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Posts posted by ThailandLovr

  1. I get asked so often by friends back home about living in Thailand. Asking me the major pros and cons.

    My Pros:

    1) Very inexpensive basic but comfortable living conditions (housing, food, basic medical/dental)

    2) Sun virtually day. Even in the rainy season the sun usually breaks through a few times a day (where I've stayed)

    3) The absence of daily stress as it is in the west (road rage, up-tightness, open display of anger) [ignoring current protests]


    1) Language barrier related difficulties

    2) Relentless heat and humidity

    3) Seems everything is old, dusty, dirty everywhere.

    What are your TOP THREE pros and cons? (Please leave out the women part, everybody knows that.)

  2. I rented a house in a village outside of Sa Kaeo last August. I put up with the early morning noise, snakes, centipedes, drunken neighbors and other frustrations, but in late November the burning started. I couldn't believe it (not living in burning areas before). Every morning I was awakened at 5am by smoke seeping into our bedroom.

    That did it. We moved out the next day.

    Last weekend we visited family in that village again. 4 months later and still field burning.

    Thais may accept living in smoke 4-5 months each year, but no f@cking way I will. Unfreakingbelievable.

  3. I liked george w (jnr), he use to make me laugh, it was easily seen that he was a JACKASS and never failed to attract a few laughs. I can still never understand how the man actually managed to make Presidents of the USA, but thats another story. The man was a first class fool, so it just shows you doenst it. Has anyone else noticed the similarities between him and his replacement. :D

    Anyway, thankfully neither of those idiots gentleman are running the show in Thailand whilst they try to deal with the issues at hand. :)

    ...and many people love Obama while many hate him. Agreed Mr. Neverdie, it has been quite some time since the last really good U.S. president.

  4. I've noticed my 2008 Altis 1.6 is more responsive on the one (mistake) tank of benzine I got recently. The engine didn't feel as boggish as with gasahol 91 or 95. Anybody dropped the use of gasohol and gone exclusively to benzine for that (or other) reasons? I don't like paying the extra 3-5 baht/liter but I like a car which is running at it's best.

  5. 6 months is an awful long time to be in a 'Platonic" relationship , Can we assume you aren't getting any ? .

    I'm often told its about Sex; Its always about Sex. I don't know... I couldn't go a couple of weeks without it impacting my relationship .


    I could "get it" if I wanted to, but the relationship became sister-like from my perspective and therefore feelings of lust are (unfortunately) no longer there.

    lazygourmet...you may have a point but I sure hate to go there unless I can no longer resist.

  6. To cut to the quick, are you saying you don't fancier her anymore?

    Does she still fancy you?

    If you are the softie you claim to be, the answer is be a long suffering partner because the pain of anything else is too much.

    If you can man up to feeling a little pain, tell her you love her deeply and like a sister but you want to go get your freak on with some crumpet. If she loves you back she might understand and accept it.

    Of course there is always the chance she might react badly, but Thailand has an excellent rep for re-attachment surgery.

    Alternatively, just break up with her. If you want to give her a little going away money to help her in this transition, it might help but you want something else now so tell her. If she is as lovely as you she will be understanding and gracious. I suspect at 49 its not the first relationship that has come to an end for her... Losing a boyfriend is probably not as big a blow as hubby dying.

    Always look on bright side of life...

    She still fancies me, but as stated, my feelings are more like love for a sister now. We get along very well still, enjoy each other's company, but beyond that the rocking the bed days are over.

  7. Your relationship with your girlfriend has been very good to excellent for more than two years, but has turned platonic for the past six months. She had been a great girlfriend, taking the best possible care of you in the most attentive manner, and 100% loyal. You want a romantic relationship again, but can't handle the thought of leaving your gf devastated emotionally and without means of support (except with the help of her already poor or financially stretched family). You now love her more like a sister than the girlfriend she was in the beginning. You don't have the financial means to support the two of you living separately. She has a paid for home which she had prior to meeting you, but no means of income other than a few baht for part time work. Get a mia noi? Never done anything like that before. What would you do? Assume the gf is 49 y/o, previously a widow, uneducated.

  8. Sorry, but I am confused with the term Jomtien Beach. There is a Jomtien Beach in S. Pattaya, right? Well, that is Pattaya. How about in the city of Jomtien? I read that there is a similar area in Jomtien sloping down to the "beach" there which is appealing also. As I travel south on Hwy 3 from Pattaya, where would I turn off to get to this area ?

    Thanks very much.

  9. I ran an XK8 for three years from new and am currently on an XKR from new after ten years. They have given me 13 years of blissful trouble-free motoring. The old Jaguar stereotypes of unreliability are tosh IMO.

    Just wish I could justify importing my baby from the UK to run it here. Anyone know a Jaguar mechanic in the boondocks of Issaan? Thought not!!


    Even if there were a Jag mechanic in Isaan, you don't have enough money to pay to bring her here, dam_n near nobody does. Unbelievably expensive unfortunately.

    BTW, awesomely beautiful Jag, lucky bugger you are!

  10. But here is the good thing. Buy one with a Toyota engine inside, ussually they do this job with a 2JZ or 1UZ motor and then is no problem.

    Can never work this out... I beleive the 1UZ is from Lexus ?

    So a 2002 Lexus cost about the same as a Jag with a Jag engine...

    I notice that cars here with a JZ or UZ engine is worth less, so a Jag with a Lexus engine will not hold the value ? even if it was better with that engine.

    I have no idea so asking, would it be better to buy a Jag with a Lexus engine or buy a Lexus in the 1st place, both being the same price for the same year...?

    Sure can understand if you already own a European car and the engine blows up, would be cheaper to use the JZ or UZ engine, but would worry me if a 2002 luxury car had already had the engine changed.

    To a true Jag lover, changing engines is an act of heresy. I would also love to have a Jag here, as I've owned many dating from '63 on in the States, but I would only do so if money were no object in maintaining it. Otherwise, the frustration of having an imperfect Jag would drive me nuts, since all mine were meticulously maintained and were magnificent. The only car I enjoyed more was my '79 Rolls Silver Wraith.

  11. In case anybody takes this med, I finally found a source in Lopburi, where we visit often. One of the major pharmacy store there orders Lamictal from BKK for 1350 baht for 30 100mg tablets. A lot less expensive than through a hospital. It can obviously be ordered but previously other stores said must get from a hospital. Kinda like asking for directions? TiT

  12. Ok, try this, when you open GE, select the 4th field on top(which should be "Tools"), on that one then select the last line (Options), when the new tabbed window appears, select the last Tab (you should be able to see 5 of them, the last one is "General"), then click on the only button there that will open a list of languages and select whatever language you like

    Edited: sorry i forgot this, once you select the language, click on the very last button at the bottom of that window (should be "Apply") and then the second button before the last, which should be "OK" but that one probably is already showing as "OK" :)

    You are a gentleman and a scholar. Thank you! P.S. Had to close then restart GE for the lang chg to take effect.

  13. I downloaded Google Earth, selecting U.S. English as the desired language. After the download completed, I started it up and the menus were in Thai. Thought I made a mistake, repeated the process.

    Same result. Menus and other labelling in Thai.

    Can the language be changed to English somehow? I don't understand what is going on and this is maddening.


  14. I've said all along that you can make choices in life. You can INTENTIONALLY choose to be happy or choose to be sad. It's all up to you. I can always think of something positive even in the face of a so called disaster. It just seems here that some people would rather hear of the disasters and other people's problems rather that something positive. Seeing or hearing of someone always having fun annoys them. I haven't changed, but, I intentionally tried to change my tactics and give people what they crave... negativism. They obviously don't like my photos. It's as simple as that.

    The keyboard warriers on TV can eventually get about anybody down.

    "...They obviously don't like my photos. It's as simple as that." As simple as that?? Huh??

    Obviously Ian has been immensely proud of his photos, often taking a lot of time to create some specifically for the enjoyment of the TV members. But it appears this is also his soft spot, his achilles' heel. His comment about his photos have no relevance to the major point of his post. My guess is some jerk's criticism of his photos hurt his pride, and he is pissed off and on a (temporary) super downer.

    Or why would he even make the comment about "obviously don't like my photos". Obviously? Obvious to whom? Not me, and probably not most if any of us. Obvious to Ian? Maybe, but you are WRONG Ian. Your photos are almost always enjoyed and your talents respected.

    Ignore or use the TV software to filter out the posts of any jerks who are upsetting you.

    Did I hear something? Your mobile? Hey, it's surely one of your lovelies wanting to know if you want some "company"!

    Turn off your computer for a few days, and enjoy yourself :) !!

  15. Yesterday I went to my new Dr. at Bumrungrad and was told to get on Lamital (lamotrigine) and stay on it long term. It (made by GlaxoSmithKline) is a bit pricey since it is imported and will be tough on my budget. Anybody know where I can get, or order it at a good price? Supposedly it is available over the counter here but getting validation from my Dr. would be no problem of course if needed. 100 mg (my daily dose) preferred but not important. A reliable source is important, of course. Thanks!

  16. I also agree 95% with Ian Forbes. I only wish to add, the one place that is common for guys to get scammed outside the bar is the internet. By far most girls looking for a husband on the internet are serious girls, but for sure, a girls who are attractive can get quite a few guys sending them money telling them each that they are one "one."

    One girl I met (not in a bar, just by mutual aquaintence) was not particularly young (maybe 28) and merely moderately attractive. But she was working at least 7 gentlemen the same time by instant messaging (having met them by dating service) and had 2 visiting her in Thailand at the same time.

    I am embarrassed enough but will admit I met my first Thai wife-from-hel_l on CherryBlossoms.com. What a professional in deceit. I laid out my heart and my wallet, completely trusting here after visiting several times and thinking I was prudently being careful. Be careful, so careful. I once remember reading the hiring of a private investigator was smart, but scoffed at the idea of him following her around for a few days.

    Big mistake I didn't. The p.i. would have shown me photos of my wife playing musical hotel rooms in the same BKK hotel we were staying in (she later admitted). Seriously craps out my mind just at the thought. Hope she rots in hel_l, but she first is enjoying a new husband who recently bought her a new 4M home in KK (and probably playing musical rooms there too). A friend of mine once said, "a tiger never loses it's stripes".

  17. I basically hand it all over to the Mrs, and keep my own allowance for personal expenses (most of them beer related. :D )

    She's much better with money than I am.. (She actually cares enough about the stuff to keep track, organize & plan. :)

    You're lucky Winnie. I have seen little evidence that money "planning" existed here from those I've been around. Many Thais spend money like kids. As long as there is money in the mobile and a beer and a cigarette covered, not much more matters.

  18. In the beginning I would turn over 20,000 baht per month to her and let her pay for the basics. But as the months passed (now 2+ years) I realized some of this money was going for reasons I could not get comfortable with, so now I pay for everything and it works best. I'd rather have it the other way but I didn't like seeing so much money going as handouts to the family or being spent unwisely.

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