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Posts posted by youngsue

  1. Hi Everyone,

    I need some advice as to what to do for the best.

    I am a female from the UK living in Thailand. I married my now Thai husband last October, at Krabi Amphur District. I have just had the marriage certificate and the Registration document KhorRor2 translated and authorised at the MFA, just in case I ever need it in the future.

    The translation says:-

    The female party wishes to take the title Mrs.

    The female party wishes to take the husband's family name.

    I never agreed to this and I don't recall the man at the Amphur asking me these questions. I am keeping my own maiden name and will prefer to remain Miss at the moment as it's too much hassle changing everything. It does say "wishes" and not "agrees", so I don't know how strong the statements are.

    So my question is:- Are these statements legally binding? Will anything go wrong in the future if I don't change my name? Do I need to go back to the Amphur and get this changed?

    Some help with the Thai law really would be appreciated. I've asked some Thai people I know but they are not sure. The Amphur is not open until Tuesday when I can call them but I would like to know this weekend, as I'm impatient, and it's one less thing to tick off the list to do.

    This is a great forum and I've used it in the past and have gotten some useful information from those "in the know".

    Best Regards,


  2. Hi Everyone,

    I just thought I would share the information with you as others can learn from other people's experiences and mistakes.

    Firstly, I called the MFA and they said that I do not need a new Affirmation from the Embassy so that's good news.

    Secondly, I called the translation place I used in Bangkok, (Ploenchit Translators) who were extremely helpful. They have offered to amend the translation and then get it legalised along with my Affirmation at the MFA and then post it back to me at a cost of 1,200 baht. This is great news as I don't have to take time off work and make another trip to Bangkok as I live in Krabi.

    The small snag is, the translators used my Thai name in my Work Permit, so they will not do the new translation until I get my name changed in my work permit and then I have to send them a copy of the correction.

    A phone call to the Labour Office today and they said I can go in on Monday and they will correct it for me.

    So to everyone who has a Work Permit please check that your name is translated into Thai correctly. I've had my WP for over 2 years and no one has ever spotted it. Unfortunately I don't read Thai.

    So I've learned alot this week but at least a happy outcome though a little expensive.


  3. The stamp is standerd.

    Your name spelled wrong could indeed be a problem. I would rectify it both at the labour office and get a new translation and have it certified at the consular section. Hope you don't need to get a new document from the embassy.

    Do it before you get married, otherwise it will only complicate matters. The amphur takes the details from the translated affirmation letter.

    Of course the Work Permit change can wait.

    Congratulations on the marriage.

    Hi Mario,

    Thanks for your reply. A Thai friend is going to call the MFA to see if I need to get a new Affirmation, I hope not!!!

    I have another question. I did ask the UK Embassy but they didn't know the answer. If I get my Thai marriage certificate translated into English do I need to get the translation Legalised at the MFA.

    Thanks for your help.


  4. Hi Everyone,

    I need some advice.

    The story is, I've just got back from Bangkok doing my Affirmation of Freedom to marry. Someone suggested that I take my Work Permit and ask them to translate my name as it is on the WP. So got the affirmation, got it translated, asked her to copy my mname from WP. Went to the Ministry of Affairs, they said that my name was translated wrong. I told them that it is the same as it is in my WP. They asked me to make a copy of my WP and give it to them. 2 hours later I got my Affirmation stamped by Ministry of Affairs.

    I've now returned to work today to find out that my name on my WP is wrong. My name is Susan Jayne Young but they have translated it as Susan J. Young Young. This is now what is on my translated Affirmation and the Ministry have now stamped and approved based on my WP. The Ministry of Affairs also stamped "that they are not responsible for any erroneous translations". Is this standard?

    This will be the name that they put on my Marriage Certificate but it is wrong.

    What shall I do? Do I need to go to Bangkok and do it all over again, or just get married and when I have my marriage certificate translated into English I can ask them to change my name. If the name is wrong on the marriage certificate that means the certificate is not valid.

    Any thoughts or advice will be appreciated.



  5. The girl at the visa centre suggested to him that he say he as some cash at home, around 30,000 baht and she made him write this on the application....

    Whilst I don't doubt such things go on, it's a very dangerous game to play. The staff at the visa application centre are untrained in immigration matters, and it perturbs me that they are influencing people's applications through their malinformed "advice".

    I'd rather insist that the application goes through as it stands. If the VAC staff wish to advise people, ask them to quote either their OISC registration number, or the details of their Law Society registration. I'll bet you they can give neither.



    Can I just say, I new nothing of this until my boyfriend came out and told me what happened. I said to him that he should have come out and discussed it with me first. As I said I was furious with him for letting her do this to him as I still think he would have got the visa even if he said he had no money. My boyfriend didn't really understand the procedure I did everything for him. He even got accosted by some Agent outside and he was ready to walk off with him, in the end I had to politely tell the agent to go away and we would do it ourselves. The Agent was scaring my Boyfriend by saying, "Oh you not married, you will not get visa, come with me and I'll help you". My boyfriend seemed to believe him but he always believes Thai people before he believes me.

    Anyway I did not wish to cause any harm by posting about the girl at the Visa centre as was merely pointing it out to help others in the future.


  6. Did you have to send off your bank statements and passport info seen as you were sponsoring him? I don't really want to be doing this myself and was wondering if you had to do it.

    Yes I did supply them 6 month original Bank Statements and Savings A/C statements and every other personnel detail about me. My salary, my house ownership etc. I didn't send them I actually flew to Bangkok and brought them with me. My boyfriend was clueless about everything as his reading and writing English is not good, so I did it all for him. Also I needed to talk to his employers to make sure they put what was required in his employment letter. Again I couldn't really trust my boyfriend to get it right. It was a tough project but we got there in the end. Like the others on the post say, just give them everything and be honest, that's what I did. You get everything back with the passport. So no worries as to who sees your personnel stuff.

    Good luck.

    PS. One more thing, any queries or any doubts I had I e-mailed the Visa Application Centre they always replied within 24 hours and were always helpful. So anything you are unsure about just e-mail them.

  7. Hi,

    I wrote on here over a month ago with regards to any information that would be useful for getting my Thai boyfriend a visitor visa to UK Just wanted to say a big thank you to all those who responded and gave me advice. Especially the ladies as they have been through a similar situation.

    We submitted his application on Tuesday morning this week and it was ready for pick up on Thursday. It barely took 2 full working days. I couldn't believe it.

    The only thing was, I was fully sponsoring him and had said so in my letter and we said that he had no money. The girl at the visa centre suggested to him that he say he as some cash at home, around 30,000 baht and she made him write this on the application. I was furious with him when he came out and told me as I was worried that they would need proof of the money and not approve his application. But he said she was being really helpful and I guess it worked along with everything else.

    Thanks again.

  8. As a previous poster mentioned, that the land document has only recently been put in your boyfriend's name might strike the visa officer as being a means to an end; i.e. the transfer has only been made for the purposes of bolstering his visa application. Furthermore, if he gets a letter from his employer, this should stipulate how long he has worked there, what job he does, how much he is paid, and the date upon which he is expected to resume work. Such a letter can be a double-edged sword as if it strikes the visa officer that the job is of a casual nature, he may draw a negative inference from that.

    What you really need is evidence of your relationship which covers its entire duration and, if possible, any documentation which shows that you do intend to travel out to Thailand next year in order to take a TEFL course.


    So I guess it's best not to show the House Registration documents and just go with the letter from employer. Yes I have evidence of our relationship from the past 9 months. Thanks for your help and advice.

  9. I took my Thai boyfriend back to England on holiday last April. He doesn't own property but we got a letter from his employer confirming his wage and what day he would return to work. I also got letters from my parents and sister in England to confirm we were visiting and would be staying with them. We didn't have any proof of the length of relationship so I added some photos taken at different times throughout the previous year. As I was paying for his trip I put in my bank statements too.

    We got the visa really easily and the only hassle was at Heathrow immigration as he doesn't speak English and couldn't understand the questions. The immigration guy asked me some really inappropriate questions implying he was a prostitute - not what I expected as we already had the visa. I'd suggest keeping all the supporting documents on you just in case you have the same problem.

    Hi, thanks for that, makes me feel a whole lot better as most people (on other websites) have said I haven't a hope in hel_l.

    Did your boyfriend supply pay slips and tax receipts as proof of his employment or was that all in the Employers letter? What job does he do? Mine works in a bar so might not be good for him. I've got proof of our relationship so will be showing them phone bills etc. Yes I have all the documentation as I will fully sponsor him. Just haven't got a letter from my parents inviting him. But will do.

  10. As long as your boyfriend has a decent enough job, a letter from his employer giving him permission for a holiday and guaranteeing that he will have still have his job, should be a good enough reason to return (it was for my girlfriends visas)

    He works in a bar so not classified as a good job, but his employer will do him a letter. How long have you known your girlfriend before applying for visa? Was it a tourist visa?

  11. Has he got proof of a weekly/monthly income youngsue and can he get letters from his employer and any other proof he will be going back to thailand.Maybe the paperwork re. property will have the exchange date and not admissable.

    good luck anyway,it sounds weird for a farang lady doing this when many farang guys get hammered on here for taking their loved one back for holiday.The normal one is if farang pay then thai no good and work bar etc etc,

    all the best

    No he doesn't have proof of income. He gets paid little cash for working in a bar in Krabi. His boss gives him free food and accommodation and he gets to keep his tips. His boss said he would do a letter for him that he will keep his job until he returns. My boyfriend didn't ask to come to UK I invited him, but at the time 9 months ago I didn't realise how hard it would be. I have been out there 3 times in the past 6 months and we took a holiday together to Malaysia. I'm moving to Thailand in December to do a TEFL course and stay there for up to 2 years, that's why I invited him to come now. I have my own home and lots of savings plus I'm in a good job/ I would have thought being a good sponsor would help him get the visa. We also have proof of our relationship over the past 9 months.

  12. Hi can someone please help me. Will be applying for UK Visitor Visa for my Thai boyfriend to come for 3 weeks holiday. He doesn't own any property but we got his Mum to change the House Registration documents into his name. Is this proof enough that he owns his own home. I will be fully sponsoring his trip and his stay in the UK. Is there anything else I should be aware of.

    Thanks for your help. :o

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