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Posts posted by SPY

  1. I find it interesting that so many people on the forum can't actually beleive that we girls can have a stable, loving relationship with a Thai guy with out there being some hidden agenda. Either we have to be paying them or providing some kind of benefit to them for them to want to stay with us!

    Lots of us guys have the same problem. Too many people generalise that any farang guy catching a flight to Bangers must be a sex tourist and any farang guy that lives in Thailand must be a sexpat.

    B) hehehe.....tizme...if u dont mind can you tell me where re u from?

    and as u said..humm how can i say la B) i often saw and heard like that...but it didnt mean..all i meant SOME!!...hehe B)

    Anyway, if u re not one of farangs who think as u said....pls dont worry!! Jiii hehe B) opp! :o

    Chock dee na ka ...

    SPY.... :D

  2. TOMY B) TOMY B) I see you again here...hahaha you run around ,,,why didnt you give any recommends..here?

    Me Too B) But But ...ttt B) em girl..Thaichinese Girl..in Bangkok.... B)

    Scarlett, you said right,, Bamrungrat Hospital is a classy hospital..all re too expensive there. And Vichaiyuth Hospital also...no any ideas coz you really know how s about the hospitaly, which u said..... :D

    SPY.... :o

  3. I recommend you to open this URL while u re preparing yourself to come ovrhere.

    www.learningthai.com go on...and try it :D

    Actually, When u come overhere u can learn Thai language at AUA and Pro Language humm,,,,and many interesting Thai Language School for Farangs...

    First of all i let you to see the URL which i gave u first... B)

    SPY.... :o

  4. humm!! Why someone has post ,,,this topic " I Hate Thailand " here !! :o

    If you dont like my country..pls keep it in your mind...Coz i saw many farangs like and love my country,..., Especially,,,I love My Thailand the Mostttttttt B) This is my Mother Country,,,kaaa B) Thai Foods re Yummy,,, Best Beaches re Here!! wow...wow...wow.. B)

    umm!! Nothing..more...need to go bed before my parents will come to let me go bed hehe.....nite nite B)

    SPY.... :D

  5. [/size][/b]

    Really! B) Califonia Dave i dont know,,,, Now, i know only Yasothorn..is far from my idea,,, i never thought about this province humm i have heard about Eating Dog..jaaakk :D

    Thanks for your nice Recommend...naaa Dave B)

    SPY.... :o Girl or Guy.. B)

  6. I love to see the movies so i have to post my favourite movies here B)

    - The Sound Of Music.....do re mee,, a female dear B) hehe Narak..

    - Indiana Jones

    - E.T

    - When Harry Met Sally

    - You Got Mail

    - Green Mile

    - Matrix ( All Parts )

    - Saving Private Ryans

    - Chicago

    - Shawnshank

    - James Bond 007 B) umm.. not Mr James Bone in this Forum naa B)

    - Silence of the Lambs ( All Parts )

    - Terminator 3

    - Die Hard ( All Parts )

    - Jurassic Park Adventures

    - Jaws :D

    It s not enough B) i got more...but ..but huhh ,,hehe

    I really like this actor,, Tom Hank...whom u like? B)

    SPY.... :o

  7. Hi ya, I would like to say " Thai language " is difficult for Farangs but it dont mean you cant learn and speak Thai ....Pls try to pay attention and not shy to speak Thai ....i have seen some farangs who tried to speak thai ,,, B) They are so lovely in my eyes...hehe.... Tom Yam Kung ka (krab) B)

    If you got any problems. Pls dont hesitate to ask me...humm :D Thai Language Only,,,,haha B) oop! (',')

    Sawasdee ka (krab)

    Sa bai dee mai ka (krab)

    Khun chuae arai ka (krab)

    Mai bok ka B)

    Deaw jer Dhob na ka jaaak! B) hehe kidding naa :o

    SPY.... B)

  8. I love Thailand,,, I love Thailand,,, Especially, Bangkok coz i was born here Opp! :o I am Thai Citizen,,, hehe B) Thai people,,, I am very glad to know The foreigners love my country,,, But Pls try to get to know and keep only good things of Thailand...all farangs can say " Mai Pen Rai " B) Yeah! its a nice word..it show good attitude of Thai People...Mai pen rai kaaa

    Mai Pen Rai = Nothing is a Problem In this topic i dont want to say about night places in Thailand coz it is not my intention to post here. Anyway, i want to say I love Thai Food and Beaches of Thailand,,,,Yummy ,,,,Funn..nn.nn

    I told my parents i dont want to move from Thailand to stay any places B) but if oneday i should out from Thailand by any reasons :D No no no..that, i dont want,,, B) sob* ,, sniff* ,, sob* ,, sniff* Okay,, better B)

    While i posting this forum i asked my Brit friend name Nic,,, about why does he love Thailand and He Said,,,,==> " He think, I'm right in saying Thailand never start a War with anyone " wink wink,,, Ye Ye Nic...hehe and for this word " Mai Pen Rai " this was also from my friend Name Nic... B)

    Thanks for reading my posting..i dont think u will understand or not ....but most might be understand....hehe At least,,,u can see I am a Thai poeple who live in LOS = Land Of Smiles,,,,, Coz i smile all times and ..laugh too much..hehe

    (((((((( I LOVE THAILAND KAAAAAA B) ))))))))

    How s about The Other Opinions laaa???

    SPY... B)

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