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Posts posted by stanley2550

  1. I wouldn't worry about it too much...Someone in the Government is always willing to take money under the table...and that ain't going to change no matter what laws they have on their books. Thats the Bottom Line. Besides there are other great places in this world to retire; this isn't the only show in the world. Anyone who has traveled extensively already knows that.

  2. The Scammers going after the scammers...What an amazing country...Thats like the old say, "The pot calling the kettle blaclk."

    My goodness, just think if all the Thais spoke perfect English what they could do in the hands of a foreign scam professional. Wow! Boiler Room, Bucket

    Room Paradise!!!!!!!!!!! With the proper training, they could even go after their very own upper class and upper middle class brothers and sisters.

    Again, what an amazing country....especially when all the police and other law enforcement people can be bribed!

  3. Perhaps they can collect some of the water the sewage plant dumped into the water, and pour it into Patong Deputy Mayor Chairat Sukkaban's in his morning coffee or tea and the gentlemen (and I use that term loosley) who heads up the Tourism Authorities hot water maker as well. It is hope the German report goes forward and is translated into the news from the BBC, CNN etc etc etc. But I believe it will be business as usual after the heat dies down.

  4. Its hard to tell who and which smells worse, the Patong Deputy Mayor Chairat Sukkaban and his other partners in graft or the feces coming out of the bowels of the sewage plant. Some savvy reporter should start publishing all the atrocities with the Associated Press world wide. The best way to combat the extortion, graft, etc etc etc is to hit them in their pocket books, but I must admit it is a touch job since its hard to tell who is in bed with who here, and unfortunately the legal authorties and the courts seem to turn a blind eye sweeping it under an already dirty carpet.

  5. What an amazing country Thailand is! A man who was convicted on criminal charges can dictate the person he wants to be the priminister. Police and public officials get away

    with fraud, extortion, blackmail murder, and fraud, with the exception of foreigners at least the ones who cannot afford to pay off the representatives of the government. I do not

    understand (and I am quite confident that the existing government in place now knows exactly where Taksin is at) why they just don't go a pick him up, handcuff him, throw him on an

    airplane and bring him back and put him in the grey bar hotel with the rest of the criminals they have locked up..


    Yingluck not PM's choice: Thaksin

    Former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra has said that his sister, Yingluck Shinawatra, would not become the next prime minister even if the Pheu Thai Party wins the election.

    In an exclusive interview with Matichon, Thaksin said he feared that Yingluck would be attacked and destroyed by the Democrat if she became the government leader.

    Thaksin said he was considering several PM choices, including Mingkwan Saengsuwan, Pracha Promnok and Yongyuth Wichaidit as well as a few other outsiders.

    Following are excerpts from his interview given to Matichon:

    Yingluck is Pheu Thai's No-1 party-list candidate. So, you have decided to make her the next prime minister?

    I am thinking about it. The prime minister does not need to be No-1 party-list candidate. I am thinking about it back and forth. First of all, Thai politicians are bent on destroying rivals. Anyone who becomes the government leader will be destroyed. Both true and untrue stories will be cited to try to destroy the government leader. So, I feel sorry for my sister and she is a woman. She is good at administration and she sued to run AIS and run a firm with Bt200 billion worth of assets. But running a firm is different from running a government.

    I believe when she becomes the prime minister, she will definitely be destroyed by the Democrat. So, I am worried whether she will be able to tolerate it. … I am confident she can be a very capable prime minister because she has more administration experience more than Abhisit [Vejjajiva, the Democrat leader].


    -- The Nation 2011-05-23

  7. They should re-spray the room again with the same chemical, lock that greedy owner in the room, chain his greedy arse to the bed, and let him sleep in their a few restless nights...He actually should be liable for several

    lawsuits, but of Thailand's court system is so corrupt the owner of that hotel would walk away with no liability at all. and even should the families of those victums be awarded any money damages, it is doubtful that the thai court allow for the collection.

  8. I can recall teaching here in Thailand about 6 years ago..The person who was the head of the English Department only wanted me to teach the students how to speak. She was in charge of teaching them grammARRRRRRRRRRRRR a very long pronunciation or the R. My ears could barely recognize her pronounciation. I said you mean grammar as I pronounced it correctly. She then said to me, "That is the Thai English pronounciation." I then proceeded to explain to her as best I could, that there is no such thing as Thai English of English Thai, or Thai German or German Thai etc,etc,etc. Of course I didn't score any points with her, but I didn't really care a tinker's dam any way. After 3 months of being teaching a classroom of 55 students and being a policemen at the same time, I told them to shove it.

  9. You might lose your cool over the loose use of grammar here. Happy birthday, im a non native english speaker and many times im too lazy to look what i have written.

    I hope we meet up in shadow lake, still have to work out the details more. (meaning i don't know what my Dutch friend wants to do when he arrives.)

    I think the Op was compaining about speloling rather then Grimmer

  10. The Thai people must like taking it up the old hershey hiway! Let serve his Sentence in Prison dealing with rats and chained to steel bars. We all know

    what those 3 famous promises are (and of course Taksins Made more that 3). Lets see: Your Checks in the Mail. Don't call me, I will call you and I won't ejaculate in your oral cavity.

  11. Some persons call it crap,because it is the truth and they don't like that..Last week they mention it already in the Observer. jap.gif

    My GOD, What fool wrote all of the above crap and he had the hide to say that this came from experts?

    But experts say the fighting could play into the hands of Thailand's military-backed elites who want to prevent the political allies of fugitive ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra taking power.

    Chris WHO?

    Some fear the border clashes could even be used as a reason to put off the parliamentary polls.

    "There is an undercurrent of attempts to create a crisis that could be used for delaying, or delaying permanently, an election," said Thailand-based scholar and author Chris Baker.

    And this from another EXPERT?

    The dispute "gives the military an excellent opportunity to remain in the political limelight," said Pavin Chachavalpongpun, a Thailand expert at the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies in Singapore.

    Give me a break, I have never heard so much crap in my life from a Journalist and they pay him for this. :annoyed:

  12. Whos kidding who...Corruption started long before Taksin took the helm...what is the economic base of Thailand...Corrutption, Fraud, Extortion, Black Mail, a Corrupt Police Force, and a Corrupt and Dirty

    Legal System. It is just a way of life. It is good advice that Corporations locate other places than Thailand; a Buddhist Country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Baloney...nothing could be further from the Truth.

  13. They need a researcher to state the Bleed'in obvious in Thailand! 55555555 (LOL)

    And what really makes me laugh in this article is the Country manager for Pfiefer spouting off about corruption! 555555 Pot calling the kettle black. Its well known that throughout the world drug companies are not only corrupt but immoral, deceptive and totally against free competition. What a joke and an insult to even have his comment listed!

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