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Status Updates posted by Changian

  1. This is how i like my drinking water ' ultraviolated' http://twitpic.com/2ptj6b #travel

  2. Mmmm. There's nothing like fresh bee larvae for breakfast. http://twitpic.com/2kfey8

  3. A bleak day today on Koh Chang - a lot of heavy rain this morning #Thailand #Travel

  4. Accidentally tracking down Comrade Duch by Nic Dunlop - http://tinyurl.com/23a8l55

  5. Society News: New Honda Scooter Dealership opens today on Koh Chang. The island's movers and shakers in attendance this morning.

  6. Billboards promoting Koh Chang now lining the roadside on the way from BKK. Odd as people driving already have a destination in mind.

  7. Worst ad for Koh Chang ever? Chosen as 'Top Island to Meet Thai Women' in this truly dire article - http://tinyurl.com/2apf2mz

  8. Excellent ribs and cocktails last night at texas steakhouse on koh chang #travel

  9. Got stung by a jellyfish this afternoon. Arm went a bit numb for an hour or so but back to normal now. #Thailand #travel

  10. Koh Chang Island Travel Guide Update > Koh Chang Weather For September 2010 - http://tinyurl.com/2e7qw4p #koh_chang_thailand #travel

  11. Why do humans eat chilli? It's all down to 'Capsaicin', the explanation here: http://tinyurl.com/2fl4cm2

  12. Iberry chiang mai, giant man dog guarding an ice cream shop http://twitpic.com/2hm3y5

  13. Business 101: Hoteliers on Koh Chang looking forward to 1 Nov, start of high season, then they can double the price of an empty room.

  14. A Taste oif Home - Extreme Sheep Herding - http://tinyurl.com/cchdnd

  15. Happy 'World Ozone Day' Today. What? You didn't know about it? You missed a great party . . .probably. #Environment #Travel

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