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Posts posted by unclekleef

  1. Excellent restaurant if you ever in London Jing. I can take hot hot (Ceylon, Vindaloo and Madras style are the really hot ones in English Indian cooking), having been born to an English father who served in the Indian Army and who cajoled my Mum in learning to cook proper-ish Indian food, but no way would I go for a pure chilli experience like that.

    Indian restaurants are endemic in the UK now but when I was about 10 years old (early 60s) my Dad took us to only the second public Indian restaurant to open in the UK - it was in Edinburgh. The first, Veeraswamys off Regent Street in London, is still open and still good.

    What you said, you may believe - "The second Indian Restaurant to open in the UK" early 1860's - I went to an Indian restaurant called the New Delhi on the Finchley Rd, in Swiss Cottage London in 1959, and as far as I am aware it is still there. It had already been open for a while when I went. However, there were not a lot at the time, and all sorts of stupid rumours abounded, like :"They serve Cat Meat!" etc. But it doesn't matter which ws first or fiftieth - as long as the food was good, and the New Delhi was great.

    Whoops! I meant 1960's :)

  2. Excellent restaurant if you ever in London Jing. I can take hot hot (Ceylon, Vindaloo and Madras style are the really hot ones in English Indian cooking), having been born to an English father who served in the Indian Army and who cajoled my Mum in learning to cook proper-ish Indian food, but no way would I go for a pure chilli experience like that.

    Indian restaurants are endemic in the UK now but when I was about 10 years old (early 60s) my Dad took us to only the second public Indian restaurant to open in the UK - it was in Edinburgh. The first, Veeraswamys off Regent Street in London, is still open and still good.

    What you said, you may believe - "The second Indian Restaurant to open in the UK" early 1860's - I went to an Indian restaurant called the New Delhi on the Finchley Rd, in Swiss Cottage London in 1959, and as far as I am aware it is still there. It had already been open for a while when I went. However, there were not a lot at the time, and all sorts of stupid rumours abounded, like :"They serve Cat Meat!" etc. But it doesn't matter which ws first or fiftieth - as long as the food was good, and the New Delhi was great.

  3. For almost all problems you will come across, I suggest that you sign up for - Terry's Computer Tips - it is a free weekly newsletter and you can also email him with your questions. He is VERY knowledgeable and usually rsponds very quickly, either direct or sometimes in the newsletter itself. go to the following to sign up and ask your questions. www.terryscomputertips.com

  4. Kamtieng flower market (behind the Super Tesco) for compost/'din dam'. Some of the stalls there that sell pesticides/weed killers may even have arsenic.

    Thank you guys - I will check out your suggestions. I know that jewelry repair places use Arsenic to clean gold, but I doubt they will sell any - Arsenic that is :)

  5. Can someone help me please I would like to buy two items:

    1: Compost not 20kg bags, as it is only for a small plot and containers etc, found one supplier under classifieds, but they don't respond and maybe defuncy.

    2: Arsenic! Not for getting rid of the wife! I want to clean some very tarnished gold wire figurines, I tried detergent and it worked - a little - but jewelers use Arsenic.

    Will appreciate any assistance, you can send answers to me directly if you want, just click on my name. - Thanks in advance.

  6. . . . . Not happening again for 70,000 years (if ever). Yes, 70,000, not a typo! . . . . .

    Actually this is not correct, the lst time Thanksgiving coincided with the first day of Chanukah was on November 29, 1888.

    Will it ever happen again? Interesting question. If we project forward, assuming that:

    1. Thanksgiving will be celebrated on the same schedule,
    2. The people celebrating Thanksgiving will continue following the Gregorian calendar without modification,
    3. The Jewish calendar will continue on its current 19-year cycle,

    . . . then the next time the two will coincide would be when Thanksgiving falls on Chanukah eve in the year 2070. That would repeat itself in 2165. The reason I say "In theory" is . . . Originally, Thanksgiving was always on the last Thursday of November. In 1939, FDR decided it would be good for the economy to push Thanksgiving back a little, so he declared the fourth Thursday of that November to be Thanksgiving—even though there were five Thursdays to November that year. In 1942, that became federal law. But not all states went along with it. As late as 1956, Texas was still celebrating Thanksgiving a week later than the rest of the country. It can getmore complictaed, but this is neother the time, not the place to debate it . . . just enjoy two Festivals that are extraordinarilly similar.

  7. What a huge breath of fresh air this post has been. In the most part, sensible,erudite and knowledgeable people. Whist I may not agree with all that was written, I can empathize with all - almost all! - so many past topics have drawn out the 'haters' and the ' unsatisfied morons' who never have a good word to say about Thais and Thailand in general. I have often wondered why they still live here, until one day I realized - they do not have a choice - they are unhappy in their own countries and are probably disliked by their own families, or maybe they are just Misanthropes? I lived in Singapore for ten years, in Phuket for seven and am now in Chiang Mai. I am very happy to have met many very nice people, both Thai and Ferang, I have also met some not-so-nice people, but that is the same everywhere. Prior to this I spent thirty plus years as a Photographer on Cruise Ships, saw much of the world and it's people (to steal from a movie) The Good, The Bad and the Ugly, that is what makes us human. I would not wish to live in Pattaya, most likely because I have the wrong view of it, that view is slowly changing, thanks to the aforementioned, erudite and knowledgeable people.

    • Like 1
  8. Try waving your middle finger in the Singapore and you will be put in gaol.

    The 2 Asian looking men might have been from another asian country. Not necessarily Thailand. They could have been Japanese

    Try waving your middle finger in the USA - you will be SHOT! :) I am so tired of the anti-Thai Brigade you see all too often on here. I wonder why they stay, I have wondered that before, but they are still here - or are they? What would they do if they were given the finger by a 'stranger guest' in their own home? ALL Farangs should remember - they are guests in this country and behave accordingly.

    • Like 2
  9. This is why we need a high speed train. If is a high speed train, then you have no survivors. xwhistling.gif.pagespeed.ic.FVjgnKnWS1.p

    Tourist killed on the rail, on the bus, on the boats and in the taxi. The only place we have not seen accidents is in the horse drawn carts in Lampang. Lampang is a safe tourist destination. coffee1.gif

    What is the bet the foreign tourist will pay hospital bills for this that would be covered everywhere else by the transport company.

    Thai interpretation: if foreigner did not come to Thailand this will not happen. Now Foreigner pay or go home!


    Pay AND go home.

  10. I am looking for advice on health insurance for my wife who is Singaporean. She is obviously covered there, but I want to make sure that she has full coverage here in Phuket. If the insurance also covers Medi-Vac to allow her to go home for anything serious, so mych the better, but coverage ere is the most important. She is 49 years old. Thank you all in advance.

  11. The usual knee-jerk reactions without knowing the full story.

    Don't you love it, any story true or not always brings out the I hate Thailand brigade. But I still live here and will not move but I hate this place and will bad mouth it every chance I get bunch.

    Anybody want to bet when/if the 'Rest of the Story' comes out, he will not be seen in such a 'Angelic Light'. I wish the IHT Brigade would ALL get on the bus to the airport! Don't put all wrongdoers in authority into the Third World Category - remember Guantanamo, and Abu Grave (spelling?)

  12. With 12 men, they can blame each other, and in the end, nobody will go to jail. The Men in Brown will probably find that the foreigner stole the knife from one of the 12 and slashed himself.

    I really wonder at some of these post where everything Thai is denegrated. Stop acting so superior, if you don't loke Thai people or Thailand - go home! I am sure that everything is great there - almost Nirvanna!

  13. So there's a Bungalow business up for grabs. Unless of course some Thai Lady happened to be the partner and she keeps the lot. At least it should see the Police bothering to visit Phi Phi and make a few enquiries. For example, ' Your husband just got shot. Any chance of the bungalow complex at discount? Oh, and where were you?'

    No doubt it'll be yet another death by misadventure. The Police concluding that he ran into 4 stray bullets that happened to be passing at the time. It happens ...................... in Thailand.

    If the Police found 22,100 baht then how much did they not find in the wallet?

    And their amazingly vigilant response is not to cordon the scene, put up road blocks or gather witness statements, but it is to contact the motorbike rental owner and tell him him the bad news; bike's been crashed mate. Worse still he's dead so has got out of paying the over priced repairs. Falangs eh? And worse still the Police lose out on getting their share.

    Life can be cruel. So can death.

    But I admire the sensitivity of the Press. No naming or photograph. Well that should ease the family's grief at learning how he was shot and left to die from his wounds and that there'll be no justice whatsoever or arrest.


    It amazes me that you are still here in Thailand - I cannot find one positive statement or comment in your post, just plainly rude, insinuating and insulting, Hmmmm maybe not even 'plainly'! You have accused the police of stealing, his partner of colluding, and in general, Thais' and Thailand to be a Hell away from Hell. Why don't you return to the delights of whichever land you left and get mugged there, THEN complain! Why ARE you here? Maybe the guy had upset someone, that remains to be seen, but stop and think for a minute - you are upsetting many people! (Sorry Mr Editor if this is a bit of a diatribe - but invidious and bigoted people just anger me)

  14. Ever since I have been here, I have been getting what I presume are insect bites on my ankles. Usually in the kitchen, but not always. I cannot see any insects, and it is definiyely not Mosquitoes. Would appreciate any help

  15. Anybody interested in forming a Drama Group to put on Plays for charity - if you can't or don't want to act, no problem, you can help with creating sets, costumes, lighting etc. If you are interested post here or direct by e-mail.

  16. Everybody is entitled to an opinion, everybody SHOULD have the right to free speech, BUT to incite or condone violence is neither, and these people do both and deerve what they get. How many of you who bemoan the police actions, would dare to post the same incentive for violence in the USA or the UK? As for the expats who are constantly posting negative comments about Thai's and The Thai government I say this; Who asked you to come here, if you don't like the way the country is run - go to the home you left because you weren't happy there either.

  17. Let's see if what I would do is what you guys want. As I said I have been a photographer all my life doing everything from Food, to Brides, from Architechture to Cruise Ships, I freelanced in my youth (not misbegotten) and did freelance of the Grand Prix races of 1962 - 1965. I have given many talks on pho

    tography and could do so again, yet I would also like to hear what you have done, what you know and more importantly, what you want. Please if you are interested PM me with your name & e-mail address ,Hi.

    Once we get a few people truly interested I will try to organize a meeting, maybe iniitaly in somebody's home, depending on the number of replies Three. I will need to collect together the e-mail addresses of all interested as I do not want to try to run this on the open forun area. So can you please send me your name - (first) - and e-mail address. I will then use some software which will make arranging a meeting easier. We can set a date and work out the where.



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