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Posts posted by Mousehound

  1. If you teach people English it opens up the world to them. Then they can understand how the rest of the world functions and subsequently may not be happy with some of the ways in Thailand if they have that information.

    Pretty much the mushroom syndrom

    "If you teach people English it opens up the world to them. Then they can understand how the rest of the world functions ..."

    Television and the Internet open the world to them whether or not they are fluent in English. Even the "natives" in places like France, Germany & Japan manage to figure out what's going on without speaking a word of English.

    Your thesis sounds like something someone would say in the past when claiming all the "benefits" of colonialism.

    They'd probably benefit more in the future if they were taught Chinese.

    I assume you mean Mandarin? I think any one would do well to learn Mandarin - but - the world business language is English. That is why so many Chinese are taught it.

  2. I have been in business for over forty years in Australia. No longer. The government interference, tax, cost of doing business is such that although every business I have ever run made at least a decent living I would be far more interested in starting up in Thailand. I see quite a few pretty successful businesses here in Thailand owned by farangs. I think I would be starting fairly small, ensure I had a product in demand and keep overheads down. Risk a bit to test the market and find out what works. Observe in detail similar businesses and work out what they do well. Then if you have experience in running businesses it could well be worth while. A note about competition: I never much worried too much if there was someone doing something similar. Strangely, if I was opening up a restaurant I would look to open up as close to another successful restaurant and target a similar audience. I would offer alternative menu. Most of their clientele will give you try and then it depends on how well you do what you do best.

  3. I actually have a couple that "beg' at my feet when I eat dinner at home. I drop little bits of food and they devour it, they like rice, pasta, fruit, and meat, they don"t seem to like cheese.


    I love them. When I am back in Thailand they make it feel like I'm home. The cheese might give them nightmares!

  4. Following on: I understand that a couple on a retirement visa - such as stated above are under the man's visa and the wife is a dependant spouse. I am led to believe that the first 90 day reporting would need to be in person - does that mean both have to attend? Also, on subsequent 90 day reporting if done by mail, would separate reporting for the husband and wife be required? As OP I am referring to a non-Thai couple.

    The first report needs to done in person. One of them could do the reports for both of them if both reports are due at the same time. They would each need a completed TM47 form.

    They could mail the reports together if they are due at the same time.

    Thanks Ubonjoe - as always succinct and informative.

  5. Following on: I understand that a couple on a retirement visa - such as stated above are under the man's visa and the wife is a dependant spouse. I am led to believe that the first 90 day reporting would need to be in person - does that mean both have to attend? Also, on subsequent 90 day reporting if done by mail, would separate reporting for the husband and wife be required? As OP I am referring to a non-Thai couple.

  6. As jack said a Nicobar P. These are a pretty rare animal in Thailand and I have never seen one. Only seen on the SW islands that run along the peninsular. They are also found mainly on islands throughout the Malaysian and Indonesian archipelagand so not confined to Thailand.

    Am I good looking?


    Really nice!
    Looks like painted,
    maybe jack or mousehound have a name for that one?

    Very nice shot TP1.

    It's a Nicobar Pigeon which can be found in the Ko Similan islands. I haven't seen one myself.

    • Like 1
  7. In ref to OPs comment on service in Australia. Just had my immaculate scooter serviced (18000km) - required a 120km round trip. Six hour wait - usually its "pick it up tomorrow". I provided oil. They checked fluid. Nothing else to do except change filter. I had a new belt and rollers fitted. Cost 12500 Bht - yes, that is twelve thousand five hundred! Can't wait to get back to CM.

  8. Noticed a little blob about 3mm in size on the gatepost

    Original size first picture, followed by zoom macro picture.



    It just occurred to me that this may be a picture of ants mimicking a spider - the front antennae are long and resemble legs - spiders are of course eight legged, whilst the ant is an insect with the usual six legs.

    • Like 2
  9. If my American mates boast once again how well their dollar is doing I am going to do something seriously nasty to them. Like put ice in their beer. Forget that, they already do it.

    I know I'll shove koala poop down their throats.

    You may have missed it, but when you get more Baht for your Dollar, it means Dollar is doing pretty well.

    I didn't miss it but maybe I was being a bit subtle - I'm only interested in the Australian dollar.

    I think it's time the yanks paid for a few beers for us poor Ausies!

  10. I'm an expat that did not want to live the rest of my life in UK. I didn't hate it but I was not happy there. I have spent most of the last fifty years working and living in many countries and they all have problems but they all have benefits as well. I have found so many people in every country that have been a delight and Thailand is no exception. In Thailand I have met many great Thai people and many positive and helpful expats who enjoy life. I hope I am in the later group at least most of the time. Some may say I wear Rose Tinted Glasses, but by en large I enjoy meeting people and enjoy my life. I don't let negative vibes get to me, and that seems to work best.

  11. I agree that American coffee tends to be very weak - seven years in NY experience, but in fairness I was introduced to coffee in Turkey as a youngster where we lived for a couple of years and that really is strong stuff. I really like BisB - they do a good job. On tea - I am currently a ten cup a day minimum man, and enjoy Twining's Assam Bold (in a silver grey box -5 leaves rated ). With milk but no sugar. If tea can't turn the enamel on a cup black, it isn't worth drinking. But then I miss fried bread with marmalade - so I am a challenged person!

  12. You can clean with sugar soap. A roll is usually colour coded to a batch so even if you get the same print and colour it will most likely be a different shade. Paper also fades with time. You will most likely need to do at least a complete wall panel. Easy to do. Look it up on YouTube.

  13. A poor pic of an Archduke but not sure exactly which. Could be Common or Malayan Archduke or something else. Hope someone can positively ID it.

    Taken from Kaeng Krachan NP. Thanks.

    How about "Black-tip Archduke"? This is a pretty worn specimen but the brighter forewing tips and darh antennae coulbcd be significant. The Common has quite pale antenna tips (yellow). The Black-tip is a malay/peninsular Thailand species. Rated as "uncommon" by Ek-Amnuay.

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