Another one for the "ignore" list.:unsure:

  18. Scorecard wrote, in several posts on this topic :

    Several lecturers (pt members) regularly hand out red shirt materials and CDs to the students and they have told the students that if they didn't support the red shirts they will fail

    In one promotion cycle one of his army family members jumped 5 ranks. Nothing said anything, because nobody dared to challenge him, hardly democracy.

    He threatened to sack the entire police force...... Greatest laugh ever.

    Can you also share some links or other details on these claims. I'm particularly interested in which University these lecturers work. Thanks.

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