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Posts posted by Coolpal39

  1. I have just come back from my 6months in LOS and while there was going to get an implant - I was quoted up to 80k.

    I am a tightarse but even I am not dumb enough to squeeze $ on something so important.

    So I decided to wait untill I got back to OZ. figuring if it was too dear I could get it done on my next visit.

    I have just had a quote from the dentist here in Australia for $3500aud all up.

    I then get $1000 back from my health insurance co. so I will end up paying about $500aud more than having it done in Thailand.

    NO contest.

    I will take the western system any day for a measly $500 extra - who cares if its even a grand dearer - I have seen way too much dodgy Thai workmanship to trust 'em.

    My dentist said that I will have to wait 3/4 months between implant and finishing it off etc and this will involve multiple visits.

    Suits me - production line MAJOR dental work does not impress me.

    Just my 2baht worth


    I have checked out dental implants done in Split, Croatia. Very high quality work for approx $800.00 USD each. I am sure the air fare from Thailand to Croatia would be not that much.

    I can post a link of a dentist there with patients from all over most of Europe.


  2. Coolpal39: "So, educate me where can you purchase things like case lots of toilet paper? I buy this now at Costco stores in Canada".

    Hmmm, I am not sure how to handle such a request, and I do not see the relevance on a thread on TV discussing the location (and merits, my intrusion) of Macro stores in the Chonburi/Rayong region. But if you have an unusually high demand for toilet paper, perhaps better to see a doctor than just wiping your derriere, as they say in Canada...?

    Moving on, thanks to Mobi, raro and Chang_paarp who actually took the time to answer. I had some kind of feeling this store is focussed not so much on the end user, but the (perhaps small) retailer.

    But it is a long time since I visited a Makro, so perhaps I should go back and see again. And learn more.

    But now my next question: Is there ever going to be a limit to how many megastores and home improvement centers we have here (Pattaya)? I get dizzy, and thinking soon several of these stores will just fold and die. especially now since we are supposedly in "bad times" (whatever that means in terms of economics). But it seems to defy economical gravity. (When I say limit, I do not mean an imposed limit, just a supply and demand, profit or loss kind of limit)


    To answer your question. I suffer with having colitis, and if it flares up I may go through a lot of toilet paper before it settles down.


  3. I've had lots of great pizzas in my life thank you, but as someone else mentioned how one person likes a pizza another person doesn't, for example what Americans call a good pizza, has no appeal to me what so ever, i like thin crust pizzas as in how they should be not some 3 inch thick piece of crap. But then again the average European waistline is a lot smaller than the average Americans hence the difference in what people classify as good.

    Easy now, V8, depends upon the American! I can't speak for the majority of us, but personally, I like a "medium" crust of about 1/4". I enjoy the flavor of a good crust, mixed with the flavor of the sauce and toppings. To me, a wafer thin crust is more like a cracker than a pizza. I'm sure you're aware that the crust thickness varies in Italy. The thin crust is more prevalent on the mainland, while the thick crust is the standard in Sicily. So, again, there's no "right" or "wrong", just preference.

    IMO, a very thick crust (which my Thai wife prefers) doesn't allow for appreciation of the sauce and toppings. As I said above, a thin crust doesn't allow me to appreciate the taste of the crust dough. I prefer the middle ground that is popular in the Italian neighborhoods of the northeast (New York and Boston) of the USA.

    With all this discussion of Pizza I am curious about something. Do Thai kids like Pizza? I have never met a kid from North America that didn't like pizza.


  4. Telephone 1112. About 25 minutes or less to most places.

    Believe the op was asking about pizza deliveries...this Pizza Company or Pizza Hut stuff in no way shape or form resembles what most Westerners would consider a pizza (other than its round flat shape) :o

    So, Pizza Hut (Pepsico) does not have a world standard?


  5. This begs the question: Why would you (or anyone) go out of their way to shop at Makro? As far as I can tell (with one visit in the Chonburi branch some years ago), it was just another huge version of Big C or Lotus, but more wholesale like. Nothing special, medium to lower end market stuff. You can get all that in Pattaya at several outlets.

    Or does it have to do with Makro having a special status selling to retailers/resellers? Please educate me, since this is a mystery to me.

    And in passing, why waste time in these kind of stores anymore anyway, when Pattaya has such a wide choice of better quality outlets (Homeworks, Homepro, Kanyong, Boontaworn, and soon Central)?

    And yes, prices may be a bit higher, but you will also find quality goods that will long outlast the very cheap stuff from the lower end stores.


    So, educate me where can you purchase things like case lots of toilet paper? I buy this now at Costco stores in Canada.

  6. Is there a Makro store in Pattaya?


    There's one in Chonburi:

    Branch Chonburi

    Branch : Chonburi

    Address : 55/3 Moo 2 , Sukhumvit Road, Tumbol Samet , Aumphur Muang , Chonburi 20000

    Tel. : 0-3827-9201-14

    Fax. : 0-3827-9200

    E-Mail : [email protected]


    Where is this in Pattaya?

  7. I am confused .. wasn't the OP asking all his other questions regarding BKK?

    I have a walking disability and have been told that getting around in BKK will be very difficult, do I started looking for an alternative place to retire.

    Yes, I have a lot of questions as I want to make sure I don't move to a place where things will be difficult to obtain.


  8. I see.

    The nearest eqvalent of Split in Thailand is something like Hua Hin or Cha am.

    Another soultion maybe to live in Split during summer and the other six months in Montenegro or another place close by. Google Sveti Stefan. It is a nice place in Montenegro.

    The problem with that is keeping two apartments.


  9. hiya,

    we just bought a dish-washing machine today (we were not all too happy about all the mould on the glasses ;/) - we´ve got some detergent with us, but has anyone an idea where to buy the salt & "getting-the-glasses-clear"-liquid (sorra, missing correct word right now)?

    thx :o )

    I have never seen any real estate for sale (or rent) that has a dishwasher unit installed, in the condo, or house. Are they not desired because of the cost of the water?


  10. Have you ever been to Bangkok? It is possibly one of the least accessible major cities in the world for people that are mobility impaired no matter how slightly!

    Have you ever been to Croatia where the buildings are 200 years old with stairs everywhere and only some of the apartment blocks have elevators.?


    My father is croatian so I visit Croatia almost every summer. He had his legs amputated. He uses prosthes. There is no trouble living in Dubrovnik or to go to the beach there, sure there are some steps here and there but nothing else.

    However, Bangkok is a major hurdle for him. There are several reasons for this. One is the pace is quite high due to trafic ect in Bangkok. To cross a street in bangkok demands some brisk walking. Secondly, there are much more stairs to walk in your everyday Bangkok than if you were to live in Split for exemple. The sidewalks have rather high steps in Bangkok.

    It all depends on your disability and your lifestyle. Do you have difficulties to get into a car ect? Make sure you have someone to assist you the first week you are here then you will know how much help you may need in your everydaylife.


    Actually i was all ready to retire in Split and then the Croatian government now says non-Croats can only stay in the country six months of the year. This really screwed up my plans. This is why I am now looking for an alternative location. There is no more being able to form a company and stay long term under a business visa.


  11. Have you ever been to Bangkok? It is possibly one of the least accessible major cities in the world for people that are mobility impaired no matter how slightly!

    Have you ever been to Croatia where the buildings are 200 years old with stairs everywhere and only some of the apartment blocks have elevators.?


  12. I am going to retire in Bangkok and have a walking disabity. I do not need a wheelchair but use a cane or a walker if things get bad for me. What would be a good area for me to look for an apartment or townhouse?

    I would need a place that has a walk-in shower (or bath) and hopefully close to one of the better food stores that has been discussed on his forum, and website.

    Will local Thai people who might live near me in the same apartment complex be helpful to someone with a disability? Would kids be willing to help me take out garbage, or help change a light bulb, and similar things?


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