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Posts posted by Hollywood3000

  1. Why would anyone want to visit, let alone live, in a corrupt cesspool like Thailand ? Admit it guys, you are all there primarily for the culture.....bwaaahaaaahaaa.

    Yes, I spent 12 months over a 3 year period living it up. But trust me guys, if you get back to civilization and get a REAL girlfriend your self-respect CAN be revived.

    12 months over a 3yr period is hardly living here, and where did you visit, you say living it up so I guess the tourist areas, tourist areas in all countries are a magnet for the county's scum and that's exactly the people who descend on Phuket and Phattaya. I did 4yrs in Phats before moving to the north it's a whole different way of life, been here 5yrs now, I'm still in a city but here you see real Thais and they ain't all after your money and it's far closer to paradise even without the coconut trees and beaches.

    You have no right to condemn Thailand as a whole, unless you've been there, seen it, done it, which you obviously haven't.

    I see where you are coming from with real GF slur, but we ain't all struggling in that department either, 10yrs and 2 kids later, life is heaven, the only reason I see you would broad brush everybody with the same colour is because you are a bitter man who failed miserably yourself in your Thai venture.

    In your civilized life how are the early morning commutes in the freezing cold weather going, unless you've already hit retirement, which will tell me a lot more as to why it didn't work out for you - just another old-git looking to marry a young beauty way out of his league, the recipe for disaster - but correct me if I'm wrong - after all I'm only guessing.

    Well put parryg! It's all what you make it, it's all where your heart is. Boatman...please...REAL girlfriend in the west?! Ha! Well dude if you are happy with a western woman then I'm happy for you but don't judge what makes me happy in my life. Your standards are different, not better and not wrong. To each his own.

  2. A 'hi-so' Thai is highly unlikely to consider marrying a foreigner.

    If you have such a low opinion of Thai females........best not to even consider them in the first place.

    Pretty pointless post I think.

    Oh no, I have a very high opinion of all Thai women it's just that through experience I have found that I get along better with career Thai women. Maybe I should have said career instead of Hi-So. And maybe you should take it easy mate.

  3. First, I'm almost 100% sure I would never marry a Thai woman, that's just me and I was married once and that's enough. BUT...if I did fall for a high so gal, what would be my best bet to guard myself from the lies and deceit of a smoking hot Thai woman? I hear so many stories about these expats who are taken to the cleaners after they take their Thai wives out of Thailand, wow, big mistake, but what if you do this? Prenuptial?

  4. I'm from the US and i feel safer here than in LA

    well I'd say as long as you don't marry a Thai wife, you will continue to be safer than in the US! :ph34r:

    ANYWHERE is safer than LA......It's true though, seems all the Thai wives I know are really angry about something almost all the time. Whats up with that??

    The US is really safe, stop with the demonizing. I lived in LA for 15 years and have never had a problem. It's important to remember that there are 2 types of people in this world, victims and volunteers. Some people are volunteers for all the trouble they get into.

  5. They allowed the blood shirts to build barricades out of tires and Bamboo? They allow the blood shirts to repeatedly break the law over and over again? What a joke! The only thing that will stop the retarded kid next door from coming over every day and kicking you in the jewels is a fist in the face and a knee to the ribs. Sadly, the Red Shirts body count should be higher for the sake of the country's future as a democracy. The US civil war claimed more American's lives than all the wars put together.

  6. What group is next to break the law and demand something from the government and get it? This is no way to run a democracy. The blood shirts should have been forcibly been removed with overwhelming force and a precedent should have been set that when you break the law, the law will be enforced and when you use military weapons against the army and police you will suffer the deadly consequences. Freedom and democracy has a price, you have to have the stomach for it. This would never happen in Singapore. Body count would be enormous.

  7. I too have decided to postpone my trip to Thailand due to not wanting to be inconvenienced by the protesters. I love Thailand and don't have a place I can go that will fulfill the Thai fix but I do have other wonderful tropical resorts my wife and I can go to in the mean time.When I lived in Thailand things were different and time was on my side but now working for a Farang corp in Farangland vacation time is limited and precious and I don't want to risk it caught in traffic jams on sukhumwit. I know I am not alone in my thinking too, Thailand really needs to find a solution to this problem if they hope to retain any of the progress they've made the last decade.

    I just left Bangkok, it's basically business as usual there. Don't cancel your trip, it's very tiny areas that get affected. Have no fear, don't believe fear TV...oh I mean CNN.

  8. If a western General of the Army refused to follow orders he's be jailed. There will be no democracy until laws are enforced, only more bloodshed and the poor will remain poor.

    The red shirts pirates took war weapons off the soldiers? They used grenades? Fire bombs? The Red shirts pirates are harboring fugitives? The red shirt pirates are holding the Thai economy hostage? The Red Shirts are not turning in the people who used guns? They are all guilty by association now. If this was Singapore...ha...they'd all be in jail by now or dead. The time to send the message that the Thai government does not negotiate with pirates or terrorists. Give them a last warning and then release hel_l on them.

    You can have a voice, you just can't take money out of my wallet at the point of a gun because you don't like the government...boo hoo hoo. The only thing that stops the retarded kid from next door from kicking you in the balls ever morning is a fist to his big puffy face! That'll learn him!

  9. Oh and don't forget at Rajaprasong they released balloons to stop the helicopters!!

    I think someone needs to look at the military's budget.

    Democracy and Freedom have a price. I hope democracy starts now..uphold the law, don't give and inch, arrest them all for being pirates and if the Red Shirts cannot police the bad element amongst them, then they are all guilty. Lock them all up or let the water cannons filled with 50% bleach fire all day long. Morons.

  10. What is purpose of documentary? I am sure you have some sort of premise or objective to achieve?

    It's to shed light on the differences between Western women and Asian women. It tells the stories of a wide variety of men who discovered Asian women and Asian culture and decided it was a better fit for them. It tells the stories of the Asian wives and GF's and why they chose a foreigner over a Asian man. It shatters the old myths about mixed marriages and "mail order brides" and explains the new connection of the east and west through the internet, Skype and webcams. It shows how fat western women are and their rapid loss of femininity. But most of all it shows that Western/Asian relationships can and do work and in many ways are far better that western/western relationships.

    You might be surprised to find that it has actually been done before.

    More than once, infact.

    Not at all, doesn't surprise me. But these days docs have much more complicated business models behind them. Can you name a couple of films that speak to this subject? Hope so!

  11. Thanks for the advice!!!!!! I'm so glad you care so much about me! You're fantastic! We need more of you in the world!

    I'm not sure you'd like it.... it might just be a tad too reality based for you.

    A tad you say? A tad? You're the Titanium member my friend so lets not even talk about who's having trouble with reality. Oh mama. Yes in deed I must say, a tad.

  12. You're right guys, my mistake, I shouldn't have offered any money, for it's not about the money. Usually for documentary films the filmmaker doesn't offer a dime because some people just wish to tell a story that is near to their heart and aren't looking for money. So if you do know of couples who want to tell their story about how they met and fell in love and how it's going as a western/Asian couple then I'd appreciate you sending them my way. Heck, I'll even be a nice guy a buy them a meal ($20) for their 2 hours of talking about themselves.

    Easy way..Fade away mate

    Hard way..Stay and get abused

    It cost's us a lot of time and money to get our stories


    I'm from California friend, I'm a dude...I am not a or your mate. Bring on the abuse.

    Not another one, 'Hey l'm from the states'. god, piss off back, please.

    Dude, what's with the hostility? Come Nigel, sober up and swish your way back to Oz or Gay Town London and take your arrogant stench with ya... MATE!!!

  13. Hollywood, I think your onto something here, you need not pay to interview as you are doing it here on ThaiVisa, as a good percent of TV members have Thai wives and spend there time here instead of with their wives. good luck with the doco, keep me/us posted

    Quote Bukowski:


    from: Love is A Mad Dog From hel_l

    I don't know how many bottles of beer

    I have consumed while waiting for things

    to get better

    I dont know how much wine and whisky

    and beer

    mostly beer

    I have consumed after

    splits with women-

    waiting for the phone to ring

    waiting for the sound of footsteps,

    and the phone to ring

    waiting for the sounds of footsteps,

    and the phone never rings

    until much later

    and the footsteps never arrive

    until much later

    when my stomach is coming up

    out of my mouth

    they arrive as fresh as spring flowers:

    "what the hel_l have you done to yourself?

    it will be 3 days before you can fuc_k me!"

    the female is durable

    she lives seven and one half years longer

    than the male, and she drinks very little beer

    because she knows its bad for the figure.

    while we are going mad

    they are out

    dancing and laughing

    with horney cowboys.

    well, there's beer

    sacks and sacks of empty beer bottles

    and when you pick one up

    the bottle fall through the wet bottom

    of the paper sack



    spilling gray wet ash

    and stale beer,

    or the sacks fall over at 4 a.m.

    in the morning

    making the only sound in your life.


    rivers and seas of beer

    the radio singing love songs

    as the phone remains silent

    and the walls stand

    straight up and down

    and beer is all there is.

    Thanx man! God Bless Hank.

  14. What is purpose of documentary? I am sure you have some sort of premise or objective to achieve?

    It's to shed light on the differences between Western women and Asian women. It tells the stories of a wide variety of men who discovered Asian women and Asian culture and decided it was a better fit for them. It tells the stories of the Asian wives and GF's and why they chose a foreigner over a Asian man. It shatters the old myths about mixed marriages and "mail order brides" and explains the new connection of the east and west through the internet, Skype and webcams. It shows how fat western women are and their rapid loss of femininity. But most of all it shows that Western/Asian relationships can and do work and in many ways are far better that western/western relationships.

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