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Posts posted by Frotting

  1. 7 hours ago, Crossy said:

    Where does this put DIY places like HomePro, Global and the like?


    Or do we just have to wait until Sunday to see what's open?


    EDIT Just to clarify, we are in Pathum Thani, no DIY for 6 weeks, still no beer ????



    Get yourself to Phetchabun Crossy.  i'll buy you a couple in payment for all that good electrical info several years back.

  2. 23 minutes ago, The Engineer said:

    You are a very unbalanced negative fool. The Thai are reasonably in control, that's what the Thai on the street also say. Not many infections are unreported they say, because we would know. Of course there are people not seeing a doctor, like in the Western World. Of course there will be a few dying in Thailand unnoticed as COVID victim,

    Your negative comments, critisising the Thai have no basis and are actually very impolite and you should not be here, not because you say yourself it is bad in Thailand and also because of your continuous negative comments. If you really would be honest and look at the figures, see below, you should know the situation in Thailand is much better than in Europe or USA (who are may be also lying). Get out.



    And you sir, are a very obnoxious fellow aren't you?  You should be banned from this site for your bad manners and lack of self control.  But since you are new here maybe the moderators will give you another chance and just slap your limp little wrists.



    • Haha 2
  3. 7 hours ago, AlexRich said:

    The US is testing thousands every day, hence the numbers. I’d guess that Thailand is not. I’d also guess that Thailand is not revealing the correct numbers and that deaths are being misdiagnosed. My guess is that your 5,000 cases is already here.


    Thailand reports 109 new coronavirus cases and one death


    breaking news banner V2.png


    BANGKOK (Reuters) - Thailand reported 109 new coronavirus cases and one death, bringing the total to 1,245 infections and 6 deaths, the spokesman of the government's Center for COVID-19 Situation Administration (CCSA) said on Saturday.


    The latest death is of a patient with some prior health complication, Taweesin Wisanuyothin, the CCSA spokesman said.




    Okay and here we go ....... from the stats given above (if they are true) than we have a 0.48 mortality rate of all those tested.   <deleted> get a grip everybody.  imagine if this was a more virulent disease like, say, smallpox, cholera, typhus, or something even more consequential regarding our viability.


    personally i have a hard time believing a lot of this sh*ite.


    Ask yourselves this question....... Do you know anybody who has contracted this virus? Personally..  Not a friend of a friend or 4th hand info.  You personally.  Because there is something much more evil than a virus going on here and as yet nobody has seen it.  In the end it is all going to end in your slavery, and if you don't wake up soon that is where it is heading........





    The Thai government on Friday ordered the closing down of more public facilities and businesses to curb the spread of coronavirus, and has extended existing closures until the end of April.


  4. Not a problem.  I did exactly this only last week.  I had 9 months to run on my current passport and 6 weeks remaining on my retirement extension visa.  I went to the UK and got a new British (non European now since Brexit) Passport.  Got the new passport in 4 hours from Ecclestone Square.  Note now you have to book and pay online for this service.


    My old passport was cancelled by the Passport Office (as you would expect) by curing off the top left corner, but my Thai Visa was still current inside.  When you enter Thailand at Suvarnabhumi, put your new passport details on the arrival card but where it says "Visa No." Use the number of the re-entry permit here.  Yes, as mentioned you will need a re-entry permit on your old/current passport before leaving the Kingdom.  On arrival, hand over the new passport with the landing card and show your old cancelled passport open at the page of your current extension and re-entry permit (to be helpful).  You will be stamped in your old passport and also in your new one.  The date you have to leave by will also be stamped in your new passport, and it will be the expiry of your current visa extension.


    Then in a few days head to immigration with both passports and transfer what remains of your current visa extension into your new passport.  There is a special form for this procedure - i.e. transferring a visa from one passport to another.  Then once this is done, depending on how long your visa extension has left, you can extend for another year right there and then, or do it later as is your choice.  I would recommend doing it all and also getting a new re-entry permit all on the same day.  The you are up and running again for another year.


    Can't comment on the Viet Nam thing as I have no knowledge of their long term immigration laws.  Hope that was helpful.

    • Like 1
  5. On 17 September, 2017 at 8:47 AM, Jack james said:

    I had my passport stamped in Cambodia before I left to go abroad. Thai border gave me 1 year stamp. I was told thats all I needed to return, then renew my retirement visa. Customs told me no. They gave me 30 day visa. Now what?

    Firstly, you need to be absolutely clear in what you write otherwise people will not understand what you are talking about. You had your passport "stamped" in Cambodia before leaving to go abroad....  what do you mean by this?  Then "Thai border gave a 1 year 'stamp' " - what does that mean.  You do not get a one year 'stamp' at a Thai border.  Was that on entry or exit? Be clear.  If you want people to help you, and I am guessing that is why you wrote here, then you must be clear, otherwise you leave people speculating about what your problem is.


    There is an absolute mine of information in the visa section of this website.  It is very informative, and if you search the various threads you can fine the information you need.  Which is why I am thinking that you are trolling this site in order to waste people's time.  Either that, or you are severely challenged some way mentally, in which case nobody can help you.


    I am guessing that English is not your first language, as you seem unable to express yourself clearly and lucidly.  May I suggest the excellent German and/or French language websites based in Pattaya and Chiangmai.  Maybe you will get a better and more fuller answer there.

  6. Obama spent $1,000,000,000.00 Dollars (31,000,000,000 baht) on his re-election campaign. How does a man get that much money?

    Big corporations have owned our politicians for decades, our Politicians are merely puppets to distract us and keep us from having to deal with the horrible truth.

    6 companies own/control %90 of all Television/new/radio/cable networks owned by the ultra Rich. They are propaganda machines that set to keep people of average or lower intelligence from thinking about the important things. In America we have "the right to privacy", recently it was exposed that the National Security Agency has been recording every phone call made in the ENTIRE nation for years. The news stations were very careful in their thought control to keep people thinking about who to blame for this.... Not one station once mention demanded that they stop.... The average intelligence American gobbled it up like their favorite dinner.

    American people dont like war but you know who does? The companies that manufacture weapons for our military donate unbelievable amounts of money to our politicians in order to make sure they stay in business. We are going trillions of dollars into debt because our Politicians are literally giving it away....

    Not all American are riding their high horse....

    At last, finally on here someone that knows what's going on. The 'downgrading' of Thailand by America and their suspension of aid, is in retaliation for removing their puppet regime from power. The Shinawatras and their redshirt leaders were bought and paid for by organisations like the Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, etc. In exchange for power, the Shinawatras were dismantling this country and giving it piecemeal to American Corporations. The rice pledging scheme was designed to bankrupt the farmers so that they would end up selling their land, and guess who would be there to buy it up. Thankfully this didn't pan out quite the way it was meant to.

    America, acting on behalf of the global Corporate elite, has interfered in the internal politics of just about every country in the world. What gives them the right to do this? They have fomented internal conflict, as in Egypt, Libya, Syria recently, in countries that has cost countless lives; just to further an agenda of world domination. We should all be thankful their plans for Thailand failed. But make no mistake about it, they will try again. Usually, when the method of gaining control via political puppets fails, the next step is destabilisation via military intervention. This invariably begins by starting a 'false flag' event of some kind to justify putting American forces on the ground. This was the method used in Afghanistan and Iraq. It was also the method the Americans used in Cambodia toward the end of the Viet Nam war (lot of CIA involvement there) that ultimately led to Pol Pot gaining power and the genocide of 2.5 millions. Read your history.

    America and its corporate masters are not going to give up. They want to own Thailand as part of their Far East foreign policy. It gives them a gateway into China among other things.

    • Like 2
  7. Rice scheme burns out. Tablet maker bankrupt. First time car buyers not getting their rebates. That's 0/3 for the Shin populist promises! Well done!

    The spin meister is back ...surely not even you could blame YL for this. Blame here is squarely with Suthep. No other explanation warrants consideration.

    Clearly a confused Thaksin lover. Suthep is to blame for the rice scheme? Wake up and smell the coffee.

  8. Oh dear, it seems I was right. I hope we see more of this.

    The Thai rural population are largely uneducated it is true, but one does not need a PhD to recognise when one has been well and truly shafted by the Govt. of the day. An agreement has been entered into in good faith by the farmers and they have the not unreasonable expectation that it will be honoured. Seems the Govt. has other ideas and has had for quite some time.

    You make it sound like the govt is making the deliberate choice not to pay the farmers when they've been trying to unsuccesfully borrow money to pay them since December. Of course, the govt is stupid and incompetent for not sorting out the payment before house was dissolved, but to say it 'seems' like the govt has 'other ideas' about paying them is just not true.

    Seeing 'more of this' would mean more farmers are struggling as they haven't been paid. Is that honestly what you want to see? What do you think it will achieve? If the govt could pay them, it would. The only way they're going to be paid - unless the EC says otherwise - is when parliamentary quorum is achieved and a government can be seated. So those who actually care about the farmers getting paid should surely wish for successful and swift resolution of the political crisis instead of hoping for more disruption.

    Sure, it hurts the government, but it also hurts the farmers themselves. I don't blame them for protesting against the govt, yet it will have no effect as the problem is currently insoluble. In fact, if they wanted the money faster, they should protest against the EC - because they could make a decision to allow the govt to borrow the money. And if the PDRC went home today, the farmers have a good chance of getting paid within a few weeks, if the protests continue, it could be months...

    Another Thaksin supporter I see. The government did have the money to pay but decided to use it to line their, and their master's, pockets instead. This whole thing is deliberate and part of a bigger agenda to grab land from the poor farmers when they can no longer feed themselves. Land that was given to them by Rama V you'll remember. Guess who the new owners of the land will be? International corporations through Thai nominees, like Monsanto for example. Of course the Shinawatra dynasty will get their cut as promised. You really need to see who Thaksin is in bed with to know how all of this will pan out.

  9. I have no reason to makes problems for her…like I said, I find her attitude very entertaining. smile.png Its such a change from the girls that think farangs are great and and an answer to their financial problems.

    Unfortunately there are a lot like her, and in the schools children are taught to think in this way. This is what really is holding this country back. You could engage her in a new topic of conversation such as; what various countries have given to the world, i.e:

    Great Britain - The jet engine and jet airliner, electricity, television, steam engine, tarmac road surfacing, calculus, steel making, the printing press, the automatic loom, etc, etc.

    Thailand - Erm.........let me think..........Oh Yes! Tom Yam Kung.

    • Like 1
  10. The difference is that the foreign countries system is clearly documented and transparent to a large extent to the majority of applicants. The Thai system is littered with hoops and stumbling blocks and generally dependant on the mood and whim of immigration officer or official you deal with each time.


    The Thai system is pretty straight forward when compared to the byzantine rules and regs of most western countries. The regular reporting and annual extensions are annoying, granted, but it is hardly rocket science.

    The only people who find Thai visa rules a problem are the ones who have the expectation that they can turn up and stay as long as they want, just cause they are spending a bit of dosh.

    No. You are wrong. The Thai Immigration system changes at the drop of a hat and people are not notified. I have been getting a one year multiple entry non immigrant 'O' visa from Kuala Lumpur for the last 6 years and have never had a problem until last week. I was refused a one year visa and given a 3 month single entry. Note I have been married to a Thai for 10 years and have proof of many times the minimum financial requirement. According to the 'rules' I more than qualify for the one year visa. The embassy staff did not give me any reason why my visa was refused. So basically they move the goal posts any time they like even without writing this into law first. Apparently I am not the first, as there are threads elsewhere on this site that report the same. Multiple entry visas are now not being issued at many embassies.

    So, I therefore find your last line a bit offensive, since in most civilised countries marriage to a national of that country afford one some rights in terms of tenure. I certainly don't consider I have the right to stay here long term just because I am spending money.

  11. Greetings OP.

    To confirm your story, I have just had the same thing happen to me in KL 16th December. I have been applying there for the last 6 years and have always had a multi entry non imm 'O' visa granted no problem. Married to a Thai for 10 years and presented bank statements with over US$ 50k in. Could not believe it. It seems they are tightening up but no mention of this change by Thai Immigration anywhere, so seems quite an arbitrary decision on their part. If not clearly stated and brought into law then it isn't law and borders on a human rights issue, for those of us that have families. For me, and a lot of others, this type of visa is best. We work outside the country for periods of time and can come and go as required. A retirement visa is inappropriate as (1) we are not retired, and (2) we have to leave and enter the country on short notice and cannot be around to check in with immigration every 3 months.

    I might be paranoid but it could be that they powers that (currently) be are making it hard for us, possible because we are really not wanted here. Why this would be, when there must be well over 200,000 of us helping the economy. There must be another reason.

    Apparently the Consulate in Savannakhet, Laos does still issue them (at least I read a report from yesterday 18th Dec, but I have a feeling the same thing will happen there in the near future. I have heard though, that if you have the 3 month single entry visa you can extend it to a one year multi once inside Thailand before it expires. I'm not sure if this is true, but if so, it could be the route we will all have to go down in future (i.e. get a single entry outside Thailand and convert once back here). Perhaps the issue will revery to how it was if and when Thailand has a change of government. Any other experiences would be most welcome. There has to be a way around this.

  12. Very Good. Shotokan Karate being the only 'real' Karate there is. Amazing how many jumped onto the bandwagon back in the early 70s, now we have 100s of styles, but Shotokan remains the only true Karate Style.

    So you'll need to contact the source. The Japan Karate Association (JKA) who have a representative in Bangkok. Don't know about Pattaya - you'll have to chase it up. Here's the contact details:

    Omura Fujikiyo

    Thai Japan Karate Association

    20/13 Sukhumvit Rd. Soi 39

    Klongton, Bangkok 10110 THAILAND

    TEL: [+66] (2) 662-5393

    FAX: [+66] (2) 662-5394

    [email protected]


    and the JKA website is:

    I wish you luck.

    Rgds - Another former practitioner from England, Portsmouth Shotokan Club


  13. Let's restrict the use of motor vehicles...it may lead to a reduction in road deaths & global warming. Let's restrict the use of petrol...it may lead to a reduction in road deaths, global warming & Australian aboriginals being brain dead. Let's ban tobacco smoking...it may help to reduce health deficits & reduce global warming. Let's ban/restrict.........

    Have any of these measures ever worked?

    The stupidity of the restriction of alcohol sales in Thailand is not only a joke but is also unnecessarily costly.

    The costs include:

    a] the government to decide upon this rule.

    b] the government to enable the police to enact in accordance to this rule.

    c] the police to actually enforce this rule.

    d] the increased unemployment & decreased business income as a result of this rule.

    As the OP says, it's simply more moralistic folly...idiots clinging to what is left of their "perfect world"...or should I say "perfectly controllable world".

    At last....................The voice of reason. Got it in a nutshell. Now perhaps that awful insulting woman with PMT will go away and boil her head.

  14. To set the table, I rarely drink (maybe a glass of wine a month), so I personally could care less if alcohol is banned. And I grant that the Thai government can do whatever they want with regards to extending the number of days where alcohol is not available.

    But posters who think this will have no affect on tourism are not really living in reality. A tourist who comes here for a week wants to relax and enjoy himself or herself. That may include a glass of wine with dinner, a cocktail on the beach, or yes, loads of beer at a bar. It this tourist cannot get a drink for one, two, or three days, he or she is going to be upset and form a bad opinion on the degree of how tourist-friendly Thailand really is. He or she will probably not return and will rather pick other destinations (look at how hard Malaysia is courting the tourist trade right now.) And this upset tourist will tell his or her friends at home, the travel agent who booked the ticket, and maybe the local papers or travel forums. So not only will this person not return, but he or she will convince others not to come.

    Yes, there a a mulitude of ways to enjoy Thailand without drinking. But most tourists, I dare say, do not want to go to places where their choices are limited, and limiting alcohol sales will affect the industry. So if the Thai government wants to place more days on the alcohol banned list, then they should do that with full knowledge of the deleterious effect that will have on tourism.

    Personally, I think it is odd that alcohol is somehow OK for some days, but not for others. If alcohol is bad, then it should be banned on all days. If it is OK for use, then it should not be banned. You can make arguements for or against alcohol use, but whatever your conclusion, I don't see how on any given day it is OK to use it, then the next day it is not OK because that day has a religious or national implication.

    ummmm .. how long have you been in Thailand? These are NOT new rules. In fact in the years that I have been here they have added 2 drinking days, in the past you were not able to buy alcohol on father's day and mother's day but that changed 3 years ago. So ... if the alcohol sales ban is so bad and so deleterious to tourism It would have had its affect years and years ago.

    I doubt the "Pattaya single male" tourist as described earlier in the thread is gonna raise much stink about not being able to go to a disco one night of his vacation :D


    For jack who can't manage reality about my personal drinking habits, I encourage you to search the forums for non-alcohol related things to do in Pattaya including cultural shows and events. It isn't as if it hasn't been covered, from concerts to Alankarn to temple fairs to night markets .....

    but jack, your resentment towards people that don't drink and problem drinkers seems to be an issue, check with one of the forum sponsors and they might be able to help!

    I have been reading the posts on this thread, among which have been raised some very valid points including the subject of the thread laid out in the original post. The previous poster, 'Bonobo', has reiterated the same valid point, probably as he felt the thread has wndered off track - which it has. It now seems to be functioning as a vessel by which you insult everybody who contributes something meaningful to the dicussion, and deviate the course of the topic.

    May I suggest that you take your own advice and seek help from one of the forum sponsors? Or perhaps go and have a drink yourself - it seems you might need one. :o

  15. Oh dear here we go again. England = Britain = UK. England = England.

    Sad that English people are the only nationality in the world who do not know their own country's name or borders.

    Oh Dear Indeed! I would imagine the Family Taksin arrived in London, which when I was last over that way was in England. So England, UK, Britain, etc, in this case are all having the same meaning, i.e. that's where the man has gone. He has a place in London, which is in England and also in the United Kingdom (by default).

    All I can think of is that you are one of those complaining individuals we call FRISPS, south of Hadrian's Wall. Note interestingly that when Scots speak of Gas, it's British Gas, but when they speak of Oil, it's Scottish Oil. So you're not totally innocent of nationalism yourself. By the way, the capital of Gt Britain happens to be in England. Get over it.

    Back to the original topic, Taksin and family should have been turned around at the airport. The fact they weren't implies that the UK Government might just be equally as corrupt as their counterpart in Thailand (or maybe a little more). I can't imagine any other country allowing entry to convicted felons - this is definitely not a refugee case. As another poster commented, Thailand wouldn't even let Garry Glitter in (a time-served lawbreaker and no longer wanted for anything!). Seems the worse you are the better you get treated, and if you kill 20,000 plus they get out the red carpet.

  16. when I was younger pretty much everywhere I was having a large amount of sex.

    But I didn't go to those places for it specifically, it was just a side benefit of being young, educated, affluent and rediculously good looking.

    Now as I age gracefully with my Bobby Charlton combover and tan slacks with matching polyester cardigan, I can't help but feel that any old coot (or young) being forced to live here because they were so desparate as to have to constantly avail themselves of the same prostitutes and slappers readily available around the world must be sad indeed.

    For the other half who choose to take advantage of the loose morals of some here and perhaps engage in fornication or frolicks without money changing hands, again one could find far richer pickings in virtually any western city where most clubs provide an ample array of heady entertainment, with a focus on more head, less ment.

    So that brings us back to the sad sacks who come here just for the sex. Judging by lower Sukhumvit, it would seem almost like the entire city is on the pull for sad looking Isaan single mothers at the Thermae; however with the benefit of statistics we can conclude that element of the farang community would be first off at least aged 18 and male for the most part - this rules out probably 40-50% of the total farang population. yes, there are some women here getting jiggy for sure, but few women would base themselves anywhere in the world for the sole reason to get laid; it isn't like it is hard for a woman to shag anywhere in the world - they are the gatekeeper. Men are the keymaster, or something to that effect.

    Of the expat community, I would guess something like more than 1/2 have career reasons, spouse reasons or similar for being here (I have several lawyer friends, teachers, architects, designers and marketing/finance friends for whom Thailand is a step ahead rather than a step back - from countries such as Australia, New Zealand, etc).*

    If pressed, perhaps 10-20% at the most.

    The other 80-90% are still having sex no doubt. But that isn't why they came here. Well, of course the sex is why they came, but that's because most normal people come with sex.

    It's just the frigid hot slags that don't come with sex who are the sorry ones who aren't coming for sex, and that group coincidentally are the same group who turn me down for sex too. What a sad lot they are.

    As for people coming here for non profitable reasons, if non financial one can simply look to the thousands of Scandanavian couples descending on Jomtien each Thai winter, to escape their foul climate. Peter Theroux sounds like a moron under such circumstances (actually his quote is completely moronic anyhow under any circumstances, despite his father; surely he can do better than to say, please listen to me, as my dad is Paul Theroux??? What a claim to literary fame indeed).

    * edit, obviously it goes without saying that anywhere is better than Australia....land of XXXX beer and joustin' sticks. It's what ya do with it.

    A good post Steve, as always. For the Original Poster, my observations (by no means definitive) are as follows:

    1. Many expats now settled down with Thai wives and living productive and happy lives in Thailand, initially came here motivated by sexual reasons. I have heard several 'confessions' along these lines, but I would no longer regard these as 'sex toursists' as they are largely no longer in that 'market'. As a proportion of the expats that have settled here, I can only guess at the percentage that fit this category, maybe 30% of the middle aged 'settled' Farang married to Thais?

    2. Then there are the people who came to Thailand because they were either send here by their companies (I'm in this category) of came here to take up a new job. Some of these ended up marrying a Thai lady and some didn't, again the percentages here hard to guess.

    3. Finally there are the men who are still sex tourists (and new ones are coming every year). Some will marry a Thai and become part of group 1. above, some will remain as long-term sex tourists and take a retirement visa or whatever.

    4. There might be a smaller group of Farang that fit another category: Those that for some reason think Thailand is wonderful and wish to live here, do not partake of the readily available and cheap sex, and have not mariied a Thai lady. I haven't met any of these yet.

    The bottom line is, with the exception of those that were sent (or came) to Thailand for their work, most Farang that live here came tempted by the sexual issues, though that may well not be the reason they now stay. Sex was the initiator. My view is like that of some of the posters here, the proportion of sexually motivated people is a lot higher than we might care to admit.

    As far as women's reasons are concerned, Steve is right. Farang women have absolutely no need to travel half-way around the world to satisfy these type of cravings.

  17. Chiang Mai tops for human security, Bangkok and Phuket worst

    BANGKOK: -- Human security is worst in Bangkok, while Chiang Mai is the most liveable province, according to a 2007 government survey.

    And so on ...............................Complete CAK! Even the briefest of searches through other areas on this forum relating to murders of both Farang and Thai alike, reveal that a Chaing Mai and the surrounding area has had more than it's share of Murders, Robberies, etc, etc than anywhere else in Thailand, at least for the past year or so. :o

  18. Naam, as you are based in Pattaya can you recommend people to check out my property regarding lightning protection? I'm also in Pattaya. Pretty sure that the house electrical system is fine but after the lightning last week I would like an opinion by experienced people on if I need improvements.


    David, i used one expert to protect my wiring but that is not a 100% percent protection as the strike can come through a phone line (had that case two years ago when a strike fried a modem/router and two motherboards). in addition i used my electrician to set up next to my home a properly grounded 9m high metal pole with a copper rod which drew already two strikes without doing any harm to my home. reason for this was that another strike in 2006 fried three sat-receivers and both LNBs of my sat-dishes which are fixed on a lower pole only 2 meters away from my "lightning rod".

    you are welcome to have a drink in my home and take a look at my setup. after that it is up to you to decide whether to use those chaps i used. i can wholeheartedly recommend them.

    edited: "with a copper rod" should read topped with a copper rod and grounded with a copper rod both rods connected with a THICK copper wire. and when i talk about a copper rod i mean a copper rod and not usual freaking steel rod which is electroplated with a copper thickness of 1/zillionth of a millimeter that can be licked of by a dog in a minute or two :D


    Naam is quite right here about using proper materials. Personally I have never understood why the Thais use these grounding rods, they may well LOOK LIKE copper but they ain't copper, and just because something looks like the real thing doesn't mean its intrinsic material properties are the same. In our soil, one of these rods would turn to lump of oxide in a year or two.

    I have been trying to source 'correct' materials here in Thailand for some considerable time, but I'm getting there slowly. REAL copper, brass and suchlike IS available here believe it or not. If the mods don't erase it, here's the details of a company who supply non-ferrocious metals:

    Porn Prom Metal Public Company Limited

    Porn Prom Building,

    229 Ratchasima Road, Dusit,

    Bangkok 10300, Thailand.

    Tel : 0-2628-6100 (15 Lines)

    Fax : 66(0) 2280-6289

    Web Site : http://www.ppm.co.th

    They supply copper bar (the real thing) that is ideal for lightening conductors - I suspect not cheap though. This is what I plan to use - we get some bad storms. Also have aluminium, that should be okay above ground as its conductivity nearly as good as copper and has less of a chance of getting stolen. If you use copper maybe a good idea to paint it or disguise it in some way. Where I live it would be gone in 24 hours. :o

    I'm thinking of running my copper inside a cavity wall, so that it doesn't get stolen, from below ground to the roof and the air spikes.

  19. By the way Thai people get cremated, not burried.

    Yes, there's hundreds of these in Kuala Lumpur, but wear different colour robes (yellow and sometimes dark red) to Thai monks. They are also very well turned out, i.e. good shoes, expensive glasses and generally look quite smart. Of course they're scamming but didn't think they'd made it to Thailand yet. The other poster was right - they are nearly all Chinese entrepreneurs.

    By the way, do you work for Mermaids? :o

  20. Looks like I'm staying in my Thai apartment a little longer than expected. The bathroom is large enough, so I thought I'd buy and bring a bathtub up.

    Short of installing it in the bathroom, and all the hastle, I thought by putting in a clawfoot tub, I could just put it in the bathroom, run the shower head over to fill it up, and not even hook up the drain.

    But I haven't seen clawfoot tubs in any of the houseware shops. Thai's I've asked don't even know what I'm talking about.

    Can anyone point me in the right direction? Currently in Phuket, but will be in Bangkok this weekend.


    If you can get to Pattaya you're in luck. A new shop opened in the last few months called HOME WORKS. Drive along the Sukhumvit Road through towards Rayong - as if you were going to pass Pattaya, and drive past the Pattaya Tai (South) Road. You'll see Tesco Lotus and Carrefour on your right on the other side of the road (opposite side to you when travelling east). Take the next possible U-Turn after Carrefour. Then go back slowly until you see the entry sign for HOME WORKS.

    They have a claw foot bath on display, c/w old style shower mixer, etc. Only problem is that the bath (though old style shape) is a copy and made from acrylic or something. Felt quite solid to me though. If you want a real cast iron enamel bath you'll have to import from the UK and buy in London at one of those architectural salvage places.

    Best of luck. :o

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