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About shavedPotter

  • Birthday 06/01/1950

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  1. This was obviously suggested by the nicotine inside a smoker.
  2. If nobody was harmed, I don't see the issue except the media may profit from running this story.
  3. If you read between the lines, this is all an attempt to try to compensate for the cash they will lose when they outlaw weed. Not only this but in the past sew weeks other actions all to the same effect.
  4. I would not be surprised if the border casinos are taking bets on the life expectancy of these politicians. My popcorn is ready!
  5. Don't you just love the anti free speech type. Being an American that cuts straight to the fundamentals.
  6. By your waterproof phone bags now. 3 days is one thing, but people off their psychiatric medication for this long is of concern. 😉
  7. Classic planting of evedence. The moment I read stuff on the floor and in the bathrooms says it all. The police have been busted on that more times than I can count. They tried that in a top club on Sukhumvit 11, then the club's lawyer ate them alive with security camera footage.
  8. This is one of those confusing things. Sex toys reduce the desire to seek sex in the sex market. So is this just a passive way Thailand is promoting the sex trade?
  9. It seems to me some people have too much free time on their hands. I see nothing wrong in some fantasy play. To me the people who complain about this need to get a life and stay out of other people's lives.
  10. I admire his thinking. Quality over quantity.
  11. Just miserable people trying to take the sunshine out of other people's lives.
  12. Clearly the priorities of law enforcement to worry about this. Sounds like someone's work load is too light.
  13. Once again playing with fire to try to put this back in the box. I don't predict a long life expectancy of anyone who tries that.
  14. You know I don't have a dog in this fight and I don't want this to sound like a threat, but I can't help but wonder how long these people would live if the manage to pull the plug on keeping it legal. Millions have been spent on this and without doubt some of those people who invested money on this would not give a second thought to doing the gangster thing to insure their investment doesn't go south.
  15. I have a strong desire to pay her 6000 Baht just to allow her freedom of expression without someone who is jealous of her getting the last say. Don't complain, hit the gym instead.
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