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Posts posted by yoksot

  1. 37-year-old woman mauled to death by 3 pit bull terriers


    Pit Bull Terrier. -- Stock photo

    NAKHON SAWAN: -- A woman was mauled to death by 3 pit bull terriers, which also injured her three relatives and killed another local dog, police said.

    Police said Raksina Techawatanabamrungkij, 37, was killed late Friday night after she released the three pit bull terriers from the cage into the compound of her family's rice mill.

    Her mother-in-law, Charoensri Lorlertrat, 53, her daughter, Thaweephan Lorlertrat, 20 months, and her brother-in-law, Satit Lorlertrat, 33, were injured by the dogs.

    Charoensri told police that Raksina left the house to release the terriers from their cage at about midnight but she did not come back inside, prompting her daughter to cry.

    Charoensri came out to look for her and found her badly-mauled body along with a local pet dog of the family.

    The pit bull terriers then turned to attack Charoensri and her granddaughter. She cried for help and when her son came out to help, he was also attacked.

    Eventually, Charoensri's husband, Seksuek Lorlertrat, came out to help and shot two terriers dead while the other one escaped.

    -- The Nation 2009-04-05

    This is all very sad but WHERE DID IT HAPPEN

  2. Thailand drug agency poised to bust foreign gangs

    Drug agency poised to bust foreign gangs

    BANGKOK: -- The anti-drug agency and police are gearing up to dismantle foreign-organised crime syndicates which have been controlling the trade in illicit drugs at some of Thailand's famous tourist destinations for years. Krissana Pol-anand, the secretary-general of the Office of the Narcotics Control Board (ONCB), said ONCB officials and drug suppression police were very concerned about the drug trade run by foreign businessmen in Phuket, Koh Samui and Pattaya.

    ''The drug trade run by foreign businessmen has been increasing in these areas. We're collecting evidence in order to bring these people to justice as soon as possible,'' said Pol Lt-Gen Krissana.

    The ONCB yesterday held a press conference to announce its new drugs suppression policy.

    Pol Lt-Gen Krissana had been transferred to an inactive post at Government House by the coup-appointed government of former prime minister Gen Surayud Chulanont. He was re-appointed as chief of the ONCB by the Samak administration a few months ago.

    He said the ONCB and the police were combining forces to keep a close watch on foreign drug traders. He claimed the authorities already had a list of people involved in the illicit business.

    He said foreign drug dealers, especially Africans, had run their businesses in the country's tourist destinations for years. Some opened a business office in town as a front to conceal their illegal activities from authorities, while others travelled back and forth between their countries and Thailand.

    Pol Lt-Gen Krissana also expressed concern over the growing number of Thai women being deceived into marrying foreigners and being used by foreign drug dealers as couriers.

    Many had been used as drug couriers, he said. Over the past two years, 82 Thai women had been arrested in China and Australia after carrying heroin from India and Pakistan via Thailand.

    ''I don't want Thai women to think that marrying foreigners will make their lives better because sometimes they are lured into the drug trade,'' he said.

    He said the Interior Ministry had been asked to help in a campaign to educate women in rural areas about these foreign drug dealers' ploys.

    He said he had instructed officials to step up suppression of the drugs trade in 22 border districts in nine provinces over the past two months. Officers had found information that large amounts of methamphetamines would flood into the country during this period.

    -- Bangkok Post 2008-08-09

  3. :o

    Is 'The Ultimate Fighting Championship' on anywhere in Samui? I can't find it on Thai cable :D

    :D What is Samui to become?? I have been living here for 18 years although I do return to the U.K. and still see everything that I was so glad to get away from in 1989. I had seen the ruin of one paradise Island in the early 60's ( MAJORCA ) but with Thailand being so far away I enjoyed 12 great years on the paradise island of Samui,then to my shock came the Xmas card. amazing in a country that is 90%BHUDDIST ? then Boots chemist, Burger King, Mc Donalds, Tesco's, Bowling alleys, the list goes on, now we learn people are missing the violence they left behind, what a sad bunch of people we have coming to the island, if they can't knock down the coconut trees they want to knock down each other.

  4. Just reading the C Samui magazine which I quite like. There is an article on wines and in particular Red Chilean Cabernet.

    I am having great difficulty in understanding the description of the wine and wonder what it all means.

    Quote.."The nose is filled with mineral notes". "The attack is deep and well sculpted while the evolution reveals tremendous balance". "The vintage is remarkably dense and unctuous".Unquote. (I thought unctuous meant pretentious, smug, greasy)

    Is it me or this all just pretentious codswallop? Perhaps I'm just grumpier than normal today.

    What do you think?

    Don't get yourself upet or confused. Basicaly wine boffs are a bunch of supercillious pratts that have forgotten how to use the words "sweet,sour,hot and cold" then ask yourself how can ANY LIQUID be described as "DRY"

  5. I have been reading very bad comments regarding the back packers who used to come here in their droves, unfortunately they returned to their home countries and told everyone how beautiful Samui "WAS" I did the same. But lets not blame them for what this Island has now turned into. They truely loved Samui and can not be held responsible for the replacing of coconuts with concrete. in fact they did very little damage to the Island and its roads, the greedy money lusting property developers must take the responsabilty for all that and the need for HEAVY construction vehicles on this paradise Island. You know who you are but stop looking down on Backpackers they did nothing wrong their only crime was to come here and enjoy it, not rape it of its beauty.

    Food for Thought

    The Eye of Lamai

  6. We shouldn't be naive enough to think that the standard of driving here should be any better than it actually is..

    My main anger is directly towatrds Farangs who SHOULD no better but still use the menatlity " If it's good for the Goose......" & constantly drive on the worng side of the Road, overtake on the inside, ignore one way systems etc etc..

    These Guys/Girls SHOULD know better as they are from Countries where driving Laws are enforced ( unlike Thailand it seems ).

    The locals ( & by locals i mean Thai ) have probably very rarely been used to " traffic " or at least the number of Vehicles on th Road as there is here..

    Construction workers from Isaan certainly haven't experienced Vehicles anywhere near the number that are on the roads here & local Samuians have only limited driving skills & i doubt if many hold a Licence which in any case, doesn't mean that you have the skills of a European/Western Driver would have anyway..

    Cement Truck Drivers ??

    They are not interested in Human Life, that is evident in the way they drive, they are mopre interested in finishing their current drop of Cement & getting back to the Yard to load up so then can earn more money by doing another Job, that really is a problem

    I am still trying to overcome the difficulties of replying to these letters so please bare with me.

    I mostly agree with all the comments concerning the hazards of driving on Samui, but lets not put it all down to the Thai road users. The one way system In Lamai is blatantly ignored but mostly by Ferangs who should know better when they wouldn't do it in their home countries.

    But one of the biggest factors to accidents are the VERY BAD roads we try to overcome, especialy motor cyclists trying to avoid the ever increasing number of holes which are obscured when filled with rain water.I have been using the roads for 18 years and they have NEVER had the serious upgrade to accomodate the the non stop increase in traffic, and lets face it when these roads were first built they were NOT designed for the Heavy Goods vehicles that now race around the Island and the people comming here flashing their money about as if the only mode of transport to be seen in is a bigger 4X4 than the one they are parked next to at Tesco.

    Sure I have had accidents here and in the past it was down to my own stupidty most of the time due to too much drink, but I have learnt by my mistakes but being a more carefull driver here dose'nt help to compensate for bad roads and others in a hurry, my last accident was at a junction in Lamai where I waited patiently for the road to clear, however when I made my move a Thai motorcyclist overtook everything behind me and collided with me, fortunately I received only minor injuries and damage to my bike while he lay in the road unconcious. But here is the great news EVERYTHING was recorded on c.c.t.v. and when veiwed by the police it was clear who was to blame. the police were very efficient and helpfull getting the damages paid for in full from the Thai causing the accident. My THANKS TO THEM.

    Yok Sot

  7. "Done over" how?

    Sit somewhere overlooking the beach road in Lamai from 7pm to 9pm and tell me what you see.

    I see well dressed tourists, clearly not backpacking dross, enjoying the evening.

    Could those who see dipshite ssholes please take pictures of these folks and post them. I'm curious to see what they look like, or do you interview all of them to glean this information? If so, please post the transcripts of your interviews.

  8. During the 18 years that I have been on Samui there have been many Mags. and 2 Newspapers, unfortunately the better of the two is no longer available so we are left with the Comic called Samui Express.

    It seems to start off well the loses the plot after a couple of pages, especialy with the News of the Weird page and other reports on the U.S.A. and other unrelated countries.

    I agree with the comments made by Claude Feller and hope that should the Samui Community return it will get the SUPPORT it needs to remain in print.

    Food for Thought

    The Eye of Lamai

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