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Posts posted by TITI1971

  1. Maybe they were shot from the rear by red shirts behind them!

    I hypothesize this as a more likely scenario.

    I't not impossible. With that crowd a gunshot fired can easily hit someone by accident; stray bullet.

    support the liers in government...

    All the day government official and police army chief said they use rubbber bullet... in evening after the clash when we can count the dead they said they use real bullet but for don't lose their face they said they shot in the sky... how many police / army was there with guns... how many protest was there with (stolen) guns from police or army... have more chance that stupid bullet come from the army police side...

  2. Interesting that they spout "peaceful protest" but automatic weapons, grenades, and petrol bombs suddenly appeared by magic...

    And rubber bullet becoming live bulllet in evening just after some peoples died.... All the day they lied to us and all the week was lier in government too specially the one who said he will take full responsability to give full power to army and police to "clean" bangkok from demonstrators...

    Today this guy still in charge of government and say it is still the fault of other side... give him some baby powder and put him in bed and sing a nice song to give him a nice sleep... The little mistakes of broken law is the responsability of reds but it's not their fault if so many peoples died because of police or army charge... the fault they have done is sentenced by real short time jail... killing peoples is full live term jail... or nothing if you are in the good dictatorshiped side of politics...

  3. 4 soldiers dead and hundreds wounded....

    If thailand had a professional police, with anti riot force to front the insurgents, special forces to quickly and clean arrest the red leaders, they had no needs for the intervention of the Thai Army.

    But cops are too busy to count the baht made with their corrupted activities and to scared to face to face a mob.

    Excellent post.

    Thai army is probably the worst in the world in anyway. The weakest / spent money. They lost against Laos and they'd lose against Cambodia.

    Abisith is also 100% responsible for the yesterday drama. He never tried to understand the other opinions. Friday, Thai police and Thai army tried to solve the issue in a Thai way but at 10 PM, Abisith put some oil on the fire.

    I don't think you understand the other opinions.

    The red shirts want power. They don't want to change anything else.

    And Abhisit and the democrats have and want more power too... nothing more (or just more money also)

  4. I think we can all agree it would not be below the Red Shirt mentality to spill some of its own blood to play the sympathy card. They killed their own people, shame on the reds!

    and shame on the fake coalition government who use the word democrat just in the name of their politic part...

    it's not the first time Thailand has clash in politics with demonstrators... but now they start to lose control on the deep south and in the big province of the north and north east...

    next step is civil war if this government continous to ignore the other side... or outisde Bangkok i mean...

    The deep south is all the Abhisit governments fault?? What sort of logic do you use to work that out?

    And it's funny that the PPP can have coalition governments, but as soon as the Democrats do, it's fake.

    I never said the deep south it the fault of this governemnt partly or completly, just nothing change and now could be another part of Thailand angry with him...

    TRT was alone, PPP with coalition was first and respect a vote without using a court for ban a lot of opposite members (even if it was right)... Not this coalition of turnjacket politicians who do a coalition specially after the court decide to ban or clean PPP or TRT or all the real opposite of democrats for win majority... if they did'nt have the court in their pocket they did'nt win ! was just the beggining of Abhisit revenge VS Thaksin... now is another part and will be more until both side continous the game to separate for reign....

  5. I think we can all agree it would not be below the Red Shirt mentality to spill some of its own blood to play the sympathy card. They killed their own people, shame on the reds!

    and shame on the fake coalition government who use the word democrat just in the name of their politic part...

    it's not the first time Thailand has clash in politics with demonstrators... but now they start to lose control on the deep south and in the big province of the north and north east...

    next step is civil war if this government continous to ignore the other side... or outisde Bangkok i mean...

  6. Again surprise. Still no one wrote about how the government, army chief or police comander lie all the saturday to us... including to their fellow yellow supporters...

    All the day they said that they use only teargas and plastic bullets.... And when all the world report the clash and many peoples died...so finally they say they use real bullet... and for don't lose their face...they say they shot in the sky or say it's the fault of the protesters...

    Hide your face and quit this government of liers. Put them in jail with all the other leaders, different is demonstrators leaders didn't order to shot or use gun with bullets ...it's the personal choice of the peoples...other leaders just break the law (and some buildings).

  7. BBC is just calling the Thai government liers. "They said they wouldn't use force; they have now used force and at least 8 people are dead."

    Clear cut if you ask me.

    surprising is the 1st post i read about government liers....

    All the day they said they don't use real bullet just tear gas and fake bullet....

    And now they said they use live bullet (real) but didn't shhot to the protesters...

    How I can believe this government... liers and propagandist same as the red leaders or red TV channel.... both sides are liers

    Abbhisit must quit and army chief also and responsable of this bloody day : yellow, blue, red, and army...

  8. The reds wanted a fight and got one, if they don't back down now and negotiate the police will have to use real bullets and defend themselves.

    I still don't understand when the people said "reds wanted fight..." 1 month without no violence and just when you give power to army and they decide to "clean" Bangkok from demonstrators...so they charge the manifest and let's go to violence... both side...

    It's Abbhisit wanted this, not the reds... If Abbhisit can show Reds are violent so he can say it's not his fault... BUT WE SPEAK OF DEAD PEOPLES TODAY ! Including 1 reporter not Thai ! No winner at all, specially not Abbhisit ! And not Thai country in the foreigner news... I love Thai peoples...Thai country, but definitly not the politics...

  9. report from tulsathit twitter 1 red shot dead

    OMG how it's possible... all the peoples here (supposed yellow) said than Army use only teargas and no real weapons with bullets...

    So i still follow my thinking... i believe in what i can see by my eyes, not in tv not in newspaper and not hear on radio... ASTV = yellow PTV = RED and newpaper are controlled media with even censorship or pressure...

  10. here is the great fallacy of the Red Elite argument - the oppressed poor. The poor in Thailand are poor, pretty much like the poor all around the world. One huge difference between the poor in Thaliand and other place - particular in this region - is that they are NOT oppressed. Go ask the Burmese or the North Koreans if they'd trade places.

    It is very easy for those who've grown up on idealistic and romantic notions of class war to confuse the difference between economic hardship and political oppression.

    Yes right, they are not opressed.... and in Burma or N. korea they wish they can vote but they can't or fake vote.... Here they voted Red but did'nt see their vote respected and bored to see that Elite or Democrats or richer doesn't care of them...... just some "democrats" with same Ego as Thaksin try to do everything to kill the other side or pure vengeance... Is it the democracy ? no one is right but minimum is to respect the vote of majority ! after you can fight in politics for disband some members but always keep the same "color" until the next vote... or next putch or next manifest etc... neverending story

  11. ......what part is illegial - the illegal government in place or the reds who just claim equal justice and recognition -

    Our government is perfactly legal under the Thai constitution (as would be the case in many western countries)!!


    This government legal ?? Let me laugh until I die...which country accept a putch and all the artificial fact for disband some parts opposite the democrats.... If the peoples (Thai) vote 3 times for the same color and it's not this one in the government who is the illegal part ! after the putsch, Thai peoples vote again for the Red's so ok they have some bad leaders or not true leaders but the Thai peoples elected the Red's ! where are they now ! under the siege of the democrats who just want to destroy them (pure Abhisit vengeance with Thaksin) and nothing is good for this country union.... Manage the country not the Ego of each side.... Actually we can read nothing about politics plan in the newspaper, just read we want Thaksin back to jail or the reds are showing a bad picture to tourism or because of them tourism is falling, same as the last 2 years... (I laugh again...)

  12. Hey mods this OP has three post all the same wake up!!

    Sorry to post 3 times the same question but as I needed answer from Bangkok, Chiang Mai and Hua Hin I did it 3 times in 3 different forum places....I doubt peoples from Chiang Mai want absolutely to read my post in Hua Hin section so it's why I posted it in any town forum...And thank you 3 times to the peoples who answered me, and for don't remove my post. Before to survey all the forum and do the policeman just thinking twice...or triple !

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