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Posts posted by dissonant

  1. Lady Gaga is a very young person without any important background of studies at university. She does not know Thailand, she does not care, she did not intend to be offensive. She is an excellent professional making a poor joke, that's it. She just repeats what she heard. Within 3 days, she'll have forgotten all about Thailand.

    IF you (you are) going to make comments on someone's education and background, may i (I) suggest you get your grammar and language skills to a higher level.

    She sure has more (enough) talent and education to have reached the four million mark in digital sales and have a second world tour

    Maybe you should get your writing abilities up to par before you comment on another person's effort. "More", in your usage, is comparative. You didn't compare it to anything. You should have written "more than enough" or simply "enough", as I have indicated in parenthesis.

    Thanks for your time.

    good to see yet another "qualified" teacherthumbsup.gif got a job yet?

    Haha, perhaps. It just annoys men when people attack others on the basis of grammar and then proceed to write badly..lol Unless of course the poster was being ironic, but I don't think they were.

  2. Lady Gaga is a very young person without any important background of studies at university. She does not know Thailand, she does not care, she did not intend to be offensive. She is an excellent professional making a poor joke, that's it. She just repeats what she heard. Within 3 days, she'll have forgotten all about Thailand.

    IF you (you are) going to make comments on someone's education and background, may i (I) suggest you get your grammar and language skills to a higher level.

    She sure has more (enough) talent and education to have reached the four million mark in digital sales and have a second world tour

    Maybe you should get your writing abilities up to par before you comment on another person's effort. "More", in your usage, is comparative. You didn't compare it to anything. You should have written "more than enough" or simply "enough", as I have indicated in parenthesis.

    Thanks for your time.

  3. In parts the survey didn't give flexibility to answer; in other words you had to give an answer that you may not have been happy with. When you put this type of question into a survey you are just stacking results. The reasoning on this is that you could not move on in the survey without an answer so you would not be able to give a result for the survey. I know I answered questions in the survey but felt very uncomfortable with the answer. If I didn't answer I couldn't do the survey, it would flick me back to I answered.

    A neutral answer or No comment answer is also powerful result, as it still gives a result in that the answers set out are not the ones the person doing the survey would give.

    I couldn't understand why there were questions in there about Thaksin. What ever the answer expats don't have political sway in the country. Its something that I would have in the back of my mind but that is where it stays because I don't have a political say in Thailand. If my opinion counted yeah sure put it in, but I think you are playing with fire otherwise.

    The survey in part may have purpose, but results with survey's need to be looked at carefully as it is easy to corrupt results. When this happens all you end up with is a piece of paper or garble on your computer screen. Surveys are very hard to fine tune and you may need to do a few focus group trials before they go out.

    Yup, that's why qualitative research in the social sciences can be so insightful, especially in sociology, where heavy statistical work is done with surveys. When a surveyee is given a predefined set of answers (to a subjective, opinion oriented question) to choose from, you naturally run into problems of accuracy. Nevertheless, I took part in the survey, and am interested in the results.

  4. Maybe it's time to rejuvenate the members. Imagine the same survey in 2031: average age will be 70 - 79!!!!

    Of course, most of the farang living in Thailand are old chap like us but I see, on a daily basis, young guys LIVING in the country, mostly in Bangkok, I mean expats not tourists.

    They would probably not be interested by the useless discussions / forums about Thaksin but they obviously like the country and have something to tell about it.

    At this moment, where do they meet (on line)?

    Well, perhaps they are just happy to stay here and do not mind about politics and criticisms about Thailand.

    The majority of younger men I see in Thailand seem to come from the Scandinavian countries.. Most seem to be seaman with a Thai wife and most seem to live outside of Bangkok near their wifes families. Thats what I see.

    Where do you live? Most of the young foreigners I see in Bangkok and environs are from North America and England, working as teachers or as another poster said, on the internet. In "upcountry" as the Thais call it perhaps you see more of the permanent "young"residents who happen to be married. i don't know.

  5. One of the things I am astonished by is how Thai people defend their country/people and get upset with anyone critizing anything about Thailand,

    when they themselves are the absolute individuals with no regards at all to the wellfare of their own country fellow men/women.

    If someone is being ripped off because one doesn't come from Thailand and express anger about it upset you that much,

    wouldn't it be better for you to write something like, I whish we could treat forreigners better than we do.

    There's a saying, treat others like you want to be treated yourself. Actually found in most religions,

    even Buddismen but then again, you "stole" buddismen from India and almost proclaim it as yours only.

    I wish we could treat foreigners better. But also I wish you have a better logic in this. Does that mean all christian countries "stole" Christianity from Jews as well? Most Thais know it come from India, know the name of the buddha, the town he was born, the name of his parents, etc. I'm not sure where you heard someone claimed that it's Thai's only. That person must be really crazy and stupid, that kind of people is not exclusive to Thailand though. It's just like if someone claimed that Christianity is Vatican's. Do you think there are people like that?

    If you got rip off here, you got my sympathy on that. But to bash Thailand for the sake of bashing is just pathetic.

    Lord Buddha, Guatama Siddharcha, was born in 563 BCE in Lumbini, Nepal, which at the time formed part of Northern India. In 24 years here I have never met a single Thai who is aware of this fact or indeed any Thai who has properly studied and truly practices Buddhism. I have met plenty of Thais though who go to the Temple to pray to win the lottery, and have witnessed no end of Thai monks in Starbucks and KFC, and just recently saw one chatting away on a mobile phone in a 1st class train carriage.

    Interesting, because virtually all the students at my school can tell me the full name and birth date of Siddartha.

  6. I've noticed that the Science textbooks for prathom classes are very difficult, in my opinion. I teach in an English program, and the vocabulary levels, in the English language science textbooks are very high for their corresponding grade levels. There is something wrong when the science text is far more grammatically complex than the English textbook, ridiculously so.

  7. what were you doing in "the ghetto"? i always wonder why anyone with common sense would go have a stroll in khao san !

    this street ( now a whole block or two) is a plague and should be razed off the face of Bangkok .....

    OK, now that is simply ridiculous. Khao San Road has it's share of nonsense, but it is also increasingly popular among college age Thais as a place to party on the weekends, because it has many clubs that don't charge exorbitant prices for drinks and entry (though still more expensive than many local Thai hangouts).

    It is an area to which I do not often frequent, but many of the farangs that do, do so because it has a vibrancy about it that places such as sukhumvit and silom don't have. Yes, the Khao San area attracts many backpacker style tourists who can't afford to stay at high dollar resorts and hotels (nor would many of them want to).

    As to the murders there, the killer's wife was working there as a shirt vendor. She was working were she can make a living, I assume. Moreover, the internal family strife going on was not a khao San issue. One may dislike like Khao San or the people that visit it, but please try to refrian from being so irrational.

  8. Hi all,

    After I receive my non immigrant B visa I will be bringing a criminal background check to Thailand for my work permit application.

    I have a (USA) misdemeanor for the possession of marijuana. The charge is six years old. Does anyone know if this will bar me from getting a work permit? All my other requirements will be in proper order. I appreciate any responses you may give. I've searched the forums but haven't found a direct answer to this question. Thanks.

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