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Everything posted by RickFarang

  1. Had this problem several years ago and it was solved by sending the form via Express Mail.
  2. My brother will visit in October. In years past I read reports of people being denied entry into Thailand because they did not have 20,000 baht or equivalent in another currency in cash. 20,000 baht or U.S. $600 is a lot of cash be carrying around and does not sound like a good idea to me. Is there any news about this? Thank you in advance
  3. Undoubtedly to eventually be retrofitted with facial recognition software.
  4. Get it right: It is "filthy farangs".
  5. Older people who were vaccinated against smallpox during their childhood in the 1950's (a long time ago!) are reportedly well protected against monkey pox. The odds of encountering somebody who has it is very low, so not to worry.
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