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Posts posted by timejester

  1. I think this is one of those ideas that... a lot of scholars in the field will say OMFG it's such a good idea, OMG it's the freaking way forward, it's progress... but the idea doesn't really work in real life for all sorts of reasons.

    I've seen the idea thrown about in my home country but probably never put into practice... most likely for the reasons discussed here. :P

    In Ottawa, canada, a similar system has worked really well. Of course we have a Bus Police System that is very effective; drivers that use the exclusive lane for the buses are fined heavily when caught and usually are. It's quite effective actually. While cars are just edging along the buses are whipping by. Buses are on schedule and supply meets ever increasing demand.

    I drive a motorbike here in Bangkok and see the traffic snarls every morning. My wife has to take the Bts which is jam packed every morning Simple answer to all the congestion is to apply more resources to public transportation and properly police it so that it works properly. Furthermore, this idea of having the police arbitrarily decide when to let the traffic go is ridiculous. At the Sathorn, RAma 3 I think (just south of Saphan-Thaksin BTS) there are often waits of 10 minutes at the intersection while the other side goes through. I'm told there is hostility between the two police districts that control the intersection so that it is really difficult to alternate movement from one route to the other. The backups from this section constipate the whole area. They should use lights effectively timed through the whole mainthrough to maintain an evenly flow of traffic like any other large city. Having the BIB regulate the system is where all the trouble lies.

  2. "The government has to continue to have a dialogue with the demonstrators and they need to reach an agreement on a path forward," Crowley said. Another idiotic statement from US Embassy. The government had a deal with the "demonstrators" and the "demonstrators" backed out. To call a paramilitary group with an armed redoubt in the middle of Bangkok for 40 days demonstrators is absurd. I applaud the Prime Minister for his patience in trying to resolve the situation but it is now beyond doubt that the red shirts are people who can not be trusted and it is time for the "demonstration" to end.

    Well said and considered YugoBrian!!!

  3. Does anyone else remember how, in the weeks following the coup, Mrs T came and went from the kingdom several times?

    "No need to examine that, it's not a suitcase it's my wallet!" International funds transfer indeed!

    the first time he left with 2 airplanes full of suspicious bags and that was long before his troubles started.

    Thief is always a thief. It is their nature, and looking only for himself, I am glad I am not in his family

    My (Thai) wife just sent me this, good for a laugh !!!

    The bedtime story

    Pinocchio, Snow White, and Superman are out for a stroll in town one day.

    As they walked, they come across a sign:

    "Beauty contest for the most beautiful woman in the world."

    "I am entering!" said Snow White.

    After half an hour she comes out and they ask her, "Well, how'd ya do?"

    "First Place!," said Snow White.

    They continue walking and they see a sign:

    "Contest for the strongest man in the world."

    "I'm entering," says Superman.

    After half an hour, he returns and they ask him, "How did you make out?"

    "First Place," answers Superman. "Did you ever doubt?"

    They continue walking when they see a sign:

    "Contest! Who is the greatest liar in the world?"

    Pinocchio enters.

    After half an hour he returns with tears in his eyes.

    "What happened?" they asked.

    "Who the hel_l is Thaksin?" asked Pinocchio.

  4. Hello There Paddy Thai, I have a buyer interested. Are you capable of handling the product to ship's rail port of delivery. Price offered is USD120 PER TONNE (CIF). My buyer is interested in all that you can produce. PM me Cheers

  5. Public transportation in Phuket is a MAJOR disgrace. However, the price was agreed to and the customer was wrong. Not only was he wrong, he was stupid. All for 50 baht!

    First off, why do we all assume this Canadian was naive enough to refuse to pay the agreed upon price. I'm Canadian and I wouldn't dream of reneging on an agreed upon price and don't know many educated guys who would, particularly with a tuk-tuk driver who most of us know carry a lead pipe under their seat for the occassional asshol_e that tries to rob them. This guy was a teacher, 51 and with his wife, and it was 1 o'clock in the afternoon. I doubt he was naive enough to think that he could simply set the going rate and pay that without getting hassled, and in so doing put not only him but his wife at risk. I don't see it.

    Second, regardless of whether or not he did chince on his agreed-upon-fare, there is simply no excuse whatsoever to beat up on the guy. Any civilized man would simply have called the police and let him deal with the guy. The threat alone would probably have him pay up.

    I have lived in phuket for a couple of years and it's tuk-tuk mafia are well known...it's not only the tuk-tuk's but the lounge chairs at the beaches, the bars, the hotels, the buses, real-estate development....you can't escape em'....in broad day-light I have seen them collecting their protection money from vendors on the street and know of many bars that pay protection money just to stay open and isn't it funny that only a few bars can stay open after hours....the mafia is present every where there is a dollar to be made....the trouble is, like the mafia in any other country, how do you control them....even if a politician enacts legislation that significantly cuts into their turf there's a good chance someway, somehow they'll get rid of him.....the prospect of getting elected with out their help is even doubtful.

    The only way to defeat these guys is not to support them.....let the hotel call a taxi for you...keep the taxi's no. and call him anytime you need transportation. Use gov't metered taxi's from the airport...never take a tuk-tuk......take a mat to the beach and bring your own refreshments.....if you get bad service from someone just walk away and remind yourself to post it so that you inform at least five other people about the service.....that's the way of the land, laissez-faire....keep these stories alive long enough and they will have their effect and force even the mafia to rein in their horns.

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