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Posts posted by dantar

  1. Welcome, and thanks for starting out in the right thread here!

    "Since you do not have a B.Ed. or its equivalent such as a PGCE, it is unlikely a true international school would even process your application. However, your skills as a math teacher are sorely needed in EP, bilingual, and lower tier international schools."

    Hi PeaceBlondie: what is EP? :o

    Where can i find out which 2nd tier international scools in BKK are hiring?


  2. Welcome, and thanks for starting out in the right thread here!

    " I'm American, but am confused. Do you have an MS, an actual parchment degree and transcript, or not quite? "

    Hi PeaceBlondie and thanks for your quick response. I have a BS degree, but have NOT finished my MS i was 2 classes away--i needed to to a 3 unit project and then a 3 unit write up. I never got around to doing the write up although i had a working project. I was already working full time and it just did not see to be worth the effort. In hindsight,I really regret that I didn't make that effort now :o

  3. Hi All,

    I am a newbie to Thailand. I have been here about 2.5 Months now. I am married to a Thai National.

    I wish to get a job teaching Mathematics.

    I have a 1 year visa to learn Thai.

    My background:

    B.S. Electrical Engineering Degree from U.O.P. in the U.S.

    Took a M.S. E. Degree from S.J.S.U. (did not do the project write up--but finished all other classes) (i'm still kicking myself about this but at the time i was getting huge payraises every year!!)

    In grad school I tutored mathematics for a living.

    I taught for 9 months ,Honors Trig, and Geometry, in a private high school also in grad school

    I created and taught a 32 hour class in VHDL programming while working at a private hardware company

    I was a full time instructor (non math) for 6 yrs at a software company and did course development as well.

    I taught 6 different classes at that time. All were from between 2-to-5 days in length and quite technical.

    I have no teaching credentials of any kind.

    So my question is what kind of Math teaching job can i get?

    What salary range can I expect?

    What are the best types of schools to work for in BKK?

    How do I start to look for a job?

    Once I get a job, then how do I improve my chances of getting into the top tiered schools with the highest salaries in the future?


    Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.

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