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Posts posted by Mac0779

  1. A man walkes into a bar carring a small brown paper bag which he puts on the counter,

    It being a slow night the barman asks "what's in the bag"

    The man opens the bag and pulls out a little man about 12" tall and puts him on a beer mat and then proceds to pull from the bag a miniture grand paino and a small stool, when they are all on the beer mat the little man sits on the stool and starts to play classical music.

    "where on earth did you get that" says the barman

    The man responds by reaching into the bag and produces a lamp "give it a rub" he says

    So the barman rubs the lamp and after a puff of smoke a genie appeares and says "I will grant you one wish"

    The barman gets excited and with no hesitation says "I want 1 million bucks!"

    A few moments later a duck walkes into the bar followed by another and then another, pretty soon the bar is full of ducks, and they keep comming!

    The barman turns to the man and says "I think that your genie is a little deaf..... I asked for a million bucks not a million ducks!"

    The man says "yes I know do you rearly think that I asked for a 12" pianist?"

  2. Let's face it sh*t happens, this farang was a victem as soon as he got on the plane in the USA, the same would have happend if he had landed in the Phillipens, Japan, or the Outer Hebridies.

    He must have had his commen sence gland removed at birth!

    These girls work for a living, to make money, from stupid farangs, she was only doing what any girl/woman in that situation would do ie. fleece the farang and dump them.

    I would say all due respect to the Issan girl for getting the target before a girl from Chang Mai or any outher part of the world!

    All i can say to him is live with your mistake, and avoid doing the same again.

  3. :DA Thai politician touring a mental asylum was being shown around the wards by a senior nurse,

    when they came to a room with only a bath in it,

    the politician asked the nurse "what happens in this room"

    The nurse replied "we use this room for testing paients sanity, if they pass the test we release them to the outside world"

    "how do you test their sanity" the politician asked

    "we fill the bath with water, and give the paient a spoon and a tin mug and tell them to empty the bath" the nurse replied,

    "of course" the politician replied "they would use the tin mug to empty the bath, and pass the test!"

    NO said the nurse"a sane person would pull out the plug! please wait here sir and i will go and get your bed ready!" :o

  4. :oActually the stuffed scarecrows are for scareing away bad spirits, the boss explained that apparently about six months ago a old monk had a dream saying that something bad is going to happen to a male member of a family who was born on either a tuesday or thursday, so they where put up to keep the bad luck away, it's more kamer sprit worship than any thing else.
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