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Posts posted by Dosed

  1. This is a constant chore for me also. I hate it when they linger. Its not just the fact that they linger, its the way in which they linger.

    Think about it. A store in the UK for example will have the same 'followers' clacking at your heels.... but they do so in a more discreet manner. They may pretend to tidy up the area in which you are browsing, or 'adjust' something in the area what doesnt really need adjusting. They do so in a manner that makes you feel less 'watched'. The Thais however just stand there. Looking at you. Gorping at you. With a totaly bored expresion, arms folded.

    And what is it when they pick up a T shirt, 3 sizes too small for you, shove it in your face and say 'you like this' when you have been looking at <deleted> shoes!!!!!!

    I was in the Paul Smith shop in BKK last weekend and developed a stratagey that may work for me again.. Iritating Thai chick stands three feet from me, looking at me while i browse, arms folded. I was about to walk out, as i usualy do, but i really wanted to fish around for something cool, so i had an idea. I randomly picked up 4 shirts, 2 pairs of shoes and a jacket and said 'please can i try these in xl and size 10'. While she was hunting around the stock room, i browsed uninterupted for 10 minutes, picked up a shirt, tried it on, and paid just as she was walking out of the stock room.

  2. It amazes me sometimes, the sheer biterness on this forum. So many people are so quick to slag off posters..... i wonder if a percentage of this community are made up from retired slouches who having nothing to do all day in nakhon knowhere aside from engaging in fights on a forum.

    A guy posts a simple question. One guy replies with troll. Another refers to OP's previous posts. The latter guy states 'wouldnt help you if my life depended on it'..... for christs sake, if you suspect him of being a troll, or would prefer not to answer his question out of personal distaste for the guy, dont reply!!! Go and do something more interesting!!!!

    Yes, the UK has one of the finest police forces in the world..... that is precisely why the guy cant just phone up, out of the blue, and say 'hmmm, hello, is my ex wife in prison?'.

  3. Interesting. The first and in many cases, sole opinion of many posters is that this guy is a looser who had it coming. My natural instinct here would be to post just the opposite;

    That **** is evil and I hope her house burns down.

    Different storkes, different folks. Some of us came to Thailand in our 50's, shunned the naughty nightlife scene and headed straight for the 'real Thailand' where we avoided scum like this and had time to wise up. Some of us came to Thailand in our 30's and headed straight for Soi 4 to get wasted and pick up a few girls. The guys in the later category are naturaly more likely to get stung by a *** like this and the warning signs such as *tatoos, good pool player, dripping in gold* are only evident to those of us who know the score with this place and have been here a while.

    So this guy didnt know the score. That dosent make him a looser. An idiot. A gullible numpty who asked for it. It just makes him newbie who didnt know any better. With this, we can only guess.

    With her, she is a scum bag evil *** who played him from the start and rinsed him for all he was worth, before threataning to have him murdered. Of this, we are sure.

    So lets be clear on something here. This guy seems like a nice enough fella. The girl is an evil ***

    One thing that always bothers me about many of my fellow ex-pats...... The satisfaction that many seasoned long timers have when hearing storys like this. There is a massive case of 'son nam naa' amongst many ferang that have been here a while, when learning of some poor guy who got rinsed by a whore. Its almost like "Ha, I have been here ages. I know better than you. You silly fool - your just a newbie ferang".

    I have never been stung, ripped off or rinsed by any Thai - male or female. It will never happen. But when i hear of it happening to some guy who just stepped off the plane, my gut reaction, as aposed to many of you, is 'poor bloke, what a shame. Evil ****, hope she rots'.


    Something tells me you maybe the loser in question, you are venomous enough to be the guy for sure.

    I usually have sympathy for guys who get screwed over. I however have absolutely no pity for a nobber who puts others on websites and viciously attacks their families. The guy talks about Karma etc. <deleted> hypocrite.

    Nope. Its not me. I have been posting on Thai Visa for close to 5 years. I have assumed this new user name as i wanted to post on the health forum about a mild case of nob rot that I have. :o I cant remember my sodding password for my 'other' account and havent been arsed to request a new password here.

    I guess I am venomous with my view on this. It riles me. It pisses me off. One of the contibuting reasons why i feel so riled about this kind of thing owes to the typical responses that guys like this recieve.... 'He had it coming'.... 'Left his brain at the airport'.... 'Should have known better'. Whenever I read or hear a story such as this, it always seems to be the poor sods fault. Conversley, the girl who destroys the life of whichever guy in question, is a harmless little isarn chick who is simply looking out for her fammily.

    Cant we call a spade a spade here? She took him to the cleaners. She rinsed him blind. When she sensed the money was running out and there was nothing else to blag, she insisted that the guy went back home to work in the states, and send money back to her monthly. When he refused, she closed the whole thing off and started screaming at him at every given chance. When he went back to the village to check out the house, she told him she would kill him if he didnt leave the village.

    He goes on to say that he was followed out of the village by a guy on a bike, who he assumed was her brother. Brother? Boyfriend, more likely.

    Sure, he could have been a heck of a lot sharper. I see nothing wrong in setteling down with a bar girl - providing you give it years before you so much as even hint at building houses, marraige, retiring etc. Stepping off the plane and rushing into something like that with a bar girl is, as i said, not too sharp. But he did nothing wrong in doing so - thats my point. On paper at least, it was a nice thing the guy did. He built her a house. He tried to provide a future for her. He wanted to take care of her. However off the ball the guy might have been, he was just trying to be nice. She, on the other hand, was an out and out evil bitch.

    Obviously, im assuming his account is true here.

    Its strange actualy that i do feel so strongly about this kind of thing. As i have said before, genuinely i have never even come close to getting stung in Thailand. This shouldnt bother me so much. There is just something about it that irks me. I have seen it so many times and it just.... irks me. Dont get me wrong, there are plenty of negatives to Thailand that i accept - there is always a compromise, wherever you choose to live. I accept the good and bad in Thailand and i feel that the good greatly outweighs the bad. I shrug stuff off. But this - well, its just my pet hate, thats all.

    I should point out that while i feel this guy deserves sympathy and not ridicule, i think he does read as a little.... twisted. The notion that 99.999% of Isarn women are evil scammers and especialy the 'black magic' thing creeped me out. Thats just plain strange.

    Im not saying i am warmed to this guy - jesus he is not even the kind of guy i would want to have a beer with - im just saying, you know.... do we have to write guys like this off as complete tossers, without even commenting on the fact that the woman is a cheap evil swine?

  4. CbrLad

    Yep, agree with you. I should have mentioned that his perception if Isran is wrong. He maybe should have said that most of the of Isarn bar girls who work the tourist entertainment areas are cold scammers when it comes to 'relationships', and not the isarn women period.

    I have no idea what the percentage is..... but i would hazzard a wild guess that if you pick up a bar girl (who will probably be from isarn) and hope to settle down with her, 9 times out of 10 she will lead you up the garden path with a hidden agenda.

    He is forgeting however that the women of isarn who work the bar scene are only a tiny percentage in the grand scheme of things.

    To say 99% of all Isarn women are scammers.....thats out of order, agreed. If he had said 99% of all bar girls will scam you, he may have a point.

  5. Interesting. The first and in many cases, sole opinion of many posters is that this guy is a looser who had it coming. My natural instinct here would be to post just the opposite;

    That **** is evil and I hope her house burns down.

    Different storkes, different folks. Some of us came to Thailand in our 50's, shunned the naughty nightlife scene and headed straight for the 'real Thailand' where we avoided scum like this and had time to wise up. Some of us came to Thailand in our 30's and headed straight for Soi 4 to get wasted and pick up a few girls. The guys in the later category are naturaly more likely to get stung by a bitch like this and the warning signs such as *tatoos, good pool player, dripping in gold* are only evident to those of us who know the score with this place and have been here a while.

    So this guy didnt know the score. That dosent make him a looser. An idiot. A gullible numpty who asked for it. It just makes him newbie who didnt know any better. With this, we can only guess.

    With her, she is a scum bag evil **** who played him from the start and rinsed him for all he was worth, before threataning to have him murdered. Of this, we are sure.

    So lets be clear on something here. This guy seems like a nice enough fella. The girl is an evil ****

    One thing that always bothers me about many of my fellow ex-pats...... The satisfaction that many seasoned long timers have when hearing storys like this. There is a massive case of 'son nam naa' amongst many ferang that have been here a while, when learning of some poor guy who got rinsed by a whore. Its almost like "Ha, I have been here ages. I know better than you. You silly fool - your just a newbie ferang".

    I have never been stung, ripped off or rinsed by any Thai - male or female. It will never happen. But when i hear of it happening to some guy who just stepped off the plane, my gut reaction, as aposed to many of you, is 'poor bloke, what a shame. Evil ****, hope she rots'.

  6. I once went to hospital with liver pains. I was drinking too much, and was told not to worry, just calm down a little. However, the Doc said, I will prescribe you some medicine.

    Three little bags of pills.

    Google search turned up the following;

    Arthritus relief pills.

    Anti flatulance pills (to prevent farting)


    Whilst the first two are totaly stupid, the asprin has to take the winner as the most stupidly prescribed drug out of the three. Asprin is the worst possible pain killer you can take, in terms of hurting your liver.

    Now if i have an issue, i phone my doc back home. he suggests what i should be looking for, i write it down and hit the pharmcy.

  7. Im an average endowed guy. For some reason though, as soon as the nurse walked in, my old chap seemed to shrink to half its normal size - almost his way of retreating from the pending work to be carried out on him. That was part of the reason i bottled it plus, she was just so cute.... i prefer not to meet girls as lovely as that while they are scraping away at my disease ridden dick.

  8. Wart report.....

    Visited Bumrungrad (spelling?) yesterday. The doc took a quick look and confirmed i have two warts. For the record, they look nothing like Tax's picture but if you can imagine (should you wish to) 2 small cauliflower flourettes on the tip of my shaft, on the banjo string, about 5mm wide, you have an idea. Im amazed how quickly these two little curious spots have turned into ugly looking layered warts in a few days.

    The doc gave me two options; freeze the bastards there and then, or take cream at home. Freezing them may or may not work - all depends if they get the root or not. Cream, he says, will likely work eventualy but may take several weeks.

    I jumped on the bed expecting the doctor (late 50's, Thai Chinese with American accent) to do the 'excuvation work' only to find, 2 minutes later, a very cute Thai nurse, early 20's, putting the rubber gloves on.

    I bottled it, and went for the cream.

    So i have three small saches of Aldara cream to apply daily, over the coming week or two. Apparently Aldara cream does not directly attack the wart, but actualy stimulates the imune system to focus on that specific area. I have googled it, and it has good reviews with many success storys after around 3 weeks, on average.

    I was pleasenatly suprised at the 1200 baht bill, including cream. I pulled 10,000 baht out of the ATM in preperation of paying top dollar at what looks like a top class hospital. Doc was first class..... although he did dhy away a little towards the end of the exam when i asked him to check out the right side of my helmet, which seems to be a darker colour than the left side. If i have secondry dose of some description, i will be devastated.

    lesson to be learnt here? Dont use those tiny Thai sized condoms. I can remember struggling to put the bloody thing on and thought 'no way is this going to last'. The moment took me though and im sure that is the evening when i caught this bloody dose - when the condom snapped.

    So thats me. Warts and all.

    Thanks all for the feedback - really appreciated.


    • Like 1
  9. Thanks for the posts people - especialy RGS.

    I have bit the bullet and booked in to Bumingrad tommorow afternoon. Im actualy booked into to see an 'infections specialist', i figure thats close enough. I guess its better to be safe. Plus, without being graphic, the location of the problem may not permit me to rip the bastards off - they are right on my banjo string. The last thing i want is to rip that off also.

    I just hope i dont get stung at Bumingrad... i dont mind paying 4/5/6,000 baht for a quick in and out job - any more than that, ill cringe a little. They are not stitch up merchants over there, are they?

  10. Thanks RGS.

    By corn removal kit, do you mean a standard over the counter wart remover? As in, the type of kit that you would buy to remove a wart from your hand? I might be willing to give that a go - but some of the health sites i have visted strongly advise against that; they say it can leave the old chap red roar.

    I dont have a bath - so i guess i would have to plonk the old boy into a bowl of warm water for 5 minutes.

    Just so im clear, you are saying that this is the method;

    * Apply corn removing lotion to the warts a few times a day, for a few days.

    * Old chap/warm water for 5 minutes after 3 days

    * Dry off old chap, then....... at this point i have to ask, is there like a 'film' over the wart from where you have been applying the lotion? Like a residueof glue? If so, you rip off the residue quickly and the wart should come with it. Yup?

    I would be willing to give that ago - just reasure me though.... when you rip it off, you dont rip anything else off with it? I have visions of my foreskin ripping off here.

    nce i have done that, if it works, ill need medicine of some sort. Warts are virul, so i will need medicine to attacke the virus to prevent it coming back. I would imagine, by now, there are other warts growing, yet i cant see any.

    Any suggestions for 'post ripping' medicine? I hear amoxcycillin or something is pretty strong virus medicine?



  11. Hi all

    This is a gross post - sorry in advance.

    I must finaly throw the towell in and accept that I have warts on my old chap.

    I noticed two small bumps on the underside of my foreskin several weeks ago.... the power of denial prevented me from worrying about it but now, alas, the bumps have grown and they resemble two small cauliflower florettes.

    Im single - so have no partner to worry about infecting although for obvious reasons, my weekend 'sanuk' has been put on hold for some weeks now. I had sex with a bar girl a couple of months ago and the condom broke. I didnt realise untill right at the very end. Typicaly of my luck, it seems that this one and only time that i have 'barebacked' with a bar girl, i have picked up a dose.

    I have no idea what to do. I have googled the subject and it seems this is one hel_l of a common STD. The options include laser removal, 'freezing' or cream. I just want to go for the quickest, least hassle remedy. I have googled 'Thailand STD clinic'but nothing much comes up.

    Can anyone sugest options? if there is a known over the counter sollution that works quickly, please do let me know and i will hunt it down. Alternativley, can anyone reccomend a clinic/hospital in Bangkok where i can litteraly get the little bastards removed same day?

    Many kind thanks


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