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Posts posted by Koh_Falang

  1. I must say, I am quite over this crap...

    Corruption - (n.) The act of corrupting or of impairing integrity, virtue, or moral principle; the state of being corrupted or debased; loss of purity or integrity; depravity; wickedness; impurity; bribery.

    Unless the whole of the Thai Society understands why upholding the law is so important, nothing will ever change...

  2. Why so many idiotic, hatred and childish comments here??

    The people are REALLY affected. The busineeses are REALLY need support. And all of those workers are not the ones who made problems - now they just need to survive after the terror right below their windows. Those who dislike the red's actions - please just come and sue them, it is ANOTHER story for ANOTHER topic!

    Talking about "bangkok should be back" - but very ironic in every step on this long way...??

    A very nice "support" from all of you, yeah, who dare to call this land "a home"...

    Shame on you all. Get back to your holes and dont bark on the wind, if unable to say something more meaningful.


    its a fair assumption that most of you posters earn lots more then the average vendor... would it hurt you to show a little support?

    Thats the thing i dont like about Thailand... the quality of the character of people it attracts isnt very good a lot of the time...

  3. Oh yeah Australia is an egalitarian society.. as long as you are white, narrow minded and a racist.

    Walk down the main street of Sydney and you will find it hard to spot an Aussie... There are penty of idiots around everywhere buddy...

    White, Narrow minded and racist? Seemed like you just proved that you have at least 2 of those qualities... :)

  4. For what its worth and its here say

    the red protestors (mums/dads/kids) have had their ID cards taken by the "officials" in the camps. In return they were paid some money, food, water etc. and the promise of more after the reds win.

    Assume the red protestors cannot leave as they cant get their ID cards back.

    The reds were expecting a million people to turn out and they are approx 5000 at present

    this represents 0.5%

    of this its possible that approx 300 motor cycle taxi drivers / taxi drivers / disturbed idealistic youths are causing billions of baht in damages.

    go figure!!!

    Any Thai can go and get a new ID card from any Police Station anywhere in Thailand if he says he lost it. Better come up with a new theory.

    Your statement is a distortion of the truth. Supporting documentation must be supplied, and in some cases, a respected professional to vouch for the person's identity. A thai friend of mine will have to travel from Samui to Kalasin to obtain a new ID card, even though she is in possession of an expired driver's licence with an easily recognizable photograph.

    ohh boo hoo... so stay on and fight... doesnt seem like the Thai army are counting spent bullets...

  5. I fail to understand why the Thai government have not done everything possible to have an international arrest warrant put out by Interpol for the arrest of Thaksin and the red leaders who have recently fled Thailand. Can anyone help me out here? Why has this not been done? Is it a complex legal procedure?

    It's quite simple - YOU don't understand how Thai society functions!

    That avoidance of conflict, to do no harm, harmony, understanding and universal love

    are the very core of Buddhist teaching and widespread practice, woven deeply into the

    social fabric of this society!

    They will keep the step, by step approach, so far the government has done rather well

    to avoid massive bloodshed!

    ahhhh thats the ultimate response.... your a farang... you dont know how Thai society works...

  6. Would you call that boy looking over the tyres a human shield.I suggest you print something factual.My thioughts would have been,he is showing the boy to the soldiers to show that he is there.


    If someone had said the boy should not be there i would have agreed but dont spout crap on here

    You have gotta be kidding me right? you can see the man hiding behind the tyres while the kid is propped up... Man obviously thinks they will shoot otherwise he'd be up there with him... :)

  7. I've read the road to the port at Laem Chabang is blocked, but not Swampy.

    What the hel_l is "swampy"?

    Are you refering to the re-claimed land the new airport was built on?

    Is this your un educated attempt to discredit a fine (one in many) infrastructure project that the Taksin administration undertook?

    His Majesty himself bestowed the name of "Suvarnabhumi International Airport" upon the finely crafted complex. A beautiful name that inspired a true wonder of modern Thai culture!


    I personally worked on this project and i can assure you it is world class!

    These idiots...if they don't like Thailand why don't they just leave?

    Bitter much? Its just a nickname!!!

  8. "Stop shooting, retreat and we can then negotiate," Natthawut said. Asked by a journalist why he was not ordering the red shirts to stop attacking first, he angrily retorted: "The killers must stop. You cannot possibly expect those being hunted to stop killing. It's as if the red shirts have been abandoned alone in the world."

    Derrr, do you think that might be because the redshirts are in the minority and because of the actions they have taken???:)

    The reality is the Red Shirts have the backing of the rural population.

    Probably 80% of Thai's support the revolution.

    That's a fact!

    Whats a fact?? thats no fact... thats a figure you pulled out of the air and then called it a fact...

    They have support for their basic ideals... however the amount of people supporting their violent actions is quickly dropping...

    hel_l even I support the basic idea of democracy... Does that mean I am a redshirt? nope... I support an end to corruption... im still not a redshirt... I even support an early election... still doesnt mean im a redshirt...

  9. There are perhaps 2 million Red sympathizers in BKK and 15 million in the country. These Reds are no more terrorist than the yellows. In any bunch there are a few bad apples. The Abhisit govt is trying to justify wholesale slaughter of unarmed innocents by the one or two cases where the military was attacked.

    Well in fairness, the peacefull protestors are mixing with the violent... and its more then one or two cases...

    But yes i agree, any group or mob that resort to that kind of violence in the name of democracy are definitely more then just peacefull protesters... Regardless of the colour, red, yellow or anything...

  10. Does anyone know of any webcams installed which are covering the area around where the protest is?

    On another note... It would be wise to set one up for those claiming that the Army is shooting unarmed civilains... One of the red leaders mentioned that they were concerned that the lack of media presence in the area...

    A good idea would be to make your own media presence of the whole area. Only problem is you've gotta hide all your guns n grenades from the world if you want to keep up the facade that your innocent civilians... :)

  11. For those of you that have Facebook... Someone uploading a video...

    People taking cover from what looks like sniper fire... Ide like to know what they are doing there and why they were getting shot at...


    Anybody entering a 'war-zone' runs the risk of being pinned down by gunfire. What makes you think it is 'sniper fire'? The simple solution to this is don't enter a war-zone unless you have a dam_n good reason to do so!

    True, might not be sniper but they are obviously being fired at from someone... And yes they shouldnt be in a live fire area... But at the same time you have to remember that the soldiers should still follow rules of engagement and, at least from what you can see on the vid, they are unarmed...

    There are also too many people involved to make assumptions on whos shooting who.. Is it the army shooting reds, the blacks shooting the army, the reds shooting the arm or the reds shooting other reds and the army..

    Anyone still in this area needs to go home for their own safety!!! Too many lunatics running around with guns... regardless of what side they are on...

    Here is a few pics of the same footage from the video, except shot on the ground...


  12. It is just illogical thinking to guess that the reds will just simply go home now and it will be fine.

    Too many people have been assassinated by orders of the Thai Elite.

    The people on all sides have either seen it or will see it as the media stuff we see trickles out to the Thai population.

    They will see the few of Thai army snipers shooting down unarmed Thai civilians.

    They will see over and over the few of the Thai General being shot in the head by another of the regime's assassins.

    NO NO NO--the fight is not over.

    This fight is going to go on and on and on.

    All the reds lack now is the understanding of what must be done now.

    They must answer violence with violence.

    They must follow assassinations with assassinations of those on the other side.

    If need be, they must take to asking for help from outside.

    They must tell their young in the military to come fight wearing black.

    I do not think it will take 5 years or 3.

    This fight will end in a bloody French like revolution unless the idiots on the elite side wise up.

    There is NO chance of that so the Battle of Bangkok has likely begun.

    Banks will be attacked and burned down.

    The airport will be wrecked and closed down.

    This place will end up looking like Beirut after its war.

    War is hel_l and Bangkok is now where Satin is partying.

    Do you have a point that we can take away from this post? Are you actually calling for random violence?

  13. "Stop shooting, retreat and we can then negotiate," Natthawut said. Asked by a journalist why he was not ordering the red shirts to stop attacking first, he angrily retorted: "The killers must stop. You cannot possibly expect those being hunted to stop killing. It's as if the red shirts have been abandoned alone in the world."

    Derrr, do you think that might be because the redshirts are in the minority and because of the actions they have taken???:)

    LOL i was about to comment about the same thing...

    just go home... no one is stopping you going home... Yes you've been abandoned, no one wants to be associated with what you are doing!!! Democracy, yes.. violence, no....

    They need to go in with dirty big armoured water tanks and just ram through all the blockades... THey need to hose the crap out of that stage too... :D

  14. For those of you who have seen the footage of the Army truck being stopped by protestors and one of the soldiers being pulled out of the truck... its unclear if he gets shot or knocked unconcious..

    Heres a different angle and shot of that scene.. you dont see the same things but its the same truck


    The army reported only 1 injured soldier on the day this happened, and he was injured at Rajprasong. So my guess is that the soldier in the video is "playing dead".

    And the guys frantically carrying him to an ambulance are also playing along?

    Congratulations, you have achieved perfect isolation from reality, you're living in your own bubble of pro-red spin.

    Interesting that I posted a link to the original video a long time ago and it was ignored on this thread for a very long time.

    It is also interesting that a new video surfaced that does not show the execution or attempted execution.

    In the original, two soldiers are forced from the truck.

    One is taken to the back........you can see from the second video that paramedics help him escape (he finally runs off).

    The other is taken to the front.........in the original you hear a gunshot...........the solider is then taken away (presumably shot and perhaps dead).

    That part is not shown in the second video............and that is the most interesting part of the second video. :)

    Perhaps he only came out to film again when he heard the shot... im not reading too much into that...

    Im on this persons utube profile... some other vids... not sure who the ppl he interviews are or what they are saying...

  15. For those of you who have seen the footage of the Army truck being stopped by protestors and one of the soldiers being pulled out of the truck... its unclear if he gets shot or knocked unconcious..

    Heres a different angle and shot of that scene.. you dont see the same things but its the same truck


    The army reported only 1 injured soldier on the day this happened, and he was injured at Rajprasong. So my guess is that the soldier in the video is "playing dead".

    Dont blame him really... his mate got the crap kicked out of him by that crowd... seems like playing dead was the better option...

    PS whats this licking of the crystal BS - some of you posters are on crack!!

    That I agree with. What was he doing anyways driving alone through red-shirt-land?

    Good question - Ive always wondered why the soldiers seem to be just watlzing around in 2s and 3s instead of marching down the road in hundreds.. They dont even look formidable..

    random guys driving trucks around etc... no wonder they are getting ambushed!!

  16. For those of you who have seen the footage of the Army truck being stopped by protestors and one of the soldiers being pulled out of the truck... its unclear if he gets shot or knocked unconcious..

    Heres a different angle and shot of that scene.. you dont see the same things but its the same truck


    The army reported only 1 injured soldier on the day this happened, and he was injured at Rajprasong. So my guess is that the soldier in the video is "playing dead".

    Dont blame him really... his mate got the crap kicked out of him by that crowd... seems like playing dead was the better option...

    PS whats this licking of the crystal BS - some of you posters are on crack!!

  17. i'm sure there will be a lot of 'armchair general' farangs happy that the army are just shooting unarmed people!

    Have a look at this picture. Can anybody see a just reason for killing this person??


    There is a guy dead on the footpath... there is nothing to say how he died and who killed him and what side he belongs to.

    Any weapon he might have had could have been taken from the scene... You never know what he was doing when he got shot..

    And yes there is a just reason for killing him, and that would be in the situation where he might have been trying to kill the other person... Kill or be killed... quite simple.

    I'll tell you what i cant find a reason for... and that is mob of thugs roaming around breaking the law. I dont understand how some of you posters think its ok for those protestors to do what they are doing...

    If they really only wanted peacefull protests, they would open up the area and protest on the footpaths... you cant break the law, especially this blatently, and expect everyone to be happy with what your doing...

    And yes im an 'armchair farang'... This is an EXPAT forum on the internet.... I can only assume that your another Thai person telling me that Farang cant have an opinion... its a Farang forum <deleted>... this is where we come to talk about our opinions... If you dont like it, dont come here...

    And how on earth do 'you' know what he was doing if anything ?

    Mindreader ? Soothsayer ? Prophet ?

    Thats my whole point... NO ONE knows what he was doing and how he got killed....

    Im saying its not fair to jump to the conclusion that...

    "the army are just shooting unarmed people!"
  18. i'm sure there will be a lot of 'armchair general' farangs happy that the army are just shooting unarmed people!

    Have a look at this picture. Can anybody see a just reason for killing this person??


    There is a guy dead on the footpath... there is nothing to say how he died and who killed him and what side he belongs to.

    Any weapon he might have had could have been taken from the scene... You never know what he was doing when he got shot..

    And yes there is a just reason for killing him, and that would be in the situation where he might have been trying to kill the other person... Kill or be killed... quite simple.

    I'll tell you what i cant find a reason for... and that is mob of thugs roaming around breaking the law. I dont understand how some of you posters think its ok for those protestors to do what they are doing...

    If they really only wanted peacefull protests, they would open up the area and protest on the footpaths... you cant break the law, especially this blatently, and expect everyone to be happy with what your doing...

    And yes im an 'armchair farang'... This is an EXPAT forum on the internet.... I can only assume that your another Thai person telling me that Farang cant have an opinion... its a Farang forum <deleted>... this is where we come to talk about our opinions... If you dont like it, dont come here...

  19. The Army should translate this into Thai and broadcast it very loudly over the rally area...[/b]

    Exactly, followed by the message, leave now and live, stay and risk death.

    This post demostrate what PAD and their falangs lover think country should be like.

    What i dont understand is a Thai person coming onto an "expat" forum and telling the Falang that their opinion doesnt matter because they are falang...

    Thats why we have an EXPAT forum... a place where Falang can come and tell other Falang what they think...

    You are welcome to join in but we didnt say you have to like it... Go back and argue with your Thai counterparts if you dont like our opinion...

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