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Posts posted by 3zie

  1. We are in the garment sector and we just found out that the old government had passed a law, in all silence, to increase the wages for all operators in our sector based on their skills. Only thing holding this back (for now) is the garment association is fighting this in court.

    It all sounds fair until you know how high the increase is.

    At current our workers have a min income of 175THB/day + Eff bonus @ average 60THB/day = 235THB/day which makes us the highest paying company in our area.

    The new system:

    single skilled operators (10% of our operators) min wage @ 250THB excl. Bonus

    Multi-skilled operators (90%) @ min Wage of 340THB excl Bonus

    supervisors @ 430THB

    If this were to come in place we will be forced to close within 1 onth after it going into effect!

    The 300THB/day that the new government has promised can include all bonuses and therefore could make us, as a healthy company just survive.

    But lots of other companies, like some of our neighbors have already told us that if the 300THB were to come into effect that they won't be able to hold heads above water...

    So.... Foreign Firms plan to keep investing??

  2. European citizen

    Looking for Job as Production Manager

    Prefered sector = Garment/textile (But open for other sector)

    8years of work experience with 4years in sector (current position)

    Curent possition: Expat for European Company: 'Production Manager' in Garment Factory (+400 pers/Khon Kaen Area)

    Languages: English, Dutch & Thai Fluently speaking

    French & German Advanced

    Experience in: Lean Manufacturing, 6-sigma, merchandising (good negotiation- & sourcing skills), Efficient & quality producing, order planning, startup factory...

    Promisse: High savings on accesory & production cost, High performance with minimal of people assured

  3. Well I can tell you that we have good international speeds with the 2/1 Mbps. is 1,790 Bahts which we use in the Office.

    I don't know how about the cheaper packages but I assume that those would still be faster (International) than f.e. ToT or Maxnet

  4. I just read a forum of reviews about Maxnet (put maxnet thailand into google, first link) and it wasn't good. So I guess I'll hold fire and try to find out more about TOT

    If I were you, I would skip looking for ToT as it is even worse than Maxnet.

    Check if CAT telecom is available, they are way better.

  5. It will depend on the age of your TV but if he is not older than 5 years a VGA-cable should do it. just connect your tv like you should connect your notebook to a normal PC-screen. There are shortcut key's on your notebook to switch from notebook screen to tv screen.

  6. Maybe you should start looking for some other provider. I do live in the Khon Kaen area and overthere they have K-tv. Just started using there services as a test (and still using True). Since 1 August 2009 they have upgraded their services and I think since they are a very good alternative for True Visions.

    They even have Eurosport which means that every mayor cycling tour will be broadcast. The other channels do broadcast premier league, FA, Champions & Euro League etc.

    There are some good english movie & soap alternatives for Star World, True series & Star Movies.

    There is only 1 negative point and that is the quality of pictures which is much better with UBC but for the low cost of KTV that is the price I am willing to pay.


  7. Personally I fail to see the problem. If someone is a genuine tourist they ahve nothing to fear. On the other hand if they are working on tourist visas tnen they only have themselves to blame.

    Try pulling the same stunt in the EU, the US or Australia. Anyone caught doing that would be tossed out immediately and possibly be banned from the country for ever. It seems to me that despite all the crackdowns Thailand is still very generous at this stage and lots of people are abusing the system.

    Incidentally an Australian I work with recently went to Canada on a tourist visa and she was interrogated for three whole hours. She thinks it may because she was born in Armenia. Who knows but it seems Thailand won't be the only country to interrogate some tourists.

    Totally agree with this

  8. My two daughters are younger and wherever we go they will get a lot of attention. What annoys me is that it is only because of their skin colour……this is racism and I hate it.

    That's racism is it?

    Seems like people just think your daughters are cute. You should be proud not pissed off.


    and that's just what people do arround here... for instance, our neighbour has a beautiful boy of about 2years old, 100% Thai, and everybody wants to touch and carry him around. His parents don't find it strange. Nothing to do with racism... Be proud!!!

  9. Som Nam Na... :)

    I have been to Thailand countless times, and each of those times - without fail, I have seen a bunch of Australians and/or other nationalities behaving badly and treating the Thai community with the lowest of respect. The Thai people work hard for their money and obviously don't appreciate theft as a 'practical joke'. These people need to use more common sense. You are leaving Australia to VISIT a very different country with different morals, culture, people and traits. While we might think it's a big "ha-ha" stealing a bar mat, The locals obviously do not.

    The hospitality portrayed by the Thai people cannot be faulted, They are friendly, talkative, welcoming and very caring. You would not find such hospitality many other places around the world. When drunken hooligans come crashing into their town expecting them to bend over backwards, I am not surprised the Thai Police have little or no tolerance for foreigners.

    Totaly agree... We are VISITERS. Visiters should always respect their Hosts.

  10. I do think right now is the quiet before the storm in 6 months the Great Depression will be here. Economic upheaval the likes of which Thailand has never seen. No jobs, no money coming in no savings overpriced Baht!

    I don't know where you guys are from but there is no such thing as an overpriced Baht. I assume you are UK citizen and so I do understand your point... But it's not due to the Baht but due to the GBP which is EXTREMLY weak at this moment (and the last 12months). The value of GBP:Baht and EUR:Baht before a year1/2 ago used to be 1:+70 and 1:+45 while at the moment 1GBP:52Baht 1EUR:46Baht. Ok, last year (June-August) the Baht has been very weak but has recovered to his old value (compared to EUR and Dollar)

  11. No plastic bags = better environment

    ok, everyone agrees but while slicing melons and watermelons, peeling carrots and bananas, where are you going to throw them together with all your waste ? What is the difference between a rubbish bin double-capped with 2 white "TESCO-LOTUS" plastic bags instead of a black rubbish bag ? Let's do not ignore also the final purpose of a plastic bag ....

    IF they would start by selling only biodegradable garbage bags (as they do in most European countries) then that makes a big difference...

  12. Cutting back on plastic bags

    BANGKOK: -- On the occasion of Earth Day yesterday, the Natural Resource and Environment Ministry launched a campaign to cut plastic-bag consumption in the country by at least 10 per cent. Currently, Thais dispose of 1,800 tonnes of used plastic bags every day.

    Can that number be right?

    If 1 tonne = 1,000 kgs or 1,000,000 grams, and the average shopping bag (according to online sources) weighs 5.5 grams, and if Thais are diposing of 1,800 tonnes daily, that would work out to 327,272,727 bags everyday. In a country of 65,000,000 people that would work out to each and every Thai disposing of just over 5 bags each day, or 35 a week. And remember, that's 5 for each Thai including babies, school children, the elderly, etc. Seems ridiculously high to me, but perhaps my math is wrong.

    Your calculations look right to me... When my better half goes to the market (almost every evening) she returns with at least 10 medium sized plastic bags. Add to this a weekly Big C visit and some other shopping activities...

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