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Posts posted by AntRobeenson

  1. My wife and I have been having a bit of a 'discussion'. Our neighbour directly opposite us died last year leaving behind a Thai wife (no kids). Being that their house is just that little bit bigger than ours and has a large lawn (huge, actually) the thought has occured to me that it would be better suited for a family (i.e. ours, especially as the boys grow).

    So I've got it in my head to ask the widow if she would be interested in selling. Her husband passed away about 10mths ago (she's actually still in the US now) but my wife is convinced that this would be an utterly tactless and insensitive thing to do.

    Therefore in the grand tradition of Internet Forums everywhere I've decided the best way to settle this is ask a bunch of anonymous strangers what they think. So then, thoughts?

    Would this indeed be a bit tactless/rude/insensitive?

    i should also mention that I'm totally whipped and scared of a confrontation with my wife.

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