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Posts posted by carbon

  1. hi

    need some info please !

    Got a " multiple non o visa " from Savannakhet ; Dates : 4 March, 2013 - 3 March , 2014

    Last time I went for a border run was on November 22, 2013 and my passport was stamped until February 19, 2014 !

    Will go again for a border run on 19, February, 2014

    Question : How many days do I get more on this run ?

    a. until the 3 March only ?

    b. another 3 months ?

    or how I have to do to get another 3 months stamp ?

    Ur advice appreciate very much and thanks in advance !

  2. hi,

    just arrived on a 15 days arrival stamp in Bangkok ( was on a 1 year non o based on marriage before ). At the immigration they told me that I can do a 60 days tourist visa in Bangkok. No need to leave the country ! After that ask for a three month non o based on marriage and then start the 1 year non o based on marriage process again .

    Is this correct ? Anyone knows about that !

    Thx for replies


  3. Thanks a lot ! very helpful.

    The options avaiable to you are:

    1. Get a single entry Non-O in a neighboring country "to explore retirement options" and extend that for retirement purposes in Thailand.

    2. Get a tourist visa in a neighboring country, convert it to a Non-O in Thailand and extend that for retirement purposes.

    3. Go home and apply for a one year Non-O/A visa.

    All of these options require that you are eligible to apply. You must be 50 years old at the time the application is submitted and have at least 800000 baht in a Thai bank- seasoned for 2 months art the time you apply for your extension, or have an "income affidavit" ,and supporting documentation showing that your income from outside of Thailand is ar least 65000 baht/month for options 1 and 2. For the O/A visa you would have to have a criminal backgroud check and a medical certificate in additional to financial proof, but the funds do not have to be in a Thai bank.

    What is your best option depends on your timing and what your financial status is. More information is necessary to provide a more definitive answer.

    The other option would be to get a 15 days by land visa exempt entry, but I do not know if immigration will convert that to a Non-O visa even if you meet the requirements.

  4. 1. Type of placement test (English language, I presume). Is it for a special program ? English language: no special program

    2. For a language school, regular school, technical, vocational or Univeristy. Language school

    3. Age/grade of potential test-takers. 17-unlimited

    4. Is it general knowledge based, grammar based etc. Yes,it is. Very simple ! Have already done a correction, but not sure about punctuation myself !

    Hope these info will encourage someone to help !



  5. to whom it may concern :

    need a qualified native speaker who can analyse a 40 question placement test !

    Anyone interested please reply with email or contact number ! Payment can be agreed on ! Should be done today !!



  6. hi,

    anyone has got the teaching book : "Schritte Plus 1 & 2 " ( Deutsch als Fremdsprache,Huber Verlag ) on hand ? Would like to buy it as a second hand book or copy it ( of course not for free ! )

    Please let me know and I will send u my mobile number !

    Thanks in advance !!



    Evidently my off the cuff observations concerning the ability (or lack thereof) for thai officials to read engrish was misinterpreted as condoning and/or advocating doing something illegal as far as obtaining driver's licenses. (Shamefully in re-reading my post I must say it does appear to seem that way). :D

    That was certainly NOT my intent, and I was pointing out what I saw as a short coming in the system of license conversions from foreign countries into a thai license.

    To the posters who mentioned the irresponsibility of foreigners to hold a moto-license without taking a proficiency test; I won't even begin to go into the number of thais I see who are FAR too young to ride a moto-cy, (often having to jump off when they stop because their feet don't even touch the ground) yet drive all the time nor the number of thais I know personally who don't even have a car or moto license yet drive day in day out. :D

    Please obey the rules no matter how whacky and/or nonsensical they are sometimes. As this is the glorious "Land 'O Thais", the indigenous natives are free to make up what ever rules they want (something to do with this being their country and all)..

    (Sorry again for my bad advice) :)

    Please let me know anything u know about the driving and written test !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thank u in advance

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