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Posts posted by iko

  1. Hi all, I'll be back to Phuket soon. Since I need a pretty delicate dental implant job, I was wondering if anyone can recommend someone in particular. It's just one tooth, but I've been butchered by a farang dentist back home and the situation is pretty delicate now. So I'm in need of someone really skilled in this kind of treatment (implant + bone grafting).

    Of course, after this past experience, I'm a bit terrorized and paranoid and need first-hand advice. Price is not a concern. Ability is.

    thanks in advance

  2. Hi all, I'll relocate to CM soon (from Phuket). Since I need a pretty delicate dental implant job, I was wondering if anyone can recommend someone in particular. It's just one tooth, but I've been butchered by a farang dentist back home and the situation is pretty delicate now. So I'm in need of someone really skilled in this kind of treatment (implant + bone grafting).

    Of course, after this past experience, I'm a bit terrorized and paranoid and need first-hand advice. Price is not a concern. Ability is.

    thanks in advance


  3. A straight case of attempted Murder,

    resulting in GBH,poor guy was lucky to have woken up before he bled to death.

    Happens too often in Thailand,but I only recall 1 case in America,guy called Bobby Lovett? or something like that.

    "hel_l hath no Fury like a woman scorned" certainly takes on a new meaning with some Thai females.

    I believe he was John Wayne Bobbit. Later on he shot a porn movie too. Women are much more violent than men. Have you evere seen 2 women fighting? It's scary.

  4. General warning - Please read before you post

    We let this topic stay open for serious and civil discussion.

    Be aware the person mentioned in this article has not yet been tried by a Court of Law.

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    If posters cannot follow these restrictions then the topic will be closed immediately and all members in violation of these restrictions will earn an immediate suspension.

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    Wow...I guess I better just lie low :ph34r:

    However, as a point of law, I will just say that Thailand's legal codes are modeled on the Continental European model (i.e., Napoleonic Codes rather than English common law) and as such there is generally NOT a presumption of innocence until proven guilty in a court of law for people arrested for criminal offenses. I believe the burden of proof is on the defendant to prove his innocence, rather than the State.

    Your idea about what you call "the continental european model" is quite weird. Please tell me one 'continental" country where it doesn't apply the presumption of innocence. Just one. thanks whistling.gif

  5. My last girlfriend had a habit of beating her own daughter for trivial things, I had to restrain her on a regular basis. She has now left me, a better offer elsewhere, or so she thought. It didn't work out, so she tried to get back with me, well I don't accept such behaviour and have moved on. The new one has also attacked me after getting drunk, I will forgive, just the once, does it again, she is out.

    This is a warning to everyone, sweet faces, pretty smile on the outside, dangerous, black hearts on the inside, we are little more than a Ferang with an ATM.

    I wonder where you pick your girls...

    I never have any physical fights with my Thai wife whom I have known since 1989.

    same here. although my wife can get so upset and angry of the strangest things (this is like any woman in my experience) she has never come at me with violence nor have I done so with her. it pays to date and marry a woman who has an education, is fluent in English, and has a professional job with a respectable company and even..... a career.

    Been living with my thai woman for almost 5 years. She has 0 education and I "picked" her in a bar in patong, but she never showed any violence towards me (or others). A good heart has little to do with education (and less than little with schooling). Some people are good, some are bad, just like that. And violence has nothing to do with booze or drugs too. Some drunks are violent, some are not. To spot a violent woman is not so difficult though, if you're not 15 years old. Some think they can change their wife/husband, but, then again, people don't change and the stabbing-type will never be the non peaceful one and viceversa.

    BTW, to be more pedantic, it's กิ๊ก and not กิก and the correct transliterationis gík.

    • Like 1
  6. Well, any website can be viewed, in most of its parts, on websites that keep record and save on the pages their server.

    I did know nothing about those websites before reading this post, but looking at their homepage, there is a picture (cartoon style)

    with 2 naked boys not older than 8 years. I'm not sure is convenient to attach the picture here. Anyway it looks very underage-oriented.


  7. I really get annoyed with the constant berating of Thai society I see on this page. I understand the Thais have different values than we do. The legal system is corrupt, as were all of our legal systems at some point in history. Every EXPAT residing in Thailand is here VOLUNTARILY, and most of you because your MONEY is more valuable here than at home. Even the highest minded person on this page likely takes advantage of his privileged status within Thai culture, and yet you seem to be the first to berate the Thais for aspiring in their own way to attain a small piece of what you have. I am not one of those pie eyed tourists infatuated with Thailand, having never left Sukhumvit. I have been here for some time, and I have seen all the good and bad Thailand has to offer. The bottom line is, as distasteful as I find some aspects of the culture, and as baffling as I find some Thai behaviors I realize that this is THEIR country. I have to conform to their value system, they do not have to conform to mine. Please I ask all of you economic refugees to stop taking your bitterness out on the Thais. They are living their lives, their way, in their country. We are all guests, and alot of us seem to forget it.

    Mate... Selling your daughter to a foreigner for a few bucks is ethically accceptable??

    Sure, we have to conform. And the fact is that having sex with a child is still considered illegal here, and immoral too, as strange as you can find. So, where aren't we "conforming" here? Spare us, please.

    • Like 1
  8. iko,

    You are right on the spot. Why then have a consulate office? Why then warn citizens not to visit a country when in danger? The health and welfare of the citizens should be its concern not only shaking hands with Foreign Minister and ambassadors of other countries.

    Have you ever heard of travel insurance agencies?

    Of course embassies also offer a certain services for their fellow countrymen, but they are not a welfare institution.

    So sad and tragic individual cases maybe, that is not the job of an embassy to help here out.

    Yes, i've also heard othat "stuff happens", and btw also if he had an insurance, maybe by now he'd be already over the coverage limit. Anyway, I think cases like this don't happen everyday and don't jeopardize the financial state of any state (let alone the strong germany). And I'm pretty sure that germany has a good welfare. So this guy can be hospitalized and helped till he stays within his country borders but cannot be helped anymore if he crosses the borders? Lawful or not, it sounds very inhumane to me. Who's the third world country now? Thailand, or Germany?

  9. I quite don't understand the embassy at all. I was under the impression that an embassy must provide financially to countrymen who are in trouble aborad. I'm pretty sure an englishman (friend of a friend) got his ticket paid from the embassy to go back to england. I was under the impression that they Must help you out and then you have to give the money back once resettled. Am I wrong then?

    You got that wrong. The main idea behind an embassy is to have a established diplomatic connection between the two involved states and not to be an emergency service for fellow countrymen in distress.

    If it were just that, why bothering openin the consulates "to the public"? I'm investigating now what is the state of the art in Italy. Let you know if they must provide or not (obviously this has nothing to do with the german embassy).

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