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Posts posted by Saendaeng



    And it will end up like this here. The General has misspelled the do´s and don´ts  :)


    • Do speed
    • Do go against the flow of traffic
    • Don´t wait at red lights
    • Do drive while sleepy
    • Don´t wear seat belts
    • Don´t have a license
    • Do overtake in congested areas
    • Do drink and drive
    • Don´t wear a helmet on a motorcycle
    • Don´t use motorcycles safely
    • Do use a phone while driving.
    • Haha 1
  2. First i did not do a dangerous drive. No other cars in the light.

    I simply tested it.

    Do not do it normally.

    But anyone in here can count several wrong doings in traffic on just a short distance.

    And i of course do not reccomend others to do it.

    Have they seen i was a farrang , i was stopped money was exchanged.

  3. Yesterday i was driving in Korat.
    Saw the police. And wanted to test them
    In a cross section with redlight and 2 police officers watching i did a test.
    I simply drove over for red light while looking at me. They had a police car and a bike.
    They did absolutely nothing about. I would actually gladly pay the bill. If they had stopped me.

    This only confirms me, when we talk about traffic and the laws in Thailand.
    It all starts with the police. If we want better quality for driving here. Then!

    Police need to do their job.
    B active and not only in certain times. Also when it rains.
    Drive arround and stop people when they do wrong.
    Start use discovered police cars.

    If they start fo there job and give a damn, then it all will change quickly. The work will be spoken arround and people start rspect the police.

    I know what i say is easier said than done. And it will probably never happen.

  4. Because of this case, Thakorn said he had instructed service providers to keep the phone usage records of all users and must not exceed the capped amount and to inform the users of their monthly phone usage.

    The stubbornness and stupidity of Thai corporate bureaucracies never ceases to amaze me. These behemoths like True, AIS, and all the banks are totally ill-equipped to deal with anything that does not fit within their little box.

    Here, a customer billing dispute, which is completely obvious, has to be resolved by the NBTC. Moreover, the NBTC has to tell a telecom to abide by the terms of its customer agreement. When these bureaucracies start getting slapped with class action judgments at the end of this year, maybe they will finally wake up and take a look at how they deal with their customers and revise their practices and procedures accordingly.

    We can all agree that 1 vote for 492 thb is over the limit and clearly stealing from people.

    Thailand do not have any laws working except for speaking bad about Thailand.

    Children should have a phone when only 8 years old?

    We are living in a new age and what we did 25 years ago is not today.

    I belive they csn have a phone and be active same time. It is just to teach them.

    My daughter already uses Ipad i School.

    I was against it in beginning. We are in 2015. And hen i was young it was big if you had an commodore 64 ?

    We also need to look forward.

    Having a phone does not mean that we can't be active.

  5. Notice how no info about costs or when this project was approved. It makes me wonder if when this info finally does come to light just how much corruption is involved. I hope their was none and costs are not overly exaggerated. But I have yet to see this not happen in thailand

    Seems like it's a private energy generation company? http://www.energyabsolute.co.th/index.php

    Assume they'll wholesale to PEA? But it would be interesting to understand the legal ramifications of that arrangement, or maybe not?

    The cost is about $ 3to 4 mill per 2MW turbine mill

    The cost per MW is roughly $1,2 mill per MW.

    Many time they lease land and owner get yearly fee.

    In good wind conditions the turbines can pay them self of in 5 years.

    These conditions are probably arround 8-9 years. There is happen a lot since they needed a lot of wind to produce. Today full production can be at 9-10 m/s.

    If there is no wind , then be sure they will not build them.

    Only issue will be if the locals will keep them serviced so they do not break down( machine faillure)

    Vestas will educate local people to run them.

  6. Hi,

    1.Vestas did come with a cheap offer due to Asia is going to a bigger marked the next few year. That is why not the Chineese.

    2. Nothing to with coruption. The The customer company has good tax advantage due to green energy. And no import tax.

    3. The customer will install the turbines them self under supervision. Like done in China.Vestas provide supervision.

    4. There is enough wind , as messurement has been ongoing for 2 years. Do only require 5 m/s to produce power.

    5. It is a 1.8 MW turbine and it electricity will be transferred into a substation.

    And i know what i am talking about. Been working in the industri for 14 years and inside Vestas.

  7. I speak three languages with my 3 children . Thai,danish and english , mostly when i am home i Th i speak thai with them . And when i travel arround the world for my work , i talk to the kids every day over the internet , and we are alway changing i the language we speak.

    My son is 8 years now , but are already close to speak danish fluently.

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