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Posts posted by LKIBA

  1. If the government would enforce the law and require farang to have valid motorcycle licenses many farang lives would be saved.

    yes i agree but its all very sad, when life means nothing and i dont think thailand is a 3rd world country anymore do u if so why ??

  2. If the government would enforce the law and require farang to have valid motorcycle licenses many farang lives would be saved.

    i agree 1 of many things that r no good, how about the 1000cc bikes that r rented 2 farangs who would have no chance to get on the road back in there own country and have no experience on a powerful death trap

  3. Is the OP a reincarnation of siampaulibuyasia?

    hehe i dont know what ur talkin about :o he must come from a supierior race wiv a samong and just 2 educate u boys a little more ie: thaipauly lineker was b4 klinsmans time

  4. why dont the government in thailand, start to realize that a very high percentage per capita of deaths on the roads compared to say the UK or most european countries, is an outrage, im from the UK and all children are taught road awareness from a very young age. ie: the police coming round to your school and teaching how to use a bike on the road, then there was the wonderful green cross code man haha, well it made young children listen, driving on the wrong side of the road seems quite acceptable here, well the police do it so i must b ok ??, pulling out of a turning on the wrong side and not looking seems ok as well, the list gos on and on then theres the wonderful driving test ?? stevie wonder could pass that, how about bald tyres ?? is there a minimum tread requirement. if so the roads should be empty, ive lived here for 6 years, driving a car and a motorbike, how ive not added to the death toll by wanting to murder some of the drivers myself i will never know, how many vehicles over here would be legally roadworthy if they was in the UK. i think not many, then theres gas ommisions requirements, that these lovely little trucks blast out black smoke, i could go on and on thats enough,, oh how about babys on bikes no safety no crash helmuts 4 on a bike ok ok thats enough

  5. In my 20 years of visiting and living in Thailand I have only heard a Thai fart once.

    About 6 months ago, I went for a massage in the town where the young girl accidentally let one rip. The worst part was that she was sitting on top massaging my legs arse facing me at the time. Her face was total embarrassment.

    I made a joke of it and she stopped blushing. At least I learned that Thais do have the facility to fart.

    Maybe they all walk around with cotton wool mufflers up their backsides. Part of Thai culture maybe.

    i hope she wernt naked she might have followed thru :o and the mess would have ruined the extras that could have been on offer :D

  6. This ruling is coming in for everyone, footballers shouldn't be exempt just because they are superstars. So it's fair enough as far as i'm concerned.

    id let em do what there best at muggin and rape. look at the stats in the UK, LEAVE EM THERE AND IM HAPPY IN THE LAND OF SMILES :o i left my country 2 get away from em : thais have the right idea thailand is for thais if ur farang pay ur way, i do

  7. It is with great sadness after all of 70 odd years in the League, me Team witch I supported in me youth have now gone down


    Me udder team , however on the same night 29th April 2008 came up trumps.

    Sad days for me :D as I watched them 40 odd years ago. "Up The Stags" and come "on Man U." :o please win both :D

    Somtam one Kan knot have the best of both worlds.

    A Mansfield Town Supporter :D

    dont be silly u r a stag dont give manu as ur get out clause its b-l-c-s

  8. Yes I know about registering a company name to buy land and build a house...but I didn't.

    So now I am looking forward, not back.

    I put everything in my lady's name. Things have gone sour. I left the house in March 07, because of threats. We have been to court 3 times already. There is a good chance that I will win, and get back at least 50%. She has now delayed the next case hearing until Feb 09.

    Has anyone been successful in suing a Thai lady in a similar situation?

    please PM the op for more information

    my friend was in the same situation and he got his house back bcos he could prove that the house he paid for was b4 he got married, she didnt even get 1%

  9. The backpackers hate the package tourists, the package tourists hate the sex pats, the long term expats hate the short term expats, the non teachers hate the teachers, the teachers hate the backpackers etc.

    Ok, quite a generalisation, and of course not everyone is like that, but overall I think we can safely say a lot of farang hate other farang here for the stupidest reasons.

    Even on this forum you can be ridiculed for meeting your wife in a bar, or living in too small an apartment, teaching English, your choice of holiday destination (think Phangan/Pattaya), choosing to eat farang food daily instead of Thai food etc.

    The farang that are generally most negative towards other farang usually do so out of some need to compete against them and/or to try to win brownie points from the Thais.

    Very well put Burman. I concur with all.

    I wonder what the need to compete is then? Self doubt perhaps?

    Its a man thing. You will find that most of these competing types are men. Woman generally dont get involved in such nonsense. There far to busy cooking dinner and cleaning.

    what a prat u r

  10. My Brother owns a company in Sydney Australia that has supplied goods to a company in Phuket (owned/managed by a N. Irishman) and has not been able to obtain payment for his invoice of almost 30,000 baht. At first the Irishman said that he had transfered the funds to the Australian account but there has been no such payment and now phone calls are not being answered. I have been asked by my brother to find out what recourse he has in search of payment for the goods he supplied, I would be greatful for any input from anyone who has been in this situation or who can offer a solution. (Please don't suggest "sending the boys round")

    just give the receipt to an honest cop :o give him 10% hes happy and ur happy easy, dont bother with courts unless he has large assets to freeze and its a stressful experience, take the 1st option

  11. I'll probably get hammered into the ground for saying this.......but I'm saying it anyway :D

    I think Foreign men with Thai girls look odd together, kind of mismatched. Whenever I see Foreign couples together they look so right and comfortable and ease with each other and the same when I see Thai couples together.

    There, I've said it :D:D:D


    haha men have got nothing in common with women, at the end of the day we only need 1 thing from them ahh if life was that simple do u know what wife stands for: Washing Ironing <deleted> Etcetra :o
  12. Does anyone know what TV channels in Thailand will show the Euro 2008 matches? I just want to make sure ahead that I have the right channels :D I am thinking either the Thai channels, like with the last World Cup, or hopefully ESPN/Star Sports. Or maybe TRUE PPV? That would be a disaster...

    without england in it im not interested in it bcos i will have no players to abuse and shout at :o

  13. Some people come to Thailand with plenty of money and lose it all. Some people come with nothing and make a life here. Some people base their life around the idea of one day moving to their place in the sun, when conditions of right, but for many this day will never come. Some people live in the now.

    I am always broke haha..but to live in Europe in the snow eating farang food and no temple round the corner to go to and speak with the monks, no Pad kaprao

    or Gaeng Thai (แกงใต้) no going waddling in the stream catching fish (ทอดแหจับปลานิน) and maybe a million other things then i just couldn't live.

    i make only 17000 baht a month dont work at all except on developing my website and taking the odd person to a temple for a tattoo and translating for them.

    On this 17000 baht a month i live quite well only i dont have any savings.

    I can understand someone who comes here lives in a beer bar, starbucks kfc and the pizza hut would prefer to go home and make money than live here broke, as they live the same western life here as they do at home...

    but i cant eat that stuff i eat only thai food and for me a pad kaprao with a fried egg on top costs me 15 baht or 2 curries on rice i get for 20 to 25 baht

    I also cant live without this food i dont eat bread and all that farang bull it isnt tasty and also expensive.

    A coffee in starbucks costs 60 baht (uff what a waste thats 3 square meals for me which are much more delicious than a coffee)

    I always wonder why some farang copme here as some people pack their tins of beans, marmit/vegemite, and all their other "home copmforts" and live on that when they are here...what is the point of being here if you cant adapt to the lifestyle and have to need your stuff from home country.

    This is like taking your country with you.....why dont you just stay home if you dont like the real life/food/culture here?

    i suppose some people only come for the women..which is as far as i am concerned stupid, as Thai women dont like farang they just like their money.

    I couldn't take a wife who only wanted an easy life and a free ride but really all she is waiting for is me to die so she can go home and make a house and marry the thai she has always told me is her little brother or cousin.

    I know a guy he employs his wife's little brother...well that guy is her boyfriend really i found out about it...but i ain't telling the farang because he has to learn himself.

    Broke in Thailand? yes! But it is still better life than being middle class in Europe.

    How many people in europe can afford a prawn and lemon grass soup every day eating out?

    Even your average Thai can afford to eat fresh fish, prawns and lots of other lovely stuff on a "Broke" budget.

    My 2 room condo apartment costs me 2700 baht a month and have internet for 300 a month 1mb another 100 baht a month gets me 50 cable tv channels...god i would have to work my ass off in Europe to keep all that together.

    The broke thing isnt important as if you have a lot of money here then you either just blow it all on uinnecessary luxuries (ie starbucks) or some woman or thai guy syphons it out of you.

    If you have nothing for them to take then they cant take it off you.

    Clear signs of rationalisation here. You can't afford western luxuries so in order to protect your psyche from the damage of admitting the failure you've become you rationalise, probably subconsciously, that you don't like those things anyway. The evidence that this is a psychological defence mechanism and that you're merely protecting yourself psychologically from the trauma of your failure is that you boast in detail about the luxuries that you CAN afford such as the internet 1MB no less and 50 - FIFTY cable TV channels.

    You may be fooling others, but you're not fooling yourself and the cognitive dissonance will eventually harm you mentally.

    Many people who fail indulge in this kind of thinking. "Well I COULD be successful and have those things if I wanted them, but I don't want them anyway as they're really bad and the people who have them are fools and inferior to me for wanting them in the first place."

    You'll either get bored of being poor and living with the stress that poverty brings and get decide to do something productive or you'll sink further and further into poverty and fall to a level that recovery is impossible. In Thailand its dangerous as its so easy to fall into the spiral of permanent unemployability as there'll be Thais ready to keep you company all the way down.

    There is NO nobility in poverty. Not having luxuries when you can afford them is a moral choice. Not having luxuries because you can't afford them is just poverty and conveys no moral superiority in any way and trying to claim a moral high ground when you're actually standing in the gutter convinces no one.

    wow ur edumated haha basicaly uv said in in propa english what i said with abuse hes a prize pr__k

  14. Some people come to Thailand with plenty of money and lose it all. Some people come with nothing and make a life here. Some people base their life around the idea of one day moving to their place in the sun, when conditions of right, but for many this day will never come. Some people live in the now.

    I am always broke haha..but to live in Europe in the snow eating farang food and no temple round the corner to go to and speak with the monks, no Pad kaprao

    or Gaeng Thai (แกงใต้) no going waddling in the stream catching fish (ทอดแหจับปลานิน) and maybe a million other things then i just couldn't live.

    i make only 17000 baht a month dont work at all except on developing my website and taking the odd person to a temple for a tattoo and translating for them.

    On this 17000 baht a month i live quite well only i dont have any savings.

    I can understand someone who comes here lives in a beer bar, starbucks kfc and the pizza hut would prefer to go home and make money than live here broke, as they live the same western life here as they do at home...

    but i cant eat that stuff i eat only thai food and for me a pad kaprao with a fried egg on top costs me 15 baht or 2 curries on rice i get for 20 to 25 baht

    I also cant live without this food i dont eat bread and all that farang bull it isnt tasty and also expensive.

    A coffee in starbucks costs 60 baht (uff what a waste thats 3 square meals for me which are much more delicious than a coffee)

    I always wonder why some farang copme here as some people pack their tins of beans, marmit/vegemite, and all their other "home copmforts" and live on that when they are here...what is the point of being here if you cant adapt to the lifestyle and have to need your stuff from home country.

    This is like taking your country with you.....why dont you just stay home if you dont like the real life/food/culture here?

    i suppose some people only come for the women..which is as far as i am concerned stupid, as Thai women dont like farang they just like their money.

    I couldn't take a wife who only wanted an easy life and a free ride but really all she is waiting for is me to die so she can go home and make a house and marry the thai she has always told me is her little brother or cousin.

    I know a guy he employs his wife's little brother...well that guy is her boyfriend really i found out about it...but i ain't telling the farang because he has to learn himself.

    Broke in Thailand? yes! But it is still better life than being middle class in Europe.

    How many people in europe can afford a prawn and lemon grass soup every day eating out?

    Even your average Thai can afford to eat fresh fish, prawns and lots of other lovely stuff on a "Broke" budget.

    My 2 room condo apartment costs me 2700 baht a month and have internet for 300 a month 1mb another 100 baht a month gets me 50 cable tv channels...god i would have to work my ass off in Europe to keep all that together.

    The broke thing isnt important as if you have a lot of money here then you either just blow it all on uinnecessary luxuries (ie starbucks) or some woman or thai guy syphons it out of you.

    If you have nothing for them to take then they cant take it off you.

    U REALY R A SAD B-----D im happily married with a genuine thai wife. dont insult the thai ladys mines just read ur S---t and shes not happy, unnessary luxury what is that a coffee at starbucks u fool. if ur earning 17000 baht a month have u got a work permit ??? u need to pay taxes to help the economy of thailand, give me ur address and we can find out if ur paying ur way in thailand

  15. A noble idea from the OP, but TIT not the US or UK.

    USA has local vs. non local pricing as well. I know...encounter it every year when I go snowboarding.

    Can't remember about the UK.

    No legal reason for a class action suit; you can only speak with your feet.

    UK doesn't to the best of my knowledge, and I'm originally from one of the main tourism areas. Local/Non Local pricing has often been mooted but never implemented.

    I think it is something that we have to put up with. As you say, vote with your feet, thats what I do.

    there is no way you can have double pricing in the UK its a serious offence its called RACISM

  16. This thread prompted me to go and get some to stop all the bloody squeaky dorrs in my house.

    I went to Homepro in Carrefour as recommended, and as I was perusing the can of WD40 for 265 baht, a kind lady came and told me 'this same same sir, only 80 baht'.

    I thought what the hel_l, I'll try it and come back next week to buy some WD40. Well it worked a treat, my house is now squeakless, the only trouble is I can't hear the missus sneaking up on me :o

    It's called ThreeBond, in a red can with a directional straw taped to it, next to the WD40. Recommended

    i got wd40 from carrefour it was 165 baht but i will try the 3bond as u recommended it the next time my flys seize up :D

  17. has anyone tried the pattaya taxi meter cars yet and if so what are the prices like compared to bkk meters ??

    mm so no one has confirmed yet that they have seen a pattaya taxi meter actually use there meter yet ???? amazing why isnt there a hot line to complain there is with the baht buses and if there is a number of complaints they can lose their licence but ive never heard of a baht bus losing his licence bcos of the number of complaints ??? has anyone heard of this ??

  18. One of the new policies to be implemented by Khun ittipon:

    · environmental improvement

    · the implementation of an effective water supply for the city and Kho Larn (Coral Island)

    · a 12-year free education system

    · low-cost housing for low income groups

    · a new, improved traffic system

    · a tramline transportation system

    · flood prevention

    · job opportunities to decrease poverty

    · the eradication of Pattaya's red-light venue – Walking Street

    · the establishment of a drug-observation and prevention centre

    · the encouragement of ecotourism

    · the construction of a sports centre

    · the establishment of a tourism festival

    · the encouragement of world-class entertainment



    yer right and if my granny had balls she would b my :o

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