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Posts posted by oz93666

  1. You are not dealing with "the sharpest knives in the draw", intelligence, education all leave alot to be desired in many countries. People just blindly expect things to be the same wherever they go, they are not, and they dont stop to think about where they are and who they are actually dealing with.If they know what they are doing, if they are trained, if they have experience? Or is it just some local driven purely by money and has no clue as to the implications of his actions and unknowingly put lives in danger.

    That national average IQ of 87 bobs up again

    This is the real tradgedy, only breastfeeding and better nutrition can help.

  2. I've just purchased 50 x 100w panels from China (115,000Bht inc taxes delivered to Bangkok), on an overcast day they produce 10% (500w), if very dark and rainy 5% .... panells in UK are same as panels here and will work fine anywhere, used here the higher temperatures will give slight loss in efficency but more than made up for by increase in power due to 'stronger' sunlight

    I'm assuming you have an output meter - do you ever achieve the rated output of 5kW?

    After inverter losses 4.4kw at best : adverage daily output (in rain and sun) about 10 kwHrs (units) x 6.5Bht= 65Bht/day =23,725Bht/year . including cost of inverter and wires, total cost of system about 150,000Bht ( panels through Alibaba) , but I'll also save on the roof I'm building as I'll use the panels as the roofing panels, seal the gaps with silicon, this will also keep them cooler than fixing them ontop of a standard roof...

  3. -The panels do not stop working on a cloudy day, wow I have not heard someone say that in the last 20 years

    Try telling that to my neighbour...cloudy day means he has to switch back to mains power. The panels used in the UK couldn't take the heat here in Thailand...something to do with heat loss.

    Hopefully someone with a better working knowledge of solar energy will be along to explain why

    -The panels do not stop working on a cloudy day, wow I have not heard someone say that in the last 20 years

    Try telling that to my neighbour...cloudy day means he has to switch back to mains power. The panels used in the UK couldn't take the heat here in Thailand...something to do with heat loss.

    Hopefully someone with a better working knowledge of solar energy will be along to explain why

    I've just purchased 50 x 100w panels from China (115,000Bht inc taxes delivered to Bangkok), on an overcast day they produce 10% (500w), if very dark and rainy 5% .... panells in UK are same as panels here and will work fine anywhere, used here the higher temperatures will give slight loss in efficency but more than made up for by increase in power due to 'stronger' sunlight

    • Like 1
  4. something wrong with these numbers......"...small and medium-sized enterprises ,producing 10-250 megawatts of electricity... ": thats 70,000 to 1,750 000 square meters!!! ( 7sq m.=1kw) quite a big roof .... " Pongsak expects this project to result in at least 200MW of electricity generated by rooftop solar panels" ....so it's expected one small producer will result.

    • Like 1
  5. How would increasing the height of the building be any approach to addressing its tilting?

    I obviously missed something.

    probably the journalist meant to say strenghen the faulty area of the foundation and jack it up level !!.... .....NOTE TO EDITOR OF NATION why not have a farang read everything before you go to print ? cost about 1000Bt /day

    • Like 1
  6. I don't understand why farang's live in Thailand when they seem to abuse it, put it down, sarcastically comment on just about every part of society and how the country is run. If it is so bad why don't people head back to their own country. See a lot of this crap on here with people putting the place down. Sure it is not perfect but a lot of people don't give anything or anyone much a chance here and only assume that it has to be dodgy, something under the covers, a bribe, a lie - basically saying that everyone and everything in this country cannot be trusted. I don't know where these people hang out, but along with the bad there are a lot of good things and people in this country that earn a lot of respect from me. Sad people seem to think this country is so crap and yet you stay in it and keep ranting on.

    So how about all you negative sour people try saying something positive for once on this forum - eg. Good work Bangkok for being number 3. Otherwise don't bother venting your negativity.

    I susspect its due to the age group of the posters.... a lot of people who have retired; once the testosterone level starts to go down , your bliss rateing declines with it , and very soon your a GRUMPY OLD MAN!!!

  7. I often buy stuff on Ebay but only about 50% of unregistered parcels ever make it here.

    So far vendors or Paypal issue refunds but if that number is going to be any worse it will become more and more difficult to find anyone who will ship to Thailand. It is bad enough as it is.

    Over the past 3 years I've bought about 250 items on ebay ( a lot of dvds, rest mix of magnets , inverters, electronic components) 90% unregistered and have only lost 5 , these were mostly very small packets , and not something anyone would steal ( small electronic components) I think they genuinely got lost somewhere, also I very rarely pay import duty even on 1kg silver bar !!
  8. Any farang that puts 22 rai of land in the name of a Thai wife is insane. Do you think she married that old goat for love and companionship ? Thais marry all farang for money...nothing else.

    to be fair I don't think Thais discriminate here..... one example, the 45 year old brother of my (Thai) girlfriend recently married a very cute 23year old Thai girl, he has a lot of rubber trees making about 200,000Bht every month, she made it very clear that if he doesn't give her a good part of this to her and her side of the family every month then she's off back to mummy.....

  9. A major debate is raging across the developed world as to whether global warming (man-made or not) is a reality or not. But luckily someone at the weather centre in Thailand has the definitive answer.

    Amusing Thailand.

    The debate was over a long time ago.... the whole myth is a scam dreamed up by the likes of al gore (who's already made billions through carbon trading) with the aim of removing us from our money . When it dawned on them that the planet was entering a cooling phase due to reduced output from the sun then they changed 'global warming ' to ''climate change ' .. so that if gets hotter it's cos of CO2 and if it gets colder its cos of CO2... They think were all idiots ..... Anyway Thailand would be absolutely perfect if the temperature was to drop about 4 deg. C.. bring it on...

  10. Big time scam once more, the non-danger in like 99% of all cases should be obvious after even main stream media is questioning. Right, but just after the doses have been sold to the first wolrd and nobody wants them there. So you need markets where people are not that 'informed' yet and a simple scare that cost a few bucks to bribe a journalist will get you the sales you need.

    It is proven by statistics that children which never ever get ANY vaccine have stronger immune systems!

    Look at this please and think twice before you or your loved ones get the needles and the toxins in your blood-stream. This is shere madness and a hoax too, the WHO just changed the definition of pandemic to FORCE countries to react. In 'severe' cases of pandemic the UN is allowed to take over governments even and declare martial law.

    This pharma mafia wants nothing but your money, not your health it is they care for!!!

    watch: youtube.com/watch?v=hoQN1to3C2U

    All cases in which people died were related to PREVIOUS illnesses and were simply put in the swine flu death statistics to spread fear and a run for the vaccine...

    Embarassing indeed that they start here allover again. This is like dumping blankets full with small pox on your door-steps. That was what they did to native Americans btw.

    Need more proof ? Search YT for Codex Alimentarius

    Absolutely.... it will probably turn out these pour kids will have had the 'nasal spray' (containing live flue virus) or mixed with those who have..... death to the new world order... long live Alex

  11. cloudhopper I need used tubes so the power doesnt matter. I found some new ones today for 50 baht each but I hat to take apart a working bulb to use for growing algae. the tubes Im looking for are about 4ft long and about 1 inch in diameter. I was originally looking for a little larger dia. but I dont think they have them in thailand. Have fun rick aloha

    interested to Know if you or anyone else is still working in this area?... I have had some experience with fluorescent tubes, be careful cleaning out, contains trace of toxic mercury... I'm thinking way forward maybe recycled plastic water bottles, its basically about containing maximum volume of moving fluid for minimum cost.... the other way is two sheets of glass a few cms. apart sealed with silicon, but not very cost effective.... I live south Thailand looking for others to work with....

  12. dead right Maizefarmer..... it would be great if we could get cheap nutrient.... this shouldn't be difficult, nutrient doesn't have to be tailored to each plant, as long as it gets what it needs it will leave the rest (slightly wasteful on a massive scale), something like phosphogen..... a 50Kg bag of 15 15 15 for 1000Bt.(enough for about 25,0000 liters?)with micronutrients , but i don't think it should contain urea as this needs bacteria in the soil to make it available to plant?

  13. 62 million baht invested in 19000 businesses, that is only 3150bt each business. Figures dont sound right to me.

    It's time to make business. only 3150THB to become rich!!! Or perhaps i will wait a promotion: Buy one business, get one free :)

    comes to 31,500Bt/business....still not much, I'm sure an investigation will show these businesses bring money to Thailand not take it out

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