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Posts posted by translator

  1. Just turning up the flame for linux.... :D

    Read the facts in another thread about M$ and underhanded actions to take away what could have been great for thailands tomorrow...


    Its part of life...all around the world people have different ways of expression or passing knowledge to others. I cannot understand why you express "superior" to someone you dont know. Wait for the right people and ignore the flamers.

    Internet, computers, software. communication and technology in Thailand

    I do use Linux, but I have to say that it's not the right place to discuss about

    No :o ------------- Right place to post.. :D

    Kde/Gnome user :D

  2. The Ministry of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is offering a million PCs preloaded with Linux StarOffice at rock-bottom prices to increase computer literacy in Thailand. :D

    To prevent Linux from running away with Thailand's subsidized "people's PC project," Microsoft has dropped the price of its Windows and Office packages from nearly US$600 to $37. Other Asian countries are lining up to duplicate the Thai program. As a result of the events in Thailand, analysts have begun to predict the end of Microsoft's long-standing "one-price-fits-all-markets policy. :D

    1. It's going to piss off a lot of people in the US and EU that are paying out the ass for M$ products, only to see that they are offering it at almost 90% less elsewhere. :o

    2. This could be the start of a wonderfull trend. Between this and what's going on in the EU with M$ on trial, and the middle east governments looking to switch, M$ could be in some real trouble. :D

    3. Worried about linux or what.........Come on thailand, no license to pay, all the open source (free software) you need from around the world at the click of a button by a programmer who wants to give his knowledge for free. M$ is a worried company within the asian markets as stated above....All you have to do is learn it....to be able to connect with it....its not hard given time. :D

  3. Any guys or galls using linux have recommendations for good uptodate open source project relating to telnet, ssh, socks or anything you feel is a good addon...

    I just picked up a project called proxychains you can attach to its brother YAPH. good for use in front of nmap etc. start it before any internet interaction.

    check out freshmeat or sourceforge.net

  4. XP can be a pain when it comes to using software that does not have a digital signature comparable for Mr gates....likes to shut it down with a nice blue error message and send reports back to base.....

    Well at least he gave the choice this time to send or not send.....every bloody day it appears on both machines....

    i.e freeware stuff..

  5. Have you checked you do not have your privacy ( internet explorer - tools menu)set to high for the site to set or take a cookie to complete the sign in process...lower your cookie acceptance if you have to high....

    just a thought with those type of websites.

    for fun you could try postmanpat.org.uk always works for me....can watch a video while compiling or even sing along......

  6. TrojanHunter .........its a good tool for keeping loose hackers at bay. its got a good update record, if your in any doubt as to the state of your machine you can download it and find out if you really need to format your drive(s).

    If trojanhunter can clean it or them off for you. it becomes a simple matter to increase your firewall before you connect again..

    Its a thirty day trial package or purchase after the period....

    McAffee is worthless as a firetool against a good hacker placing trojans via backdoor

    Norton is limited if not patched weekly against exploits

    ZoneAlarm firewall places your box in stealth mode (not reachable) once auto setup has completed. it costs or a free limited firewall is there to download. it has amazing high level security blockage.

  7. One sure way to find out who is gathering information to bounce pop adds and spywarez at your box

    The site is called gemal.dk

    You may think sites that claim by statement "this is all we can see of your box", rubbish claims.....gemal.dk shows everything about your box and your browser conditions when surfing.

    Test just how much information to a webpage might be revealed, giving your personal or browser habits, even your credit card info can be claimed and used.

    You can spend two minutes at a site claiming your anon, go to gemal and read your box info for a good 30 minutes.

    The site is well known by many linux users to check on conditions for surfing. it also accomodates windows users, you will be amazed at your details shown.

    claims by sites giving anonymous proxy software, If you use one ***go check out gemal site***


    Compare linux to windows and be amazed at the difference........

  8. SBK

    It's the law of life.

    you can or you cant. you do or you dont. you will or you wont.

    If a country has a problem, then many suffer, not just those with an investment tied into the lifestyle or cultural investment.

    next time try rubber plantations. seems to be on the increase...tip

    I can't see good coming from American involvment around the world. To many problems for one man to concerned about. Dont tell me its for the good of the nation....Like they have a say in it....

    Still waiting for WMD

  9. My wife and I have a home in Nth Thailand, we proudly fly the Thailand Flag, and I love it, my wife wants to fly the Australian Flag down lower than the Thai flag, if you can imagine a roof top and at the top is the Thai flag, lower down would be the Australian Flag.

    Side by side or nothing, be proud

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