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Posts posted by humqdpf

  1. We should apply the law to these people. Treason might be a good charge given that IS is an enemy of the USA state and they were going to aid and abet IS.

    I suggest Treason because of the legal difficulties of making going abroad to kill people a crime - I certainly would not want to make criminals of those people who go to defend the Kurds and others who are being massacred by IS.

    Thank goodness that the defendants were so stupid. Defence lawyers will have some job on their hands unless it could be shown that the couple were entrapped or someone did something illegal in the investigation.

  2. I really don't think a Bush should start banging on about IS when the family created it!


    While I have at last some time for Jeb Bush, this argument (if that is what it is) that H. Clinton's actions led to the rise of IS is a bit like an arsonist blaming a fireman for wrong hose selection as the cause of the resulting devastation!

    It gets even worse, as I think Clcog alludes - George Senior started the whole jihadist movement by supporting the various mujahideen groups in Afghanistan against the Soviets. George Junior started the Iraq war based on the non-existent weapons of mass destruction and that the Sadaam regime was somehow connected to the 9/11 massacre event - both completely false. There were no WMD and of all the leaders in the Middle East, Sadaam was a kind of secularist who would have had no time for Al Qaeda and its idea of a fundamentalist caliphate.

    Having backed the USA into a war that could not be won but could very well grumble on with great loss of life (both Iraqi and American), the next administration would have to try to extricate themselves and the USA from this mess.

    The central question should really be whether H Clinton and Obama tried to withdraw the troops too early. I actually do not have a lot of time for Hiliary and much to disagree with Obama but this kind of decision is always going to be a real throw of the dice, whatever you do, where the outcomes are highly unpredictable.

    If the Republicans have a chance at the White House, Jeb is probably the best face to put forward, given the plainly unelectable and sometimes strange folks in the lineup this time around. But that is not going to happen if he takes this stupid approach. Yes, go after H Clinton and there is plenty to go on. But saying that she is responsible for the rise of IS and especially with his lineage would be to throw the towel in rather early.

  3. Thanks goodness that the suspect was not that bright. Had he been clever, he would not have stolen items that could create a clear evidence trail to him and it wouldn't have been so easy for the cops to catch him.

    Makes you wonder how it is that a man can rape so many women in a gated community (assuming that being gated there would be at least some guards on duty)!

  4. I find myself bizarrely in agreement with Fidel on this issue - I am not sure that large "bubbles" of tourists will make much of a mark on Cuba and its people and will bring little economic benefit except for the leaving of trash and waste. All the food would come from the USA, as will the employees of these ships. And the ships will most likely be serviced and fitted in the USA. What on earth is in this for the average Joe/Jose from Cuba?

  5. Truth be told, Israel is a dead weight around America's neck, and eventually policy makers (unlike Schemer) are going to realize that it's in our strategic best interest to cast it off before it pulls us under.

    Sounds like a VERY uniformed opinion. giggle.gif

    Israel is a very powerful military ally. The security cooperation between Israel and the United States is huge, and Israel has consistently been a major security asset to the United States, an asset upon which America can rely, far more than other state recipients of American funding.
    Israel is the world's leading expert in collecting intelligence on terrorist groups and in counter-terrorism. It provides military intelligence and know-how to the U.S. worth far more than what we give them in Aid and if there were no Israel, the US would have to deploy aircraft carriers to the area, along with tens of thousands of US soldiers, which would cost tens of billions of dollars annually.
    Most of the money that the USA gives Israel has been used by Israel to purchase goods and services, military and civilian, from America, so that American aid money is recycled back into the American economy. Nearly 90% of US aid to Israel is military, and Israel spends about 75% of that buying U.S. goods. This aid is an indirect American subsidy to U.S. arms manufacturers.


    The last time I looked, this forum was called Thai Visa, not American Thai Visa. We have people from all over the world involved in this forum.

    The issues about support or not for the removal of trade sanctions on Iran are far greater for world stability and peace and far outweigh whether some Americans do better financially or not. If the USA could simply spent the funds on themselves, it is highly likely that even more cash would be spent on American goods.

    Israel is a military ally to the USA but is frequently an interferer in US politics, especially under the current Israeli government. The realpolitik of the matter is that the alliance is based on the powerful Jewish and pro-Israel lobby that exists in the USA. This is despite the fact that Israel's treatment of the refugees from what was called Palestine and the Palestinian territories is seen as ethnic/religious discrimination and persecution by Arabs and others throughout the Middle East. Much of this sentiment has played a part in rallying Muslims from all sides (despite historical enmity between Shias and Sunnis) against Israel and against the USA. Sometimes this also includes the EU and other countries.

    Wouldn't it be great is at least just once the Western countries including the USA could be seen to be evenhanded when it comes to Israel and other nations in the Middle East? Wouldn't that steal the thunder of the terrorists who can always claim that the USA/Western countries will always support Israel against the interests of all Middle Eastern peoples?

  6. Sometimes when international commentators/academics/politicians and the great and the good generally point to developing country democratise (or lack thereof), they cite the fact that there is not true Western democracy but simply parties that split along ethnic or religious lines as opposed to political lines.

    But no one ever makes this point about Western countries, where one can expect Jewish politicians to vote a certain way when the politics of the Middle East are concerned. Should Irish Americans still vote or spend their spare cash to support Noraid and, allegedly the IRA so as to keep them in guns and explosives? Why cannot we take this opportunity to vote for World peace for a change. Yes, we may all get it wrong and indeed Iran may turn out to be the kind of regime that will take the cash to use for its nuclear program and immediately face return to seclusion and poverty behind trade bans. But, lets face it, it is hardly likely.

    Iran is going through some real changes. They would like to modernise their economy, Their people would like to get access to Western education and goods. And how is this going to somehow make the majority of the population into rabid anti-western crazies?

    Yes, Iran supports its Shia interests just as Saudi Arabia supports its Sunni interests (as did the West's erstwhile friend, Iraq under Saddam Hussein, not to mention Pakistan).

    Can we not take this small risk? If the Iranians start developing nuclear weapons, they face immediate trade sanctions. And maybe this time the West powers won't close its eyes to some of the sanction busting that has been going on for some time, ironically from places like Dubai (ostensibly Sunni state).

  7. Send them home or to another Muslim Country !!

    Why must they go to a Muslim country? Some are fleeing persecution in a Muslim country. Some are Christians. Some may be gays who were terrorised in either Christian or Muslim countries. Some come from Eritrea (majority Christian country where there is a quasi-stalinist single-party regime in power) where the regime makes their ordinary citizens undergo "national service" aka forced/slave labour for years.

    So, please tell us again, why must they go to a Muslim country?

  8. This report and those contributing to it make the assumption that El Chapo has been isolated from the drug business all the time he was in prison.

    Given the fact that he had such a huge amount of inside help from prison employees and most likely outside help from officials too, it is highly likely that he was facilitated to run his affairs, including his drug empire, from inside the prison. He was never away and is most likely completely on top of everything that has been owing on in the cartel all the time.

  9. So does this mean they will finally release the prisoners from the Vietnam war?

    In what universe would Vietnam ever try to keep until now prisoners from the Vietnam war (or what the Vietnamese call the American war)? What would incarceration of those people benefit the Vietnamese government? Lets just take it that all MIAs are either dead (most likely) or changed their name and disappeared in some third country. MIA specialists from the USA (some of whom can speak Vietnamese) have worked the country chasing down every connection and repatriating remains. I know this because I met some of them. The idea that there would be some "secret" camp somewhere with American and other Westerners languishing is just ludicrous.

  10. Who gives a s**t about this old f**t. Had his day in the celeb sun.... Let him <deleted> off into oblivion. Only stupid idiots care about this celeb stalking.

    Hmm, you might feel differently if your daughter were one of Cosby's victims... coffee1.gif

    Indeed he should be arrested, charged and prosecuted fully. But the constant news buzz and fixation my the masses on his every move now is to what I am referring.

    If there was sufficient evidence, he would have been charged already. That he has not been charged casts serious doubts about whether or not the allegations are true. Until there is a reasonable amount of evidence, not only should he not be arrested, charged, and prosecuted, we should all shut the f*#k up about this vicious and salacious gossip.

    To add to this, often celebrities will pay off someone just to shut them up even when there is nothing there. This sometimes involves making "admissions" that will be sealed. I have always thought that such celebs are badly advised when they do this. But this is all the "evidence" that is available beyond decades-old complaints that have only come out now.

    This does not mean that I think he did it. Nor does it mean that I believe he did not do it.

  11. According to Wikipedia, "The age of consent in Cambodia is 15.[7] However, the law against human trafficking makes purchasing sex from a minor under the age of 18 illegal and punishable by imprisonment. Foreigners have been prosecuted under this article for sexual relations with 16-17 year olds."

    In other words, these children could have been 17 years old.

    Just to put it in context, the age of consent in some European countries in 14 or less, depending on circumstances.

    • Like 1
  12. That just shows how much the US Govt cares about anyone... Bad or good...... wink.png

    huh .....? you are a failed person . by it self , the americans have donated to the world more than all the contries of the world combined . we are a giving nation . and you ? what have you given ? not much i feel n. you are a user and taker . a ex american ? foolish you are .

    Just to clarify, in gross terms in 2013, the European Union is the biggest single donor of Official Development Aid (ODA) at over $86 billion, USA gave $31.5 billion.

    Since the total of ODA was a shade under $160 billion from the top 24 donor countries, this is over 5 times higher than the gross amount provided by the USA.

    In terms of donation of ODA dependent on size of the economy measured in Gross National Income, Norway was way ahead at 1.07% of Gross National Income. USA was 20th on this list.

  13. Unless you have to be in Nay Pyi Daw for work, give it a miss. Although the capital (very recently built), it is a completely dead and very expensive city. Stay one night if you really have to - best fly out to any of the other destinations.

    In Burma, there is Mandalay (missed that during my trips), the coast, Pagan (Bagan) where all the temples are, Inle Lake (large lake region in the middle of the country), Ngapali which is the beautiful beach area and Yangon (Rangoon) which is the old capital. Some of the country will not be open for tourism.

    Very hard to recommend guesthouses as tastes are always different - what I may find charmingly rugged, you may find awful and depressing. Besides, places change all the time. Much better to take a look at Trip Advisor and such sites to find out what you are looking for. A guide book will greatly enhance your trip too.

  14. It would appear that the Junta is envious of Vietnam. Unlike Thailand where there is continuously unstable democracy and the monarch has to be brought in from time to time to adjudicate and the army has to run things when it all falls apart, Vietnam has a regime that never institutionally changes.

    Of course, what the Thai Junta does not probably realise is that in Vietnam it is the institution of the Communist Party that is paramount, not the individuals who are leading it at any particular time. Whilst there is corruption, it is minimal compared to Thailand. And the army and police are kept in their respective places in Vietnam too.

  15. Stop appealing to this discussion group for diagnosis of medical conditions. Losing weight without trying to can reveal a number of issues, from tapeworms to diabetes to cancer and quite a lot in between. As with people who are overweight and underestimate what they eat, underweight people can often overestimate what they eat (they order a meal but only eat a quarter of it). In many instances, underweight and obese folks are treated in the same medical unit in hospitals and clinics.

    Go to your doctor, tell him your symptoms. Let him run a few tests. You may have to go for further tests in a more specialised facility. The earlier you do it, the less damage that is done to your body. Leave it to chance or the advice of strangers and you are looking for trouble. And stay away from the quack remedies.

  16. Oh come on. A CAR THIEF is somebody who steals a car. I started reading this article because I thought here s some news about a worldwide operating vehicle stealing ring. Was wondering how they might operate. What a disappointment, this...

    For a moment I thought we had a story about the internationalisation of car theft ! Not exactly a cartel in the making then . . .

  17. Lets get a few things clear about this so-called Chinese colonisation:

    The Chinese went everywhere in SE Asia, including Singapore, Malaya, Laos, Vietnam, Philippines. They did not come as conquerors or colonisers but as labour. Certain cities, such as Bangkok, were in effect Chinese cities because of the numbers of Chinese labourers working there. The indigenous people preferred to stay in the countryside locations, including in cities, as they were more wedded to the land than to the trade links via the sea.

    Over time, the cities like Bangkok became richer due to trade and opening up to the world and the Chinese or mixed-Chinese did better than the indigenous people.

    But there was no love lost between the communist regime in China and the overseas Chinese living in these other places around SE Asia. Thailand and Singapore with their Chinese dominated elite were virulently anti-communist. As were the unmixed folks in Taiwan. Just because you were Chinese does not mean that you were pro the Peoples Republic of China.

    The writer of the article in question seems to be making the point that Thailand was really breaking out by creating diplomatic ties with China back in the early seventies. But in fact, Nixon had already visited China by then and Thailand was only following suit once their favourite superpower had made it ok.

    Despite the so-called Chinese elite in Thailand, this does not mean that they necessarily see themselves as Chinese (as opposed to Thai) nor do they see themselves as pro the current mainland Chinese government. The reason is that the Chinese elite are usually mixed - they married Thais - they had no intention of returning to mainland China. And now culturally, they are quite different, despite some family connections that Thaksin might claim concerning their family in China. In any case, most of the Chinese elite do not speak Mandarin or what is known as Standard Chinese. Some of the older Thai-Chinese may speak some of a number Chinese languages (none are mutually understandable) and may speak a little Cantonese or some of the other minority Chinese languages but they could not make themselves understood to speakers of what is known as Standard Chinese (based on a version of Mandarin and spoken by the majority in the People's Republic, especially by the elite there).

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