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Posts posted by raynimmo

  1. This is so typical of the Thai authorities. If it is illegal to show/film footage for international consumption that portrays Thailand in a bad light then what happens with all the TV news companies, newspapers and bloggers that publish details of life in Thailand. Obviously recent Thailand-centric news items have all been from the darker side of life, Thaksins exploits, yellow and red shirt antics and anything thats happened in the south for the last 5+ years. Surely all of these items show thailand in a bad light and as such their broadcast is illegal!

    This seems like an extension of the lese-majeste debacle to cover the country as a whole and we have all heard ridiculous stories regarding lese-majeste accusations.

    This seems like just another nail in the coffin of Thailands free speech movement, if one exists.

  2. I really dont see what the fuss is all about if you are staying in Thailand long term, tourist visa's are for tourists, visitors to the country, people that are here for only a short period ( i.e ~3months).

    If you want to stay here longer then you are no longer a tourist and you have to go through the correct channels and get the relevant paperwork, much the same as you would in your own country.

    For those of us that are here legally, have legal visa's and work permits, all you scammers are making it even harder for us to do it legally, paying outlandish tax rates, unbelievable company tax payments, twice yearly book-keeping, etc etc, all these things cost money and I can understand if some people cannot afford it, you must leave then.

    For example, I want a Ferrari, but I cant afford it, does that mean that I am gonna go and complain in the Ferrari forums that they are charging too much for their cars and should make some available to the small man that only wants it for the weekend!

    It just doesnt work does it.

    Yes, the Thai government is constantly moving the goalposts, not surprising really as their immigration laws were always 20 years behind the west, If you are not british, then go and try and get a visa for the UK, I am sure you would have fun battling the english bureaucrats. The same for Australians and Americans, getting into Oz and the US is not easy, especially if you want to stay and work.

    Thailand is not so picky, they will take virtually anyone, a wander through Koasan Rd or Patpong will demonstrate this too you, all the dregs of the western world are allowed into Thailand.

    I could go on about this for hours, I am fed up with reading in this forum the moans and whinges of farang law breakers coming here and attempting to get something for nothing, although my heart does go out to anyone who is ATTEMPTING to stay here legally, either as a farang or married to a Thai, it can be rough doing it the legal way but I firmly believe that if they manage to stamp out the illegal farangs then it will become easier for the legal ones to make a life here.

  3. ***defamatory comments removed***

    On phangan, if you just want any easy WP renewal and you dont want to leave the island, there is a young lass, Annie, works at IBC next to the Yellow Cafe [ask anyone where it is], her english is OK, but she is nice and honest and does what you ask.

    Anything more and its gotta be Samui. I have heard some things about Suthep, such as he is a yes-man, you know ' yes I can do this' or 'yes I can do that' but in the end he cant.

    For the last year we have been using Morning Star on Samui, they havent upset us yet, but they are accountants primarily, we only use them for accounts, but they can sort visa's, WP's etc.

    My advice to anyone in Thailand long term is learn to do it yourself, it will be a carry on the first time but once you know what your doing its fine and its cheap. The Labour office in Surat is good, they all speak english, they help you with forms, and things seem to get done in 10 minutes and then its back in your hand.

    well, thats my tuppence :o

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