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Posts posted by fobuff

  1. if she doesn't want a kid (oh yes, they really do not want to have kids sic) she should have taken precautions and him also..

    Prove it, then pursue.. were you married. living together or just a one night stand

    Are we going to have a look for drunk farangs who screwed me for money, so that I can feed sick buffalo, dead husband excuse, father and mother at home sick bla bla bla...


  2. At least he was elected twice (or is three times) by the people (legally) and not put up by puppet Generals.



    Stalin with 97,9% of the votes

    Mugabe with more than 75% of the votes

    Governments in the former Eastern Europe where allected with at least 95% of the votes

    do I have to continue?

    Why do you compare Thailand to a communist countries...

    You should compare apples with apples.. Thailand is a democratic country (sic) or was...

    In the western world, we do elect idiots, crooks, etc.... and when we are fed up with them we elect somebody else, or the same ones.. that is a DEMOCRATIC society.

    If Thaskin was, is, or whatever a crook, they must a way (DEMOCRATIC) to bring him to court as PM, legally to oust him..

    Not just have an little elite group form Bangkok have a coup....

    Believe I am not a fan of him, but that is what DEMOCRACY is all about.

    Fobuff :D:D:D

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