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Posts posted by 2ge

  1. They offer me (for deposit) the party pack, it was cooler (CO2 free, but I had to buy at least 1 KEG), where one would put ice, and then have cool beer on tap. Well, it would work, for one night only, or refill every day ice. What I am looking for to drink 30L keg in lets say max 2 weeks, so it is really good idea to store keg inside cooler, that also means I dont need coller "on the way". But I guess nothing like that exists in Thailand. I mean, it would be really good - one day put keg inside fridge, another day have draught beer, and can enjoy this for 14 days...why not. Also, 30L KEG - they ask for LEO 3000 bht, for Singha it was bit more.

    I think it is time to pimp up classic fridge by removing freeze box :)

  2. Hi,

    we almost all like beer, so why not to call friends to home and enjoy draught beer together...

    The problem what I have is - I am looking for KEG Cooler where can fit 30L KEG (not sure, if they are selling 15L KEGs here), which got all connections needed to draught beer, so I would just connect CO2...

    Anybody got draught beer at home ? Any ideas welcome.

  3. Thanks, I will try to check tomorrow, it is in the shop of my wife. The phone cable going to splitter and then to router, so I doubt it is Double NAT. I will test with 3G/other connection.

    I tested it now from my home internet connection it seems no port is open on that modem/router...I even tried to turn off firewall on that modem, but as I said, nothing helps :( At home I got NT3BB-1PWN-124 and over there is port forwarding working good...

  4. Hi guys,

    usually I dont have problem with setting up port forwarding, but this drives me crazy. I got modem/router from 3bb, it is Huawei HG531 V1, I just setup 2 IP cameras, they are accessible from inside of network on and - of course I want to make them accessible outside. I even reset the modem to factory defaults, set up just internet user/pass and Port mapping. And it doesn't work, the port is not open. I wanted to update firmware just in case, but didn't find any. Any clues?

    This is my setup:


    my IP:


    when I open works, when I open doesnt work, so port forwarding is not working, I restarted the router, I just can not get it work. Any idea guys? I am quite desperate, and it seems I need to call 3bb guys to check this and maybe ask for another router....

    Here is info about router:


  5. Lazada reply today:


    According to your request, We would like to inform you about VAT REFUND FOR TOURIST. We cannot do for this process.
    If you want to do, you should contact at the airport. Sorry for any inconvenience. 



    I got doubt, if there is some online shop, which actually can do VAT refund, that would be interesting to know. So I find out after couple of minutes, even Apple doesn't offer VAT refund. So if apple doesnt offer it, it means nobody offers it.


    The thing is I want to buy iPhone 5s, Lazada got great price, but I see it is fulfilled by 3rd party and I am not sure how it is with warranty (if something really happend, because I was cheated already with warranty in kiosks at hypermart...). I think better to buy from official apple store and make VAT refund later...

  6. Hi guys, 


    I was exactly checking for this info today, Lazada is one of the cheapest store, which is good, but I am not sure, if they support Vat Refund. Thats why, I find 3 minutes of my time and write them email:


    I am trying to find out if do you support VAT REFUND FOR TOURIST. We got small talk about that on forum here:
    is written:
    - VAT Refund Application for Tourist form ( P.P. 10) was not prepared on the date of purchase
    - Goods were not purchased from participating shops in the VAT refund for tourists scheme
    As far as I know (I used VAT refund before with other shops), this Tourist form P.P.10 must be prepared by the shop, not by the customer.
    So, please answer, if do you support VAT refund for tourist, or not, thanks.



    So, let's see if and how they will respond.

  7. Hi guys,

    from yesterday it seems 3bb is blocking outgoing (maybe also incoming) port 22 - SSH. So it means, I can not connect to server using SSH running on port 22. I would say, eh? It is similar as blocking port 443, 465, 587...

    Do they think they really solve "problem" like this ?

  8. hi guys, I get my "O" (marriage) 1 yr, multiple entry visa recently, in Vienna, Austria (they needed just copy of marriage certificate and copy of my wife passport). They required proof of income (in English), which I didn't have initially, but was possible to send later by email. As I understand, now I have to make visa run every 90 days (or before). After 1 year, I can make extension for this visa (outside of Thailand, in Savannakhet for example?), and then I need to just report at immigration every 90 days? I like to travel, so it will be multiple entry visa also, or I have to "buy" every entry to Thailand?


  9. quite a lot of replies. So, this week I am going to buy a fridge. For Samsung - I just dont want it, I read global reviews for Samsung fridges, they are really bad. Also LG - it was really big discount in Home Pro for american style one, but LG - no thanks. I saw interesting fridge made by Siemens (oh well, I guess made in Thailand...),

    Siemens KG57NAI10J


    I like freezer part, much more better than Panasonic is. For saving energy, I doubt there is any A+++ fridges to choose, this Siemens and others are just A category (in Europe it is the worst category). I did some research about Siemens brand in fridge category and it should be good quality. Well...I hope also in Thailand.

    Tomorrow I will call to APL Logistics near Bang Na, and try to find out if they have some on stock. If nope, I just take one from Home Pro.

    Thanks for all the responses!

  10. guys, thanks for good information. First of all, I didn't know the 150 fee was changed to 180 bht. I heard some of foreign banks actually give this fee back (is there more info about this?).

    I use MC debet card, today I want withdraw from Ayudha ATM (yellow), because I can take 30k. ATM wrotes invalid amount. I tried 20k. Invalid amount. I knew my card is OK. I went to Kasikorn ATM, they wrote me, limit for MC is 10.000 only! Wow, so new things: before I withdraw 30k for 150 bht, now it is 10k for 180 bht! <deleted> I said. I take 10k, and then I went to another ATM - orange one, I dont remember the name. It gives me 20k for 180 bht, well, at least something.

    There is some new limits for MC being applied? Soon, we will be happy to get 5k from ATM...really horrible.

  11. I brought a Hiitachi one with the freezer on the side and the fridge has glass shelves and plenty of room , it is very quite and has the ice making machine and water dispenser .it was worth more than 30 k but I love it . has amazing features.

    what model exactly you bought ?

    The problem with repairing is, I am living in Koh Phangan, and here are just "funny" repair shops. For promotion/discount, I am going on mainland just sometimes, so basically I am checking online prices (Powerbuy and so on).

    It seems all fridges are so-so, some models good than others, but as far as I can see, there is not much differences, some people are happy with Samsung, some not (and this apply to any brand). So, I will just decide by "feeling" what suits me most (the bigger, the better, so Panasonic wins so far).

  12. Hi guys,

    I spent couple of hours checking which fridge to buy. Read forum post over and over. I don't want to buy Samsung fridge :)

    I downloaded Panasonic, Hitachi and Mitsubishi catalog. I am interested to buy freezer bottom, fridge at top, 3 shelves would do also. So far I am considering:

    PANASONIC: NR-BY602X 602Litres (449/153), 27.900 BHT, 529 kWh/year (551 Litres cost 2000 BHT less)

    Hitachi: R-WB460PY 455 Litres, 28690 BHT - nice design

    Hitachi: T-SG37BPTH, 365 Litres, 26900 BHT - nice design

    Mitsubishi: MR-C42E, 376 Litres (221/72/83), 21550 BHT

    For me, Panasonic is the best price per liter, also for other, I can not find power consumption, so I guess Pana is doing really good, but when I compare it to EU models, I am not sure about that anymore :) Hitachi and Mitsubishi have 3 shelves, and design is also nice. I am spearfishing, so storing some freezed fishes would be good, I guess, I can store meat in "vegetable" department also (3 shelves).

    So, which one you would grab? The most important is reliability, I don't want to bring my fridge to the shop for repair (living in small island).

    My budget is max 30k.

  13. Thanks for answer, but you didn't reply to my questions.

    ok, so lets make it step by step. It is ok, when officer, which is paid by government, decide, now I will charge this farang 1000 baht, so I will put in pocket 400 baht, and let him make a visarun? And another officer, which will give me "departed" stamp, decide, ok, I will close my eyes for 300 baht, and you can leave the country? Why it is not 2000 baht, and 10 days minimum...? In Europe, such an officer will go to jail.

    You mean, Cambodia is "his" country, and he will decide, what is right amount to compensate, so he will let me make a visarun?

    I don't think it is right. I know, this is Asia...but I would like to know, what is legal and illegal.

  14. Hi,

    normally I don't get any problems, because I am taking the visa-run company. Today we did small trip with a car, and on this trip I decided to make a visarun to Cambodia, I did it before with company, so why not try it alone and possibly cheaper. So here is my story:

    I come to Cambodian Border, I got with me 20 USD, copy of passport, photo. I leaved Thailand without any problem. After Thai border is VisaRun company, which did last time everything for us on "package tour", but today I was alone. They ask, where I go, and I said, I am going to make a visarun. Somebody said, it is illegal to stay 1 day in Cambodia, and they asked for visa-service 1200 baht or something. I got 20 USD and prepared for this, so I just go straight to Cambodian Border. Officer in uniform, in office on "Arrivals" (I fill up the forms and so on), asked me, where I go to Cambodia. I said, I am making visarun, so I am coming back to Thailand. Then, he said: this is illegal, you have to stay at least 1 day in cambodia, but if you give me 1000 bht, it will be OK. I said, I got 20 USD with me, and I want tourist visa - he said, not possible. So then, I was lucky, and got 1000 bht with me, so I gave him. Ok, I got visa, now another window - departures. After filling forms, etc, I wanted to "leave" Cambodia, and officer ask me for 300 bht, because I did not stay there at least 1 day! I say <deleted>, I just paid 1000 bht for this. Anyway, to make long story short - I gave him 200 bht (I didn't have more...), and went back to Thailand, and my visarun was OK, but I didn't expect this.

    My questions:

    - it is really illegal to make a visarun, one must stay in Cambodia at least 1 day?

    - what I can do next time, when OFFICER don't allow me to enter/exit Cambodia without giving to him some coFEE? I was thinking to call somewhere, go to big boss, but I think big money is there, so nobody cares about the real rules.

    I think this is just * scam going on and this visa company got really good business there together with officers.

    Please advice. Border was Phser Prom.

  15. somebody wanna bet, there will be nuclear attack in Europe soon ?

    Media released news some 3 weeks ago, if Bin Laden will die, Al-Kaida will make nuclear attack in Europe. And he dies!

    So, fellows, be prepared for big change. More big change, what happened after 11/9.

    Enjoy while you can.

  16. Hi all,

    I am living on island, we don't have any real shop, which can print photos for good prices, so usually I print my photos in Europe, but I want switch.

    So question is, do you know some good online shop, where one can upload photos, they print it, and send ? I was looking for such a service and found nothing (and website should be also in english:)


  17. Hi,

    I would like to make my first business visa, I am from Slovakia, 30 years old. With making business visa, it shouldn't be problem, but I worry about work permit - which I will not have. My question is:

    do you have any advice, when I will make my first visa-run after 3 months on business visa (I will apply for multiple, 1 year), if they will change it to tourist visa, if I will dont have work-permit? I heard something, they have power to do this, but I want to know, in the reality, how often is this applied, or to know which border to avoid, etc.

    Thanks for any help guys, your opinion/experience is welcome.

  18. Hi, maybe you know some shop, which got 750 GB 2.5" WD hdd - I am looking for this one: http://www.wdc.com/en/products/products.asp?driveid=815 review: http://www.storagereview.com/western_digital_scorpio_blue_review_750gb_wd7500bpvt I was in touch with official distributor (invade computers), but they told me, they dont have them, only possibility is to bring it abroad. so, maybe someone of you, know some shop, where I can order it, coz for example I was in koh samui yesterday, and one guy have 1tb 2.5" hdd on stock (banana it)... thanks for any help!

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