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Posts posted by terrier123

  1. With no signs in English, for those of us morons who can't read Thai they are sometimes quite difficult to find :D

    Is it because they are worried that farangs might lure away their most beautiful (i.e. valuable) assets with a swathe of ATM cards?

    Or are they just plain anti farang?

    Don't you think it is very rude to effectively bar one of the main benefactors of Issan culture from one of the most popular pastimes in Thailand?

    I think there should be a law stating that every Massage parlour and karaoke bar carry signs in English.

    After all, the road signs are all in English - well they are until you almost reach your destination, whereupon they suddenly appear in Thai only.

    What say you? Shall we all gather together and march on U-Tapao Airport? :o

    Whistle what -- COLONEL BOGEY?

    What don't you understand or have yet to learn about massage parlours or karaokes in Thailand? I think they are all similar in every Province

  2. Everything in moderation and as always some good points raised by many members. For myself, and somewhat selfishly, no I do not want to share my quiet little corner of heaven. Some Pattaya has-beens/failures have started to drift in bringing their thug like attitudes with them. Nearly 7 years here but may be time to start looking for somewhere new; but regretably I certainly will not find anywhere nicer.

  3. Name and shame the banks who discriminate against foreigners. I have always wondered if some branches can re-direct interest which was destined for our accounts. Even in NE Isaan the 2 Siam Banks sometimes have offers of more than 4% on year long investments. Received a letter 2 weeks ago that more promotions start in the New Year.

  4. Bangkok Post, General news, Saturday, December 06, 2008


    Rid the world of this menace

    An important bridge was crossed this week when more than 90 nations signed an international treaty in Norway to ban cluster bombs that have killed or maimed tens of thousands of people. Known as the Oslo Process, the treaty signing was the climax of a campaign inspired by the Ottawa convention in 1997 that banned landmines and won the Nobel Peace Prize for those spearheading the drive.

    For one reason or another, Thailand was not among the signatories, an oversight that can be rectified when there is an appropriate rethink of policy. This year's succession of revolving-door governments has almost certainly been preoccupied with other matters, which might explain why we aligned our stance with that of Burma, Singapore and Vietnam and not the majority of the Asean states, which supported the draft outlawing such weapons.

    This was not the only disappointment in recent weeks. After winning well-deserved acclaim for being in the forefront of those ratifying the Mine Ban Treaty in 1998, we now find ourselves in the disturbing position of missing our 10-year deadline for clearance of these landmines and having to seek an extension. And the fact that we are not among the early signatories in Oslo this week will be a matter of concern for many, especially now that we are listed by the umbrella Cluster Munition Coalition as being among the 75 countries with existing stockpiles of the weapons they are campaigning against.

    Dropped from warplanes or fired from artillery guns, cluster bombs explode in mid-air to randomly scatter hundreds of bomblets, which can be as small as eight centimetres. Many bomblets fail to explode, littering war zones with de facto landmines that can kill and maim long after a conflict ends.

    Worldwide, about 100,000 people have been killed or maimed by cluster bombs since 1965, 98% of them civilians, says Handicap International, a group campaigning for their abolition. More than a quarter of the victims are children who mistake bomblets for toys.


    Ref url for the rest of this important article is :-


    marshbags :o

    We all hope for a world without cluster bombs, land-mines, nuclear bombs and the list goes on and on and on. Do WE really believe that treaties and associated pieces of paper show us the way towards world peace?? In an ideal world, maybe they would. But we are living here in Asia. USA, Europe and wherever. Throughout history there are 2 constants which quantify wars. In the name of religion AND/OR the fat cats get richer.

    We can be selective and adopt the Thai ideal of living for today and hope and pray that tomorrow something better will turn up.

    Peace bretheren.

  5. ...

    Farang Adult - 850 abht, Thai adult 350 baht.

    Farang kid - 650 baht, Thai kid 250 baht.


    Does it say "Farang" or "Tourist" or "Non-Thai"? - because there is a difference.

    I disagree with this "dual-pricing" anyway and usually avoid such places, especially when they write the Thai price using Thai characters - it is so obvious that they are trying to hide the price difference to the non-Thais.

    The Thai bit just says 'poo yai' (adult) and 'dek' (child) and specifies 80-120 cm (height) for the latter. In English is is just adult and child with same height definition. It seems doubly sneaky not to even say Thai and non-Thai adult/child, but just to use language and English/Thai numerals to conceal the different pricing.

    Dual pricing is disgraceful, racist and insulting considering foreigners put so much into the Thai economy. Last year I noticed that some National Parks reduced their prices to a more reasonable figure so I visited 2 of them. Ticket issuers USED TO acknowledge years' visas, Thai driving licences etc.; but not now. The only recourse we have is to veto those places with dual pricing rates.

  6. Thailand should be much better place to live now with less foreigners coming. It was getting ridiculous in Isarn - bloody foreigners everywhere - the city and the country just aint as good as it was 20 years or so ago.

    All we need now is to ban internet dating. :o

    Actually you raise some good points. The internet dating brigade is rife in my (previously) quiet little corner of Isaan -- mainly teachers in their 30's. Love struck heros turn up without any previous knowledge of Thailand and get stung more than in the usual tourist haunts ' cos these girls are usually well educated and charming. But worst of all are foreigners having failed in Pattaya (or run out of there) turning up here and wanting to bring that place here. I agree, this area was also better 7 years ago with less foeigners.

  7. My wife catches a cold every year about this time when the temperatures fall. I asked her to go find a space heater to warm her room, but she complains that it is not cold long so she does not need one. She asked at Robinsons at the mall and at an electric store near her house, but whether she just does not know what they are, and therefore how to ask for them in Thai, or whether they do not exist in Udon Thani, I do not know. She said Robinsons tried to sell her a water heater, as did the electric store.

    So, my question to the group is, do space heaters 750/1500 watts exist in Udon Thani? If so, can anyone tell me where to get them? I think I would prefer the quartz infrared heaters, but at this point, I think any would do. If you can point me to a store that sells them, I would appreciate it. I could have sworn that Robinsons would carry them.

    Best Regards,

    I tried unsuccessfully for 3 years all over Thailand and on thaivisa to buy one -- just NOT available. My solution, last month a friend brought one back from UK for me as over on the Mekhong we are a bit colder than Udon. Used it 3 times so far just before going to bed and it's just the ticket.

  8. Thought you might like to see some of the SE Asia collection of archive movies available on the 'The Travel Film Archive' YouTube site

    Siam to Korea 1931

    Singapore 1938

    Hong Kong 1938

    Manila 1938

    Bali 1939

    Borneo 1921

    If you know these locations well, I think you will find them as fasinating as I did!

    Grrrreat links. Bangkok hasn't changed much then in 70 years apart from the neon lights. Population of only 10 mill. eh? Someone's been busy then. I watch youtube every day and never seen anything quite like these old travelogues. Pleasant relief in these troubled times.

  9. I used Mukdahan on the recomendation of one of the expats in our area. I was treated like a criminal there and stormed out and drove the extra couple of hundred Kms to Phibun. I found out later that the guy who told me to go there also pays about 2000 baht to the lady in the immigration office for his 90 day reporting. I did hear that they had changed the staff there a couple of years ago but obviously no change to the customer service qualities of the office.

    Steer clear of this place.

    Having used / delt with the Mukdahan Immg. staff for the last 5 years, I can assure you that they have not been changed, nor changed their attitudes... The "Old Lady" who you describe we call "the Grizz" as in Grizly Bear... She is always short, stern and to the point, but at times can be semi-human... Anything in that office seems to take two to four times longer than it should, so just plan accordingly...

    Now with the realignment of Immg. Offices we are going to start dealing with the Office in Nakhon Phanom, so we are hoping that it will be an improvement, but we will just have to wait and see...


    You must be joking. You are welcome to read previous posts about this hel_l-hole. The staff in Mukdahan are sweet compared to the dragon in NKP.

  10. Hi Guys

    A mouse (probably a mouse) seems to have taken up residence in my roof space and is making a meal out of my electrical wiring, with not unexpected results!

    An electromagnetic deterrer has so far achieved nothing - no real surprise there - so I need to use other methods. I've managed to get hold of what is probably warfarin so this may work. However, there's nothing beats a good old-fashioned mechanical mouse trap. The problem is that I can't seem to buy one. This is probably because of the Buddhist aversion to killing things, although the supermarkets do stock some rather less than humane stuff for getting rid of rats. This is basically a very stick goo that the rat gets stuck onto and subsequently starves to death. I don't fancy this method very much.

    So, has anyone out there managed to source a mouse trap, humane or otherwise? I'm in the Pattaya area and haven't found anything in the supermarkets or in True Value, where I was told that traps are to be found but not so it seems. Obviously I have more places to try but if someone knows where something suitable is available then I would be grateful for a response. I'm getting fed up with re-setting my Safe-T-Cut several times a day and getting even more fed up with replacing chewed wiring!



    I warn you regarding the warfarin.....if the mouse hides somewhere before it dies it smells terrible.

    There are traps which catch the mouse alive and we used them successfully (former house and we left the traps there, else I would send you).

    using them is human and efficient just you need to bring the mouse away to a far place.

    they bought the traps at a local market.

    ALL hardware shops in my corner of Isaan sell 2 types -- instant decapitation ones for 10baht and cages around 30. The latter type will even take the huge ones you see all the time running around BKK.

  11. You can report by post at many offices. Some do not allow it.

    I always post to Korat with no problems.

    Unfortunately, the Immigration staff along this stretch of the Mekhong have earned a well-deserved reputation for rudeness and gross inefficiency. However, the 90 day check even in the horrorsville of Nakhon Phanom office usually only takes 5 minutes -- anything else takes forever

  12. Multi Entry O Visa. I would say KL or Penang.

    Extensions Korat.


    Here we go. Kap Cheong Immigrtion office.


    Whilst Lite Beer may have more recent/local knowledge then myself, may I suggest you call or go from Mukdahan to Savannakhet in Laos and ask what they suggest. Recent postings write they are not so helpful as before but they helped me a lot and are certainly nearer to your location.

    REMEMBER to take ALL your paperwork.

    e-mail me direct if you want further help.

  13. I know speaking nicely is very important in Thailand. I've just listened to a PAD spokesman and also to a Government spokewoman live, haven't got a clue what they are talking about. Don't usually comment on 'Thai Politics' as its drilled into us that its not falangs buisiness.

    the wife translated for me and it would seem clear that the PAD guy ain't speaking nicely and that he is trying to rally his troops into a frenzy. Fighting frenzy I would say, using someone who we cannot mention as a weapon. He appears to be fanatical and ain't going nowhere until he gets his way. The goverment spokeswoman was speaking nicely, I don't think there's a cat in hells chance of a peaceful resolution unless someone influential steps in to prevent the impending bloodbath.

    Fifteen minutes ago I watched the Asia News broadcast from Singapore via the Internet. Brief live interview from the Thai PM with English translation in subtitles. This is far better than trying to get the missus to explain what the h**l is going on down there in BKK. These truly are bad times in Thailand and I hope that all is resolved in the very near future.

  14. I have been looking into business ventures to keep my wife Noi's family self sufficent. I currently send the family 40,000 baht a month but they often ask for more. My wife has suggested that we buy some land with lots of small lakes and breed fish to be sold. I think this is a great idea as it will teach my new family financial responcibility and give my wife a new outlook on life as she has only ever worked in Pattaya as a cashier. Does anyone have any experience with farming or small business ventures? Has anyone opened a business to help support their wifes extended family and give their loved one a more stable future?

    If Bruceboy has 300 + previous postings then it must be a wind-up. WHO? in their right mind would send 40K/month to Isaan? Personally, I find it insulting this guy should ask other "serious" members their advice/opinions whilst all the time he is taking the piss. No doubt about it, previously tv has helped members and some of these members have answered his questions in good faith. I would ask any moderator monitoring this issue to close it a.s.a.p.' cos it will only result in grief.

  15. I have been looking into business ventures to keep my wife Noi's family self sufficent. I currently send the family 40,000 baht a month but they often ask for more. My wife has suggested that we buy some land with lots of small lakes and breed fish to be sold. I think this is a great idea as it will teach my new family financial responcibility and give my wife a new outlook on life as she has only ever worked in Pattaya as a cashier. Does anyone have any experience with farming or small business ventures? Has anyone opened a business to help support their wifes extended family and give their loved one a more stable future?

    On these open forums posters solicit other peoples' opinions. Mine is this. If you can afford this huge figure of 40,000/month (where does that go?), why "invest" more in a venture which will inevitably cost you more. In my 10 years experience few of these ideas supported by foreigners money end up in disaster. A friend of mine started with 500,000 fish and most of them have disappeared as gifts to the villagers -- he has made not one baht but lost a lot more. As always in Thailand, UP TO YOU

  16. Perhaps there is no solution to this one.

    I cannot eat food that is even a little spicy. My mouth feels like I'm eating fire.

    This happens with boring frequency in Thailand and I'd like to find ways of alleviating this reaction in ways that don't involve staying out of Thailand.

    I've asked around for ideas on remedies for this burning mouth - eat a sweet - drink a hot drink -

    Do you have any other remedies I can add to this small group?

    I love being in Thailand and intend to move there soon, so finding ways of adapting to the local world is very important.

    With these types of remedies, I hope to acclimatize my mouth, to raise its sensitivity to spices.


    etr :o

    There are many Thai foods which are NOT spicey. Learn the menus and start at the bottom of the heat scale and work up.

    No water based drink takes away the pain as the heat is in the oil of the peppers. Try yoghurt or milk

  17. Do these things do any damage as i appear to one in the roof :o and how can i get rid of it? :D

    Sensible answers please


  18. Well I just popped into the bus station to buy a ticket for a bus from Surin to Udon Thani, only to find out I can only get to Kohn Kean by bus from Surin!

    Anyone have any other ideas? I need to leave Suring Monday morning and cross the Laos border on the same day.


    If you are only going to Laos for your visa why not go Mukdahan to Savanakhet which is much cloeser to Surin?

  19. Probably been asked before but does anyone know the motorcycle dealer near the Market/Memorial Hospital UDON THANI who deals in larger motorcycles or any other ones in the Udon area? Also who is the best Honda dealership for Phantoms etc?


  20. hello i am a long time farang who is interested in serving a role as farang police in thailand. i see in other thread that farang police are now doing traffic stops and assisting in all matters of society and i am very interested in serving the general public. what is the farang police pecking order and what are some of the responsibilities bestowed upon them? what are possible rankings in the farang police force? i search google but nothing shows up. are farang police everywhere or just Pattaya? thank you i want to serve the farang and thai community.

    Maybe you would receive a better response by refering to us more poitely as ex-pats or foreigners instead of the (impolite ? still under debate) Thai "falang". Rather than join the highway police who generally trump up charges/offences against us, I suggest you join one of the ex-pat groups who try do something constructive about road safety and the demonic local drivers.

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