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Posts posted by nitro

  1. That's been going on for years. I've had more than afew train trips where Thais offered me drinks. No thanks. This excerpt is from the U.S. Department of State:

    There are occasional reports of scopolamine druggings perpetrated by prostitutes or unscrupulous bar workers for the purpose of robbery. Tourists have also been victimized by drugged food and drink, usually offered by a friendly stranger (sometimes posing as fellow traveler). In addition, casual acquaintances met in a bar or on the street may pose a threat. Travelers are advised to avoid leaving drinks or food unattended and should avoid going to unfamiliar venues alone. Some trekking tour companies, particularly in Northern Thailand, have been known to make drugs available to trekkers. In July 2001, an American died after smoking opium in a northern hilltribe village. Travelers should not accept drugs of any kind, as the drugs may be altered or harmful, and the use or sale of drugs is illegal.

  2. after just one day of overstay, if you are picked up on the street randomly, or at a routine roadblock, hotel/apartment search etc. you are going to jail and will be blacklisted.

    I'm not recommending anyone flout the immigration laws. However, that last bit about being blacklisted is B.S. If that were true, I wouldn't be here.

  3. 20 000 baht is not much.. but. ;-) I rather buy a one year visa for 10 000.

    If you can get the one year visa, by all means get it, but these days it's getting tougher to qualify. Also, if you're doing visa runs on your own, you have to consider the opportunity cost (the money you would have made had you not taken time off). For the average working-class bum here (i.e. English teacher) that can add up

  4. But what age is considered O.K.? As J.P. McMurphy (Jack Nicholson) said in "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest":

    She was fifteen years old, going on thirty-five, Doc, and she told me she was eighteen, she was very willing, I practically had to take to sewing my pants shut. Between you and me, uh, she might have been fifteen, but when you get that little red beaver right up there in front of you, I don't think it's crazy at all and I don't think you do either. No man alive could resist that, and that's why I got into jail to begin with. And now they're telling me I'm crazy over here because I don't sit there like a goddamn vegetable. Don't make a bit of sense to me. If that's what's being crazy is, then I'm senseless, out of it, gone-down-the-road, wacko. But no more, no less, that's it.

  5. The Boiler room boy several years back, were fined 5,000 Baht and deported. They were put on the Persona Non Grata list.

    Is this typical for not working without a permit or simply they were in the headlines?

    As far as I know, the standard fine for working without a work permit is still 5,000 baht. The violator is deported in many cases, but unless it was something serious, the person isn't put on the persona non grata list.

  6. Yep, it sounds like she's pregnant. (BTW, morning sickness can happen in the evening.) If you want to know for sure, just pop into the nearest 7-11 (if you're in BKK, it can't be more than 50 meters away) and buy the pregnany test, today.

    That is not to say I think this is OhMyGod's child. The average onset of morning sickness is 5-1/2 weeks after the last period. You've been together a month?Hmm. The fact she insisted on not using a condom, also has the B.S. meter beeping. Confront her about a DNA test and see how she reacts.

    Should we get a wager going?

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