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About brfsa2

  • Birthday 10/18/1976

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  1. Interesting! is that all stations or only some? which part of Thailand? I have never seen any station that can do more than 80kWh, maybe because I only use travel central and southern Thailand on EV car.
  2. Sure but hat is not the reason of people choices. Charging at the MG and BYD dealers is not free and any EV Car can use it. Then the kWh fee is quite expensive compared to home charging or PTT stations. Thailand lacks big time in high power charging stations, most places and shopping malls offer that mediocre 7kW charging speed, and a few if lucky 11kW. Most chargers at gas stations are capped at 40kw or 60kw if there are 2 or more cars. the highest you can get is 80kW when nobody is charging in the station. At least we should have 100 to 150kW charging speeds available without reducing power. IF PTT had a 600kW charging capacity per station, they could have 4 slots at each 150kW or 6x100kW, that would be game changer! And buying a Tesla could be a very good deal in Thailand.
  3. Well done! The place is only better when people take justice with the own hands.
  4. Black-gill is a disease in fish caused by several interconnected factors, and nobody buys those fish. The main reason in Thailand for this to happen: Environmental pollution: Industrial waste, agricultural runoff, and urban pollution introduce chemicals and heavy metals that damage gill tissue. Low oxygen conditions: Eutrophication from excessive nutrients creates algal blooms that deplete oxygen, stressing fish and making them vulnerable to infections. Pathogens: Bacteria, fungi, and parasites that thrive in compromised water conditions can directly infect gills, causing the characteristic blackening. Climate change: Rising water temperatures in Thailand's coastal waters create favorable conditions for certain pathogens while stressing fish immune systems. Intensive aquaculture: Thailand's extensive shrimp and fish farming may contribute to water quality issues and pathogen spread.
  5. can you get those in Thailand?
  6. you mean my portable induction machine? are you looking to do it yourself?
  7. Interesting! Rice cooker, you use in warm mode and you start in cook mode? Tell me more please.
  8. just buy cheap weed,then decarb them yourself I buy those that sells like 100gr for 300 baht or something, trims, left overs, super cheap from indoors growers thou. I dont like greenhouse ones. Just put in the oven at 100C and leave it for 1 hour. Done. if you dont have oven, get one for 900 baht! I do this all the time, and just eat it with a spoon if you dont fancy making cannabutter or oil extracts. works amazing and super strong, if you over eat it you will be in serious high for a whole day!
  9. Not sure you knows or not, there is a device called Dynavap (among others) that you can smoke cannabis flowers or trims (the best way IMO) without any fumes or smoke, it's almost clear what you breath. it doesnt heat to the burning temperature as burning a joint, just high enough to vaporize the oils in terpenes giving you full flavor and effect. It's very discrete and could pass easily smoking on the street because there is nothing visible coming out of your mouth 😄 The flavors: Amazing, you get to really tell the hidden flavors of each strain, very pronounced! on of my favorite flavor is this strain called Chocolate Mint, a good indica, the chocolate and mint flavors are insanely good. The High: very fast and very strong, with 1 dynavap filled, I can do 3-4 heating sessions for full extraction. you can definitely get high with just 0.1g using a dynavap. The cost: Expensive, usually 3500 baht here, totally worth it. I have a collection of them, just amazing tech. Methods: you can use a lighter or an induction heater, i made my own induction heater with 3x 18650 batteries, super portable too! Lighter takes 6-8 seconds, induction heater just 3 seconds. It's the ultimate micro-dosing device! Pros: no bad smell, no bad breath, amazing flavors, great high, I buy cheap indoors trims, you can save a lot of money. perfect for micro-dosing. Cons: not cheap, import from USA only.
  10. I did at Bumrungrad many years ago using some new tech with only a few minor incisions, they are all go now. It was not expensive for 1 leg, maybe because I could leave the hospital in the afternoon and no need to admin... So, got there 9am fasting, back home by 4pm with lots of pain walking, but cleared after few days. The doctor was a friend, so he didnt charge too much for his fees, but I had to pay full for the hospital fee which was around 44K THB, without the discount about 120K. maybe today should be close to 200K. I only did because I had the opportunity and it was genetic to my DNA. it's been 10 years since then and my legs looks exactly the same today without any large varicose vein ( that's because I became athlete in the past 10 years since the surgery) Sclerotherapy is also a good option, if you only have very small varicose vein or spider veins. Large ones need the actual removal of the vein.
  11. oh, please... it's not AI that is awful, it's how people use, it's a tool, a very powerful tool, just like a gun, how do you use a gun? careful how do you use AI? careless that sums it up. I create tools with AI, use it for almost most of my job, rely on it, cant be effective anymore without it. then there are the people who has no clue about anything... posting here.
  12. In the 90s I used to go to Koh Samet and Koh Samui often as a teen, with friends from uni, etc. so fun! good weed everywhere and cheaper than beer, nothing like it is today full of crazy cheap drugs. we rented really nice bungalows with aircon for like 400-600B/night, sometimes camped in the beach too and had parties. then I revisited in 2015 and it was already 1500-2000B/night, the same places I used to stay for 400B/night. That was one of the best times of my life in Thailand. Now a days also good, no debt, 😄
  13. oh man, how awesome was Bangkok and most of Thailand before Thaksin. I don't know exactly what really changed in Thailand but I can tell 30 years ago was amazing, then things changed a lot in early 2000's , After his the war on drugs, it seems the crimes increased and there is just so much artificial cheap drugs just everywhere, it's insane how bad it is now. Pubs are no where are as nice and relaxed as in the 90s here. I remember telephone pub, quite famous, then route66 opened. damn, good old days! and at least Silom was not the trash it is today!
  14. Funny how so many people here fall for it and give their miserable replies. so pitiful Bob, please bring in more of your stories! I love the one from the other day.
  15. That's the way ! BTC is the only true value, gov cant touch, cant print, cant take away!
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