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Posts posted by albertsproggins

  1. The great British public are not as gulliblle as Thaksin thought,indeed there was a lot of anti Thaksin feeling concerning his abuse of human rights and his corruption.

    Moving around London and the U.K. in general with a bunch of tame goons in tow was not appreciated by either The Home Office or other deparments connected to national security either.Lobbying by certain people plus the coming and going of many of the ex cabinet undesirables did not further his cause either.

    the cost of the litigation was also a considered point in the matter.Whilst the U.K. is pretty easy in its attitude to bona fide refugees it and the English public detest people like Thaksin.

    Common sense has prevailed in the matter.

    Indeed it will be intersting to see where the rabble rousing ''I have washed my hands of politics'' liar Thasin will end up.

  2. Oh dear.

    yet again the Thai's seem blissfully unaware that they are not immune from the current financial uproar that is going on.

    As has been said''The I.M.F. debt was restructured by refinancing'' to the benefit of Thaksin and his meglomanic acolytes in the poularity stakes.

    Also (as already said) those funds are not accessible to Thai passport holders or Thai nationals either.The truth would indeed hurt.fact is that Thailand is mired in international debt and will be so for many years to come.

    Note the headlines in one of todays papaers regarding 80 billion dollars as a cushion for banks in A.S.E.A.N..

    Does this indicate financial security or insecurity I wonder ?

    Thai banks are reknowned for ''creative accounting practices.''

    Along with the pork barrel politics rest assured Thailand your masters will sell you down the river and laugh all the way to the bank whilst Somchai and Porn beg for food on the street from the Merceds and B.M.W. drivers.

  3. Ray23.

    I don't really thinkthat the drop in tourist arrivals is as bad as certain sections of our society would have us believe.

    In my experience most people plan their holidays months in advance of the anticipated departure date and as such the only affect on U.K arrivals is probably due to the economic outlook rather than the little ongoing spat that we have at the moment.

    Remember please, the way we collate figures and statistics here in Thailand is at times somewhat 'artistic''.

    I don't envisage a slump of the epic proportions (or any proportions) akin to the slump of 1929.

    I haven't noticed a mass exodus of non Thai's or Thai's for that matter from Thailand either,in essence this is not a bad place to be for many people of either Western or Oriental origin.

    Thailand is as diverse as the United Kingdom it's just that the United Kingdom is more practised in the art of intergration and of course the U.K is politically and democratically mature too.

    Started if my history recall is right with King John at Runnymede and Magna Carta,around a thousand or so years back,we have a year or two to go here in Thailand if the U.K model is our yardstick,we'll get there though never fear.

  4. Cyborg22.

    In your last posting It is implied that you are Thai by the comments you made.Please then explain to us how when you are overcharged your ''Thai wife'' gets upset.

    Indeed I love the expression ''My Thai wife'' does this indicate that she is a trophy from your younger days, are our Thai ladies so different in their makeup that farangs have to state the obvious.

    I do not refer to my wife as ''My English wife'' nor does she refer to me as ''Her Thai husband''.

    By the use of the phrase ''My Thai wife you betray the fact that you are not Thai as you imply.Please if you cannot understand the truth around you or indeed find it unpalatable do at least try to tell the truth.

  5. Cyborg22

    I and our family live here because we choose to,why do you live here if you have business in the U.K. ? Reading your postings indeed your are not the most erudite of people one meets.perhaps the fact that I do hold dual nationality and the right of abode in both England and Thailand means I am not a foreigner speaking but someone who actually has a stake in this country.

    I can and do own property in my own right here no not a condo either.Perhaps I want what is best for my country or countries and my fellow citizens,our children too, a decent corruption free society.

    I don't need a yearly visa either here or the U.K,are you in that position or could you be sent packing if all farang's were told to go ?

    You don't know who I am and I have no desire to know who you are,however reading your posts I see a patronising farang who is bigoted and self serving with no desire to see change for the better nor can you see the truth.

  6. Cyborg22

    Albert Sproggins has lived and worked here in Thailand for some 20 years.Perhaps along with the fact that I am also in business here,pay taxes and am accustomed to the way the system works here I may be more than a little aware of the realities of life here. Like you I am married and we have three children too,I have a life and I am capable of actually seeing the truth as it is here.

    It is you my friend who is living in the dream world and indeed encouraging dual standards by your tacit acceptance of double standards.

    Alas another farang ripe for shaking down are you not ?

  7. Please do not neglect the fact that people who arrive here as tourists are getting totally fed up with the scams,rip offs and double pricing scenarios.People talk when they get back to their own country and the result is that sadly Thailand is regarded as rip off destination, dishonesty price gouging mediocre service and poor standards.These are the main factors affecting tourism,people in the main plan holidays months in advance not a day or two ahead.

    Thailand's tourist authority needs to step in and level the playing field then perhaps there may be an increase in tourism.

    Thailand sadly is now the laughing stock of the world due to the corruption and duplicity of its politicians who are interested in only themselves and how much money they can steal,a bunch of kindergarten kids could,and would do a better job running this country than the political social misfits currently abusing their positions.

  8. The fun will begin if and when Thaksin fires the manager, there is I think still two years to run on the contract.Thaksin perhaps does not realise he has to pay even if he fires the manager as the two year period is indeed a contractual obligation enforceable on both parties unless they both agree to a personal waiver of monies due either in full or part.

    English judges are not as mallable as Thai judges and Thaksin and his son and daughter plus the psuedo spoksman/foreign minister will find that money can't buy everything.

    Of course the fans may well become somewhat vocal and even physical as well,again democracy has a higher value in England and is supported by parliament,the army does not interfere,the police do to a degree to keep the peace,however they are not the pawns of the powerful.

    However people don't just vanish:Mr Thaksin will find his opponents are indeed somewhat better educated than the average Thai and indeed more willing to defend their perceived rights too.Both in the streets and indeed the courts

    The law in the U.K.is played out properly and Mr. Thaksin may do well to remember that although he travels on a diplomatic passport (why ?) his money and assets in the U.K. can and would be sequestered in lieu of any unpaid levies or court awards.

    As an old matelot I should say "Storm cones are being hoisted " .

  9. Firstly it would indeed be better if the 'Grammar Nazi's vented their spleen elswhere.In my experience the majority of the grammar nazi's are often actually incapable of teaching in a normal school setting and the grammar smokescreen is their protection.

    My qualifications are a B.A. and a M.Ed. I personally have had no problems here,having lived and worked here in Thailand for more than 16 years.Salary level is up to you,it is posssible to earn good money here in the better international schools and indeed the better bi-lingual schools as well, research your prospective employers well before accepting the offer, it's called ''Common Sense''.

    Sadly there are some rather suspect teachers out there,I know of one who claims to be a movie script writer and claims to have earned his Ph.D. in English from Cantebury University ( yes that is his spelling ) on line without ever attending or even seeing either a professor or attending the university in question through the tenure of his 3 year course !!

    This guy teaches full time at grade P5 P6 level maths plus works after that at a language school to augment his income.

    A Ph.D. and working in the above areas, I am of the opinion something may not be overly truthful about the man.

    These are the characters that are giving the decent teachers a hard time and defrauding both employers and children along with the childrens parents too.

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